- Comment on idiot 5 months ago:
Doesn’t count, I’m on my phone
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
That’ll stay blue, thank you
- Comment on Why is UI design backsliding? 5 months ago:
Can you tell me more about that save menu?
- Comment on Why is UI design backsliding? 5 months ago:
I miss native apps being the norm (and I don’t mean Chromium disguised as a native app).
- Comment on [rant?] I'm hopeful for the future of technology 5 months ago:
Thank you for the heads-up! I admit I relied on hearsay on how RCS works, I just assumed it had E2EE. Actually, I did almost send personally identifiable information over RCS, but decided not to, I’ll take that as divine intervention protecting me (lol). Thanks again.
- Comment on Researchers develop lithium-sulfur battery that can be cut, folded - Energy Storage 5 months ago:
RPG ahh battery
- Comment on [rant?] I'm hopeful for the future of technology 5 months ago:
Addendum: Today was also my first ever message received via RCS. I know the person through WhatsApp, but he messaged me via, just, phone number. I have an Android, but what does he have? I dunno, but it works, and it’s awesome. I sent text, image, audio, video, read receipts with a device whose corporation is probably competing with the one of my phone.
Ahh, this is what the engineers had imagined 50+ years ago, and we’re living it.
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy 5 months ago:
L’esprit de l’escalier, should’ve said 1.21 jiggawatt flux capacitor
- Comment on Why is UI design backsliding? 5 months ago:
There’s Office online, which has a free tier and a “365” tier, whatever that means. Like that you have Office available 365 days a year? Good luck on February 29th, I guess. /j
Anyway, Microsoft transitioned Office into a subscription-based model, which I abhor because I just want to have a piece of software without feature updates, just bug and security fixes. So Office 365 is just normal Office, but on a subscription basis.
- Comment on ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy 5 months ago:
I wanted to exaggerate for comedic purposes, I had 500MW written initially 😄
- Comment on Why is UI design backsliding? 5 months ago:
I’ve used Office 2003, 2007, 2010 etc. all the way up to 365 not for work purposes, but just happened to have interacted with all of the versions.
I have to say, I seriously don’t know what happened, but Office 2003-2007 feels the most stable and least clunky versions of Office (at least Word) in terms of basic word processing.
I learned how to properly edit and format text in Word in university in a way that I could, without fail, reproduce almost any text design you could think of. When I was learning it on Office 2007 I believe, everything was so stable and predictable. Now when somebody asks me to format some text with 365, the styles functionality continually keeps bugging out and doing stupid shit that I basically can’t recover from unless I create a blank file.
In conclusion, Office 2007 > 365
- Comment on ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy 5 months ago:
I wonder if would you get your electricity cut off if you plugged in a 750kW industrial oil drill in your backyard
- Comment on Pagers and walkie-talkies over cellphones – a security expert explains why Hezbollah went low-tech for communications. 5 months ago:
Iunno, divine inspiration? /j
- Comment on Pagers and walkie-talkies over cellphones – a security expert explains why Hezbollah went low-tech for communications. 5 months ago:
I thought that only happened in GTA 5 😕
- Comment on Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure | Proton 6 months ago:
Generally you’d want to strive for perfection, but not go crazy over it and mantain a balance in all things, risk vs. benefit, that sort of thing, hence the saying
- Comment on Google’s head of Pixel 9 design won’t apologize for its big, beautiful camera bump 6 months ago:
That sounds subjective, in that case just down vote and move on, no point in trying to find the right answer here.
- Comment on Google’s head of Pixel 9 design won’t apologize for its big, beautiful camera bump 6 months ago:
Chinese brands are wild and they make the craziest shit
- Comment on Google’s head of Pixel 9 design won’t apologize for its big, beautiful camera bump 6 months ago:
There’s a 240W charging prototype by Otto IIRC
- Comment on Lucky to be alive? Come on now, thats a stretch. 6 months ago:
It was a 12 year old spring? What about the boy?
- Comment on Lucky to be alive? Come on now, thats a stretch. 6 months ago:
Is it a 40ft or a 12m spring?
- Comment on Health food 6 months ago:
I would dare to say that the Mediterranean has the best fresh produce in the world (not biased, I’m from the north).
- Comment on Close call 6 months ago:
Man, and I think I’m pathetic because I don’t meal prep 2 weeks in advance and have my house sparkling clean and tidy all the time…
- Comment on Health food 6 months ago:
Or just not GMO at all, it depends on what type of strawberries exist in the world already. I have noticed that the more “marketable” strawberries look, the less sweet and more acidic they taste, unlike strawberries that are grown by your grandma, which look like ass sometimes, but man, are they tasty! Can’t say about pesticides and stuff like that, or if they even are GMO, and also I live in Europe.
- Comment on Feeling cute. Might delete later. 6 months ago:
I love how it’s been days since that rumor has been debunked and yet people still bring it up like it has any factual value. I want to hear the actual bad things JD Vance did, and not a imagined reality.
- Comment on Nut Recipes 7 months ago:
Very interesting! Something that was missing from me in the 2nd article is whether the food allergy persisted after he rid himself of worms, which I assume that it did, given how he had traded the food allergy for a constant stomachache.
Still very interesting and all this stuff reminds me of the fact that don’t yet know almost anything in medicine and are often just treating illnesses once they come, sometimes in gruesome or expensive ways, and I’m not sure we should immediately discard all alternative medicine as useless or ineffective, maybe it’s only effective in rare cases and we don’t know what those cases look like.
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
You’re lying. 42 a day is the limit.
- Comment on trending on facebook 8 months ago:
It’s funny since it should then be “chicken broth” if translated, no? Also the “posho” spelling is funny, since it’s the same word “pollo”
- Comment on Impossibly thin fabric could cool you down by 16-plus degrees 8 months ago:
Yeah but he was being pedantic over the word “impossibly”. If we can make 1 atom thin sheets, then it’s not impossible, right?
- Comment on Google's AI Overviews now link to Wikipedia and LinkedIn more than Reddit, study finds 8 months ago:
The fuck? Get off the internet for a bit and touch some grass