- Comment on 1 year ago:
Lol if you drag the China country to the South Pole it glitches and then covers the rest of the world minus Antarctica. 😊
- Comment on 1 year ago:
If by slightly you mean nearly 20%, I believe that’s only because of Alaska, then it would be smaller. The real crazy huge one is modern day Russia which is easily double Australia and almost 80% larger than the United States.
- Comment on Real! 1 year ago:
Right, what’s ‘Dutch’?
- Comment on Paris votes to crack down on SUVs | Non-Parisians will be charged almost $20 per hour to park large gas or hybrid vehicles within the city center in a bid to address pedestrian safety and air pollu... 1 year ago:
No good point, I appreciate discussions!
I think they know if it didn’t exempt city residents there would be enough backlash from eligible voters it wouldn’t pass. Seeing as it’s a fine and not a ban it can have secondary effects of improving safety and the environment but primarily it will raise money.
- Comment on Paris votes to crack down on SUVs | Non-Parisians will be charged almost $20 per hour to park large gas or hybrid vehicles within the city center in a bid to address pedestrian safety and air pollu... 1 year ago:
Well they also exempt taxis and city residents so it’s not about safety or the environment it’s about the money.
- Comment on YSK: Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuit mix makes fantastic waffles. 1 year ago:
I’m just having trouble picturing how the spacer works without ripping the waffle apart when removed. Is it like a rod? Cause I’m picturing a ping pong paddle type spacer but that wouldn’t pull out, or are the waffle top and bottom not cooked together?
- Comment on YSK: Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuit mix makes fantastic waffles. 1 year ago:
Yeah but tell me more about this stuffed waffle maker. I have never heard of these and as I type I realize I sound like the shill part two… still curious though, does it make like a waffle sandwich?
- Comment on The man who owes Nintendo $14m: Gary Bowser and gaming’s most infamous piracy case 1 year ago:
It’s also a character in some of their games! 😅
- Comment on Can I just convert to Judaism tomorrow and get a free vacation to Israel? 1 year ago:
No, they don’t mean Jews religiously. They mean Jewish through heritage, similar to the way many countries do citizenship by birthright rather than birthplace (like the US does). In Hebrew law(?) the birthright is passed down by the mother as prior to genealogy that was a surefire way of proving your parent is who they say they are.
My information is secondhand and any corrections are welcome.
- Comment on Outrage as Oklahoma Republican’s bill labels Hispanic people ‘terrorists’ 1 year ago:
So any business that hires Hispanic workers is now aiding and abetting known terrorists. I’d put $10 down that JJ or his relatives have such a business.
I’d even be fairly certain that if he changed the language to “being in the US illegally” that he or someone close to him would still be culpable.
- Comment on Your washing machine could be sending 3.7 GB of data a day — LG washing machine owner disconnected his device from Wi-Fi after noticing excessive outgoing daily data traffic 1 year ago:
Clickbait, he tweeted “inaccuracy in the ASUS router tool” later on.
- Comment on eBay hit with $3M fine, admits to “terrorizing innocent people” 1 year ago:
Please read the article before commenting.
- Comment on Can you survive on pickles alone, for a while? 1 year ago:
Yeah they said only pickles, and even with the liquid in the pickles it’s so briny that unless they are also drinking additional water their kidneys would keep using more water the same way drinking salt water would cause. I took the question as only pickles and that, as you said, would only last until dehydration sets in. Now if they have unlimited fresh water I’d say until malnutrition so maybe a few weeks, a few horrible weeks. Just playing along and speculating, I am not a MD.
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
Who do you think would be the DNC candidate?
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
Chick-fil-A minions*
- Comment on Oh hey, I heard Star Trek got mentioned on the news! Let's just go check and- 1 year ago:
You know what I had forgotten those details. Good recall!
- Comment on Oh hey, I heard Star Trek got mentioned on the news! Let's just go check and- 1 year ago:
Yeah I thought about the Kirk-Uhura kiss but two things, they aren’t currently openly saying that shouldn’t be allowed (on Fox News) and considering she was a Yeoman or a Lieutenant at the time being kissed by her Captain is right along the “grab em by the pussy” narrative they side with.
You are right if they looked at any of the social establishments that the franchise embraces they would hate it.
- Comment on Oh hey, I heard Star Trek got mentioned on the news! Let's just go check and- 1 year ago:
My opinion: these hosts have to be so polarized on every opinion that they have to choose a side. Star Trek or Star Wars, she claims to not endorse Star Wars since it’s too “buzzword” and now has to identify as the opposite, despite having no knowledge or affection for the Star Trek franchise. I don’t know if it’s just the screenshot where she’s doing the hand signal backwards, but that’s about the most basic layman Star Trek cultural identifier out there. So of course she doesn’t know they have had non and third gendered species since TOS & Enterprise, along with a myriad of other issues addressed that she would get fired from that channel if she even reported on them as options.
- Comment on Dark side of Starbucks app: Coffee giant accused of rigging payments to the tune of nearly $900 million over 5 years | Fortune 1 year ago:
Well… as someone who thinks he spends more money at Starbucks than is smart I’d go as far to say anyone going there is a little dumb lol
- Comment on Dark side of Starbucks app: Coffee giant accused of rigging payments to the tune of nearly $900 million over 5 years | Fortune 1 year ago:
And yet they still claimed an average of $180,000,000 a year the past 5 years that people didn’t spend.
I’m with you this is something Starbucks probably doesn’t engineer, it’s just people being dumb.
- Comment on Dukat is upset they still haven't built a statue of him in the parking lot for pushing a cart into traffic 1 year ago:
And then Julian’s plan would cause more chaos than had it not been implemented because one person went ahead and returned their cart.
- Comment on Judo vs Thai Boxing 1 year ago:
Debatable but it really looks like he does it accidentally while scrambling off his opponent.
- Comment on Judo vs Thai Boxing 1 year ago:
I consider a gurney or a mortuary the ground.
- Comment on Judo vs Thai Boxing 1 year ago:
All fights end up on the ground. Judo excels at getting them there faster and BJJ at ending it once horizontal.
- Comment on The first EV with a lithium-free sodium battery hits the road in January - Sodium-ion batteries have lower density but are cheaper and perform better in cold weather 1 year ago:
All good, I’m just happy to see more innovation making its way to the public realm.
- Comment on The first EV with a lithium-free sodium battery hits the road in January - Sodium-ion batteries have lower density but are cheaper and perform better in cold weather 1 year ago:
When a headline like this says first I think it either means first test vehicle and it’ll be years before it’s available to the public or first brand, which is what I’d rather be hearing about. Article starts off saying “the first mass-produced electric vehicle (EV) with a sodium-ion battery”. If they buried that I’d say it was a clickbait headline but this way it seems pretty up front they’re just shortening for length. In my opinion. 🙂
- Comment on Challenge accepted 1 year ago:
You missed Upper Peninsula north of Wisconsin.
- Comment on Plenty of fish in the sea my ass 1 year ago:
Plenty of fish in the sea my bass*
- Comment on Aww, did somebody get addicted to white? 1 year ago:
Except this is mimicking a scene in “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” where the dealer spots them as an easy mark so he knows he can overcharge them for what he’d probably give away to a non addict in order hook them. In case you weren’t aware, if you were running with another gag sorry I missed it 🤗
- Comment on You may want to sit down 1 year ago:
Yeah I thought it trolled a little too hard at first, but when someone else pointed out what it ‘meant’ I feel like if they’re trolling they got it just right.