- Comment on The fact that Trepanation For Thou Also? III came before II or I is really a bold move on their part 1 year ago:
What do you expect the all-powerful amphibian to do with everyone’s clothes?
Just leave them on??!
- Comment on The fact that Trepanation For Thou Also? III came before II or I is really a bold move on their part 1 year ago:
It’s just an A.I. learning how to name Star Trek episodes.
Coming soon: A sequel called “Star Trek: Synths” about a ship of androids with one human–with a cast that is all Deepfakes except one human–written and produced by software and one human.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x09 "The Inner Fight" 1 year ago:
“Robbie McDunc”?
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x09 "The Inner Fight" 1 year ago:
Lower Decks has as much (more even) blatant fan service as Picard season 3, although because it is a comedy I find it more forgivable and less grating than I did in the other show.
Agree with your agreement here. If I unloaded my feelings about all the fanboy moments in Terry’s Picard, it would actually be unpleasant to read…so I won’t. How about I just say that you’re super right about Sito Jaxa, too. I thought the connection to that episode was very sweet, and really enjoyed hearing Mariner talk about how much the Dominion War sucked, too. It made sense to me that she’d be more comfortable getting that out with a stranger than her friends, at least when I think about the guys I was in the Navy with.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x09 "The Inner Fight" 1 year ago:
Oh, man, I totally missed this when I watched the episode…I remember bumping a little when I heard the line “I was betrayed by my crew,” but just being confused instead of grasping the implications. The whole thing makes way more sense now. Thank you for spelling it out for me!
I’m so glad is here for this kind of thing–it made my life better today!