- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
Yay, a fellow KSPer! Though I’m just barely over at 1,041 hrs.
- Comment on My Pleasure, Sold, and Sure Will! 5 months ago:
Oh God, that manual degauss is so satisfying. Nostalgia hit. 😊
- Comment on I have no idea how to react to this. 5 months ago:
Bottom of their sign says: “SpongeBob SquarePants fan club meetings in Tyron’s mom’s basement. Every Wednesday at 7:30PM”
- Comment on HP CEO pay for 2023 = 270,315 printer cartridges 1 year ago:
Afghanistan, 2007, our quartermaster ordered 40 quarts of turbine oil. Two weeks later they started dropping off the forty 55 gallon drums he ordered. We were giving them away to everyone on base.
- Comment on Fuck this. I am creating a new language. Some guy in 2006. 1 year ago:
Yeah, I noticed the times, that’s why I was letting you know. 😁
- Comment on Fuck this. I am creating a new language. Some guy in 2006. 1 year ago:
OP commented if you didn’t notice:
For those who don’t know, Graydon Hoare created rust language after seeing memory bug on out of order elevator.
- Comment on Downfall (Steam Standalone) was Breached. Please read. 1 year ago:
Hah, I just started playing it and realized the mechanics are exactly like Rogue Adventure that I play on my phone. I will like this game. 😊
- Comment on Downfall (Steam Standalone) was Breached. Please read. 1 year ago:
Yes, I do feel the need to donate and buy products from people and companies who act morally correct. I also do the opposite and not buy products from companies who notify users months after the fact or act morally corrupt. Capitalism can work both ways, that’s how boycotts work.
- Comment on Downfall (Steam Standalone) was Breached. Please read. 1 year ago:
I don’t own this game, and it doesn’t look like the type I would play, but I’m buying it to support the devs. It looks like they responded quickly to the breach and were fully open and transparent to the community.
- Comment on Researchers warn that Windows 11 restrictions could send 240 million computers to landfills 1 year ago:
Why not a N100 though? Faster, lower TDP, and it’s built in graphics support hardware AV1 decoding (J5005 doesn’t).