- Comment on The White House wants to 'cryptographically verify' videos of Joe Biden so viewers don't mistake them for AI deepfakes 1 year ago:
I don’t think he’s arguing that, and I don’t think you believe that either. Doubt any of us would consider that content ethical, but what he’s saying is it’s not nearly the same as actually doing harm (as opposed what you said in your original post).
You implying that anyone who disagrees with you is somehow into those awful things is extremely poor taste. I’d expect so much more on Lemmy, that is a Reddit/Facebook level debate tactic. I guess I’m going to get accused of that too now?
I don’t like to give any of your posts any credit here, but I can somewhat see the normalization argument. However, where is the line drawn regarding other content that could be harmful because normalized. What about adult non consensual type porn, violence on TV and video games, etc. Sliding scale and everyone might draw the line somewhere else. There’s good reason why thinking about an awful things (or writing, drawing, creating fiction about it) is not the same as doing an awful thing.
I doubt you’ll think much of this, but please really try to be better. It’s 2024, time to let calling anyone you disagree with a pedo back on facebook in the 90s.
- Comment on Because AI and Crypto use to much electricity, what if a law was made that they had to power it with green energy? 1 year ago:
We really need to grow past this idea that just because you don’t personally use or like a thing that it is useless. Who are you to get to decide what has value and what doesn’t? If there wasn’t value, no-one would buy or use it. The unspoken part of this argument that gets repeated so often is that the reasons people are interested in the thing are reasons associated with groups you’ve been told very confidently don’t matter. Lack of control from the government? Only a nasty conservative/libertarian hick who “don’t like no GuBmint” would want something like that. Anonymity/privacy reasons (I know, only for for certain coins)? Only a scammer would want that, why care about privacy if you have nothing to hide?
None of this is even promoting or saying I’m pro crypto, just saying these are poor arguments.
As an example, as someone who doesn’t follow any sports whatsoever, I could argue the amount of resources and travel for this big football game coming up are vulgar. I mean come on, I don’t care about this game so why should anyone else be allowed to use resources on it?
Inevitably, you will come back and say but sports offers X, Y, and Z real benefits. If I were to continue the analogy of the inverted argument, the next argument is ALWAYS: “Yes, true, but it’s not the absolute best or most efficient at X, Y, or Z so therefore that doesn’t count”. It could very well be argued that any benefits coming from the super bowl could be done in cheaper, more environmentally friendly ways. Do we cancel this game then? Is anyone who is interested in it a POS?
This was an example, I actually realize there are tons of benefits to sports even though I don’t get much at all out of it personally. But it’s part of becoming a well adjusted person to realize people are going to have different values and I don’t get to decide what is important to them, or that because they are part of an out group their interests and values don’t matter.
To make one more example, if someone said they put their life savings in gold in their safe to prep for some doomsday scenario, I certainly wouldn’t agree at all that it was a good choice. A fairly objective case could be made that it is in fact the wrong/bad decision, however I still don’t get to decide their values don’t matter just because I don’t agree with them, or more importantly because Reddit/Lemmy folks told me confidently that those values only belong to preppers/conservatives/libertarians/etc etc and also that those are bad people.
- Comment on Apple’s biggest critics are big mad about the new 27 percent App Store tax 1 year ago:
- Comment on Beeper Mini Is Back 1 year ago:
Thanks for responding, genuinely trying to understand it a bit, admittedly expected that most fall into C) especially in these techy areas.
- Comment on GM Says It's Ditching Apple CarPlay and Android Auto for Your Safety 1 year ago:
Also, what will that look like 10 years from now when “popular app of 2024” is dead and gone, and new thing has no reason to build an app for a 10 year old car. Theres a reason why people like these mirroring systems to much, let the device that is likely to be replaced every 2 or so years and get regular updates handle the software.
- Comment on Beeper Mini Is Back 1 year ago:
I’m agreeing with you maybe I’m just misreading the tone of your reply haha.
- Comment on Beeper Mini Is Back 1 year ago:
That’s certainly less desirable option for many. But why is wanting modern cross platform messaging so bad? It works iPhone to iPhone, works Android to Android, theoretically if there were other players (maybe if BB or Windows still had phones) they could also achieve the same using RCS with Android. This argument is and has always been about default protocols that phone can communicate with. Of course downloading 3rd party chat apps, emailing them, mailing them a letter, using a cup and string, stopping communication because they chose to use a phone from a different manufacture are all still “options”.
- Comment on Beeper Mini Is Back 1 year ago:
Me too, really do not understand this on Lemmy of all places. It isn’t and never has been outside of people still school age been about the color of the bubble. I truly want to understand this to the point I’m going to start asking anyone who posts this personally the following:
Do you A) really think that the following are not at all important to people:
- Read receipts
- Typing indicators
- Reactions
- Transferring photos/videos in a way that doesn’t look they were shot on an early 90s camera phone
- Potential E2EE *(Potential because my points are not necessarily specific to Beeper Mini and iMessage, but also relevant to the conversation around Apple supporting RCS and the unknowns about how that will work)
B) Not aware of these things or any of the differences between iMessage, SMS, RCS, etc and truly believe the only difference is the bubble color? C) Is this just a smug reaction to the possibility that one of these App work arounds work iMessage will no longer be as exclusive if they were to succeed, and trying to reduce down the desires of those who would use it (and also the desires of Apple users who want these benefits with everyone regardless of who manufactured their phone) I’d be curious to know which phone platform you use?
- Comment on If you have an Android phone have you tried Beeper Mini 1 year ago:
I’ll repeat it ad naseum, but of course it’s not about the color of the bubble. I don’t know how this keeps getting repeated, are people really that tech illiterate on Lemmy of all places? People who care about privacy want this for sure, not to mention anyone who wants to send pics or video in a reasonable quality or not be part of subpar group chats.
It literally could mean the difference of not having to use an iPhone for someone who really cares about E2EE messaging and has mostly iPhone contacts. And inbefore “but you could use WhatsApp or Signal, etc”, well yes you can but it’s only as useful as the amount of people in your contacts who also you it. I really do personally wish Signal gained more steam, but so few use it it’s pretty much useless.
- Comment on Introducing The Self-Host Cast 1 year ago:
Excited to check it out!