- Comment on NYPD arrests migrant who allegedly set woman on fire on subway train, watched her burn to death 2 months ago:
I’m comparing crime statistics to their historical numbers - the 70s was simply the first that came to mind. Pick any historical time, and the crime was higher.
I never said I agree with the workers being exploited is worth it - I am saying that the system the people calling for mass deportations within is dependent on the ruthless exploitation of millions of people, whether they like it or not. If they struggle to deal with expensive eggs, they will be in for a very rude awakening when the cheap labor that makes things so cheap goes away.
- Comment on NYPD arrests migrant who allegedly set woman on fire on subway train, watched her burn to death 2 months ago:
A slight uptick in violent crime today compared to the numbers we had in the 70s (19th or 20th Century, take your pick) is drastically lower still.
As to the point of deportations, no, it isn’t an “easy way” to reduce crime. The logistical strain of such an action and disruption to our economy is staggering to even think about. In a morbid way, the handful of crimes committed by illegal immigrants are acceptable casualties on the altar of economic stability: if people won’t stand for expensive eggs (thanks bird flu), they sure as shit won’t stand for EVERYTHING that uses migrant labor going up dramatically either.
- Comment on NYPD arrests migrant who allegedly set woman on fire on subway train, watched her burn to death 2 months ago:
People don’t feel secure because they have been told not to by the right wing media. The numbers show that immigrants commit far fewer violent crimes than US citizens, with every single metric pointing towards a decline of ALL crime. We are in the most peaceful and safe time in history by most every metric, but we are also in the time with the easiest access to information, so people think things are crazy and violent because they have access to news that talks about it worldwide.
I’m the 1850s you’d hear about this awful happening across the country a week after the fact in the paper - today you can practically see it in real time. It warps our perception of how safe/unsafe we are and is used as a way to create an “other” to demonize in order to gain power. Just as the Nazis made their “other” the Jews, so too have conservatives made their “other” immigrants and trans people. The sooner people realize that, the sooner they can realize they’ve been had for years by grifters.
- Comment on NYPD arrests migrant who allegedly set woman on fire on subway train, watched her burn to death 2 months ago:
And yet, you all continually post things about how a migrant did a bad thing. I wonder why that might be…
Its blatantly obvious this is just bog-standard fear mongering. Did someone do a bad thing? Yes. It isn’t any different from any other terrible thing done by a human being. Your disingenuous faux pearl-clutching just makes you look bad
- Comment on CNBC Shock Poll: 73% of Americans Now Support Militarizing the Border 2 months ago:
Here’s a few sources for you. The sources for migrant aid are specific to New York City.
Very interesting. I do suspect NYC is uniquely struggling with these things because of how expensive it is to live in and housing/space being at a premium, whereas areas in, say, the Midwest would theoretically be able to take on a few new families in each smaller town without a huge disruption, like the Haitian immigrants in Ohio (granted there was some adjustment, ofc).
I don’t think the county should import so many people who will become such a burden on our welfare infrastructure when we’re already struggling to take care of our own people.
This is a rational stance to have, BUT I should note that the US struggles to take care of its people in large part because of how we manage things like healthcare. Privatization has made the system awful (as evidenced most recently by UnitedHealthcare) and bloated beyond belief. That said, I don’t think the Republican party will do anything to fix the problem. Their history of cutting government spending and privatization generally leaves worse outcomes for American citizens. Furthermore, the current system for thing such as disability effectively forces people to remain poor, creating a vicious cycle of poverty and lack of proper care (because having healthcare tied to a job screws over those who cannot work). If we made our existing systems more robust by adopting universal healthcare and assisting people who are out of work more, I suspect we’d be more able to absorb an influx of people. Furthermore, the issues of handing things out to migrants such as welfare, I suspect, are because of the difficulties in getting employment for migrants with no means of obtaining jobs due to their status as illegal. Would giving a sort of baseline assistance in getting work and integrating not accomplish the goal of helping people “leave the nest” and pay taxes once they arrive?
That may be true. Granting it, though, is it the best approach? Sure, I believe some leniency should be given to people who have been here for years, like those who were brought here as children and have since grown up. But like the current asylum system, that could create precedent for migrants to enter the country illicitly and get forgiveness easier than they could have gotten permission. Expanding visas and streamlining the process for green cards and citizenship is on the table for sure. But in my opinion, applicants should have to wait in their home countries before entering, and stricter scrutiny should be applied to asylum cases.
I think granting it is at the very least probably cheaper than burning money on going after random individuals in a massive operation that will disrupt the entire economy. Moreover, creating an intake system where people are housed and taught the basics of how to operate in the US for a brief time would likely have better outcomes than simply dumping people into a random town. As for avoiding an influx, you aren’t wrong that it may have some effect, but ultimately, I doubt making things harsher will do much to deter people who are desperate. When it comes to making people wait in their home countries…I don’t think that’s feasible, as a lot of people fleeing are doing so from violence from cartels/gangs, oppressive regimes, and/or problems such as famine/drought/etc. We would effectively be killing many - just as we did to the Jews fleeing the Holocaust in the 30s (seriously, it’s a super fucked up story). We need to design a better process for “holding” asylum seekers somehow, and I am admittedly not sure of the best way to do that, but I am confident we can create an ethical system to do so.
That makes more sense to me as well, but we already have that influx and it’s already causing problems throughout the country. If we start giving blanket amnesty, then this will encourage others to do the same later down the line. It isn’t sustainable.
Well, one of the ways to fix the problem is to take a hard stand on fighting climate change. There is going to be a massive rise in refugees in the next few decades as the effects of climate change worsen, and short of simply massacring people at the border, I don’t really see any other way to fix the problem than integrating them (which may not even be possible if things get as bad as some projections say). Short of some kind of drastic action like colonizing space, we don’t have many options.
There’s only so much that increased efficiency can do with a spike like this. It’s severely dysfunctional at this point, not only because of the influx but also because of the poor allocation of government resources. I’d love for everyone to get the help they need, but we have a huge problem even without the migrant crisis.
The system is incredibly dysfunctional, sure, but really, we don’t have any choice but to fix it. One of the reasons human society has developed so far is because of increases in capacity to solve problems, always outstripping the problems themselves. To accept defeat, so to speak, means we are no longer able to do that, and our civilization is doomed.
Soap boxing aside, it comes down to 2 points: 1) we have a problem that is solvable now that needs addressing before the “real” show starts in a few decades, and 2) the Republican party is fundamentally unable to solve the problem as it currently stands. That’s not to say Republicans are stupid necessarily, but the entire party is in the grips of a personality cult surrounded by wealthy oligarchs. The “simple” solutions offered by “let’s just mass deport them” will not fix the issue and will almost certainly make things worse. The same with monied interests having thoroughly infected our political system (both parties are guilty, but the Republicans have shown to be even more openly against stopping them) - these giant companies benefit from the massive amounts of cheap labor they can exploit out of immigrants, and I highly doubt a massive deportation action will hit them, given how close they are to the centers of power (in fact, I suspect it would be used as a cudgel to smash competitors).
People’s concerns about how to fix the problem of illegal immigration are valid (insofar as they should be addressed with evidence), but at some point, we need to accept that our current system is broken and the fix isn’t to use fear to bludgeon the problem to death - we need real steps taken to address both the social and economic sides of the problem, and we will likely not see that done under a Conservative* government that has been hijacked by the richest among us.
- Comment on CNBC Shock Poll: 73% of Americans Now Support Militarizing the Border 2 months ago:
It isn’t, but it’s one of the systemic issues that makes illegal immigration as prevalent as it is. If the law against employing illegal immigrants was strictly enforced, there would be little incentive to continue using them. Then there would be less incentive to illegally immigrate (no job opportunities so no money getting sent back to family, for example).
I agree. Perhaps punishing the companies that exploit migrants labor harshly would be an effective option, though I highly doubt the incoming (or really, current) administration will do such a thing. Mass deportations “treat” the symptoms, but not the cause.
To your point, a larger problem to the average person is the resources that are spent on them, and on asylum seekers whose treatment was changed significantly under Biden. There’s now a six-year wait time before an asylum case can be heard in court, and as long as they applied for it before they entered the country, they’re allowed to stay that whole time. Major cities have been swamped with migrants as a result of not just this policy, but also the governor of Texas bussing them to sanctuary cities. They’ve been given priority treatment in these places instead of homeless citizens who need help just as much as them - schools have been closed and students shifted to online learning to house migrants, for example. Migrants are given financial aid in the form of food stamps or even prepaid debit cards. On top of that, their children are placed in American schools and given healthcare. I strongly doubt that the government is making more money on sales tax from migrants than it is spending on their welfare. This isn’t an indictment of the migrants themselves needing help, it’s just a criticism of where our elected officials place their priorities.
I support reforming the legal immigration process. I have numerous friends from foreign countries who have a great interest in moving here, but because of things like the H1b lottery system, it’s next to impossible even if you’re highly qualified. Still, that’s no excuse for opening the doors to people who sidestep that whole affair and get more assistance from the government than legal immigrants do.
I am a bit dubious of several of your claims, but I do think that the process needs to be reformed, though I suspect in a different way. What’s the fastest way to get rid of illegal immigrants? Making them citizens. Dramatically stepping up the process in making people citizens with investment into it would cost quite a bit of money, but would have much better outcomes than a mass deportation plan.
Getting a massive influx of people all at once would certainly cause disruptions (though, again, at least as many as mass deportations), but getting tons of new taxpayers who buy into the whole system makes a lot more sense to me than using them as cheap labor. Furthermore, a system that distributes immigrants around the country more evenly would alleviate much of the issues with overcrowding and whatnot, while also limiting the issues of creating a “ghetto” of sorts (taking lessons from the past, “Little Italy” came about as a way for immigrants to protect themselves from the vast majority of people who were hostile to them. So dispersing people and making them feel welcome would eliminate much of that problem).
I can sort of agree that Americans are being harmed, insofar as government services are being strained, but the fix there is to strengthen said systems so they operate efficiently. Look at Indiana’s BMV and how efficient it is because of Mitch Daniels for proof of what a well-funded government agency can do.
- Comment on CNBC Shock Poll: 73% of Americans Now Support Militarizing the Border 2 months ago:…/undocumented-immigrant-offending-ra…
Evidently, they are significantly less likely to commit crimes in general. Though the study does state it can be difficult to make the distinction between legal and illegal migrants, it shows that both groups are less likely to commit crimes overall.
My point about fear mongering is that the claims of “violent illegals” is one of the more common things used to justify “mass deportations” in a similar way to how there is an undercurrent of fear regarding Muslims to be terrorists due to a vanishingly small percent of them being terrorists.
Of course, if you are able to make the distinction, then I will not say you in particular have been brainwashed by said propaganda, but I think the point is valid insofar as pointing out the initial claim you made is a commonly used one to justify being anyi-immigration.
- Comment on CNBC Shock Poll: 73% of Americans Now Support Militarizing the Border 2 months ago:
Don’t get me wrong - I agree that it being built on an exploitable underclass is bad, but I highly doubt concerns over that is the driving factor behind the calls for mass deportations by the majority of people.
Furthermore, all mass deportation will do is burn a mountain of money on kicking out people who pay things like sales tax while also driving out their labor. Would it not make more sense to simply offer a path to citizenship to the people who clearly wish to work and give them the legal protections they should have AND get them paying taxes and integrating into society as full US citizens?
There’s no reason to harm innocent people if your only concern is about “fixing the problem of a slave caste,” especially when what I have said is essentially what we did the last time we got rid of one (Jim Crow, share cropping, etc. notwithstanding).
- Comment on CNBC Shock Poll: 73% of Americans Now Support Militarizing the Border 2 months ago:
From what I gather, illegal immigrants are statistically no more likely to be violent than any other people, possibly even less so out of the fear of being caught and deported. Comments like these help reinforce the point about fear mongering over illegal immigrants in the right wing media, no?
- Comment on CNBC Shock Poll: 73% of Americans Now Support Militarizing the Border 2 months ago:
Now let’s talk about the abject fear mongering of places like Fox and Breitbart about illegal immigrants over time and see if we can figure out why the number may appear to be increasing.
Of course, Republicans also won’t admit that the entire system needs migrant labor to keep costs low. Without an exploitable underclass, the entire agricultural industry falls apart because Americans don’t want to pick vegetables for pennies. Let’s watch food prices if the promise of mass deportations comes to pass and see how many people are “very supportive” of that knock-on effect.
- Comment on Biden pardons Hunter Biden 2 months ago:
So then, will you call out the blatant corruption by the incoming President as well?
The private talks with foreign powers since the last time he was in office and the utter silence from the Right tells me that no, you won’t. Anyone with half a brain knows how utterly full of shit this pearl clutching is…but at least it’s on model for conservatives: hypocrisy all the way down.
- Comment on Biden pardons Hunter Biden 2 months ago:
Crickets on all Republican corruption though, right?
- Comment on ‘Not a Thing That Comes to Mind’: Harris Says She Wouldn’t Do Anything Differently from Biden over Past Four Years | National Review 4 months ago:
No need to keep making her look any better - she’s already got my vote! 😎
- Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
There’s a tamper-proof seal on the bottle
- Comment on Olympian Obscenity 6 months ago:
Another day, another conservative yelling at clouds lmfao
Maybe one day they’ll realize change is inevitable
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
The effort/cost expended to go after a tiny group of people vs the amount of money generated/saved from stopping them was (and probably still is) not worth it. There just aren’t that many people who use 3rd party services without accounts.
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
There is still a footprint of “person is watching X, then they go to Y” with or without an account by my understanding.
Its less valuable data, sure, but it all feeds thr algorithm
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
Again, the point is that those accounts are still users that can be pointed out as such for all to see. Remember: a youtube account is just a Google account.
One could argue that youtube is a highly effective loss leader - people get into the Google ecosystem because of making an account to subscribe to their favorite content creators. Now Google has data they can sell, and metrics for advertisers to go “I see 18-30 year old white guys who watch things about X are likely to respond positively to things about Y.” The algorithm, even without advertisements, is constantly building a profile of every user.
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
It still goes to active user counts though. There will still be a footprint left by any view and that can be marketed as “we have X million users daily!”
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
They are still a metric they can peddle to their advertisers to show “how many people see this ad in a month.”
- Comment on Meta removes Trump account restrictions ahead of 2024 election 7 months ago:
Hoosier here…yuuuup
The pockets of blue are growing a little bit in some of the more affluent areas just outside of Indianapolis like Carmel (or, at least, it’s more purple than it was 20 years ago).
I’m hoping as remote work continues to grow, people move here to change the place because of how cheap it is - even in like the heart of Indianapolis lol
- Comment on People left seriously creeped out after woman shares how to find out everything Google knows about you 10 months ago:
Same lol
Between that and the random shit it has listed as what I get ads for…it isn’t a whole lot. I spend most of time looking up highly specific things on Wikipedia or out of immediate utility, so I suppose I’m just not that interesting…also ublock origin ftw
- Comment on After promising free DLC forever to some players, Escape from Tarkov locks a new PvE mode behind $250 edition 10 months ago:
I got EoD edition back in like 2017 and played it for a fair bit, but I’ve maintained for years that BSG is a shit company and the best possible thing to happen is for a new game that is very similar to come out and gut their playerbase.
Tons of people called me an idiot back when I said this in like 2020, so it’s good to see at least some level of pushback - now we just need that replacement game and BSG is screwed (especially since they still do wipes, meaning there is less sunk-cost fallacy to keep people around).
- Comment on Radicalized Students Will Regret Backing Hamas 10 months ago:
This is obviously just bait lol
That said, the comments on that site are pretty funny.
My favorite is the dude crying about how the Arabs stole Israel from the Jews whereas the Jews got it from God. Like, did he not read the Bible? What happened to the Canaanites???
Good times…
- Comment on Seattle dance squad says they were told American flag shirts made audience members feel 'triggered and unsafe' 10 months ago:
Assuming this article is even true, which is dubious, it’s a complete nothingburger, lol
It’s just more pathetic culture war bullshit because conservatives keep racking up Ls and have little to show the American people. It’s so much easier to screech about “wokes and immigrants are destroying this nation” than to actually attempt to fix the problems that matter, like climate change, the economy, and our aging infrastructure (of course, this is also due to he Republicans being bought and paid for by business interests that want to undermine fixing these issues).
Any time I see some nutjob republican make some big sweeping “anti-woke” legislation, I stop and ask myself: “How does this help the average American in ways that actually matter to them?” Usually, the answer is,“it doesn’t.”
- Comment on Trump Calls For Return To ‘Law And Order’ At Wake For Slain NY Police Officer 11 months ago:
Anyone else like that the dude who posted this shit’s name is from a genre that openly shows the flaws in capitalism’s race to the bottom?
Is like being hit in the face and still not getting the message lol
- Comment on "A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring" New Key Visual 11 months ago:
Is this another instance of Shinzo Abe begging his citizens to have kids from beyond the grave?
- Comment on Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome 1 year ago:
Meanwhile, I’m over here unable to find an IT job :')
- Comment on Why It Was Almost Impossible to Make the Blue LED 1 year ago:
Ah gotcha
- Comment on Why It Was Almost Impossible to Make the Blue LED 1 year ago:
You thinking of Vanced? Revanced is updated pretty regularly