- Comment on Shower Thought: Being a republican who hates the liberals is a good thing 1 month ago:
the liberals is very clearly the LNP.
- Comment on Happy Gravy Day! 2 months ago:
Where did this bullshit come from?
- Comment on Lemmy 0.19.4 8 months ago:
Is there anything that can be done about the missing vote counts?
- Comment on Lemmy 0.19.4 8 months ago:
Must be a very long distance; I’m getting notifications 6 days late. 🤣
- Comment on Lemmy 0.19.4 8 months ago:
I can’t see vote counts of other instances since the update, every comment is just 0, and also I’m finding images are super slow to load or just don’t load at all.
Using Boost.
- Comment on Anyone know what 'natural flavours' means on label packaging? 8 months ago:
Even the strictest vegan eats about kilo of bugs ever year; there’s far bigger things to worry about in life.
- Comment on Anyone know what 'natural flavours' means on label packaging? 8 months ago:
Said it in my other reply, intellectual property, Coke for example don’t what to list all the ingredients.
- Comment on Anyone know what 'natural flavours' means on label packaging? 8 months ago:
Sure, if it’s not a known allergen/high risk, why would a company risk their IP.
- Comment on Anyone know what 'natural flavours' means on label packaging? 8 months ago:
It’s probably a trade off between telling you what it really is and protecting IP.
Also, do you really want to know natural flavour could be smashed beatle anus?
- Comment on YouTube offers virtual trophies so you can feel bad about quitting premium 9 months ago:
YouTube ReVanced for Android phones and tablets.
Smarttube for Android TV.
And there’s an array of ways to block ads in a web browser.
- Comment on Media Release: The Bureau issues a warning for a G4 geomagnetic storm 9 months ago:
Did I really need a sarcasm tag?
- Comment on Media Release: The Bureau issues a warning for a G4 geomagnetic storm 9 months ago:
Explains why my Wifi speaker keeps dropping off my network tonight.
- Comment on SBS advertising Tucker Carlson event in Aus 10 months ago:
A further aside… Blokada 5 works on Android TV.
- Comment on Recommend me a music streaming service? 10 months ago:
Going from $17 to $34 a month isn’t remotely acceptable or a good deal.
Google, and all the other billion dollar companies, can eat shit! Constantly increasing the price without adding value. You pay and you pay and don’t own anything.
Blocking ads on YouTube is really simple and free. Netflix, Disney, F1, all of them, are easy to find for free. I’ve gone back to piracy for everything this year. I’ve had enough.
- Comment on Recommend me a music streaming service? 10 months ago:
I took the view that I don’t need to match the millions of songs offered by streaming services, I had a liked list of about 800 songs and rarely play anything else.
If I wasn’t moving between devices and locations; I could probably go back to just filling my phone with music.
I’m still in the experimental stage and I’m not 100% sold on the way Jellyfin handles music. Using Symfonium as the front end and it seems to get around the weirdness of Jellyfin, especially on the car, since Android Auto is a must.
- Comment on Recommend me a music streaming service? 10 months ago:
What’s your home internet like? Got an old PC you can use as a server?
Like you, I’m refusing to cop that massive price increase and I’ve decided to ditch yet another monthly sub.
I’ve dropped my old MP3 collection into Jellyfin and started streaming myself. Using my “liked” song list to shortly update my collection.
- Comment on Let’s make mooning tourist vehicles as normal and Australian as doing a shoey! 11 months ago:
Have you ever done a shoey?
I showed my arse to plenty of people, but I’ve never drink from a grotty shoe, not sure I ever would.
- Comment on NBNCo reveals plans to uograde speed tiers 11 months ago:
I can’t wait to not be able to access this on my shitty fucking FTTN.
- Comment on 'A bit of fun': Olympic showjumping champion Shane Rose cleared after being stood down for wearing a mankini 1 year ago:
If you can lay in the street drunk and keep your job as a politician, you can definitely ride a horse in swimmers, can’t believe this even made the news.
- Comment on Support for Australia Day celebration on January 26 drops: new research 1 year ago:
It’s become a day/weekend for bogan flag waves to get drunk and annoy the shit out everyone.
It’s the only long weekend I stay home and don’t go camping due to ever increasing fuckwits.
The entire idea of Australia Day means nothing to me anymore.
- Comment on My children when I tell them “no” for literally any reason 1 year ago:
School holidays here is Australia; can relate all too well!
- Comment on Lemmy 0.19 Upgrade TODAY 1 year ago:
Ahhhhh logouts… That explains what happened to me.
Thanks for your efforts!
- Comment on Please recommend your cheaper, reliable SSDs 2TB+ (4TB ideal) 1 year ago:
Running 2x ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro M.2 NVMe, 500Gb for OS and VMs and a 2Tb for games and documents.
I figured it was worth the gamble on this cheaper brand since everything important is synched/baked up to my server.
AAANNNDD that server is synched to my old NAS.
- Comment on Please recommend your cheaper, reliable SSDs 2TB+ (4TB ideal) 1 year ago:
I’ve been running a couple ADATA Nvme drives since 2019. No issues and they’re fast.
- Comment on What's the deal with buying single cans out of a multipack at a bottle shop? (Australia) 1 year ago:
I’ve never seen “Not for individual sale” on alcohol.
- Comment on Boy, 15, given official warning after saluting as neo-Nazis marched through Ballarat 1 year ago:
Shitting your pants being taken for question and given an official warning… That’s not exactly getting away with it.
And for the 50th time; they’re 15 years old, had not other issues, wasn’t known to the police and wasn’t part of the group.
- Comment on Boy, 15, given official warning after saluting as neo-Nazis marched through Ballarat 1 year ago:
Oh for fuck sake, teens do stupid thing, we all did stupid things as teens without thinking about the consequences, get a grip.
- Comment on Boy, 15, given official warning after saluting as neo-Nazis marched through Ballarat 1 year ago:
Wrong and wrong…
If you really think there’s no different between 15 and 18, then give a 15yr old alcohol, give them a licence and let them vote.
They’re a kid that a group of Nazi fuckwits marched past and they reacted with a Nazi salute, that it.
- Comment on Boy, 15, given official warning after saluting as neo-Nazis marched through Ballarat 1 year ago:
He’s a 15yr old kid!
- Comment on What happens of you use the gas from the exhaust pipe to inflate a tire? 1 year ago:
There’s going to be a limit to how much pressure before stalling and/or damaging the engine, but it would inflate, and as the gases cooled, it would deflate somewhat.
Exhaust jacks are used in 4x4 recovery, so an engine can lift a car, but they seem pretty limited and dangerous and over only seen one used once in my ~25yrs off road.