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- Comment on Post your Servernames! 8 months ago:
I’m a Sysadmin, so my names are purely functional:
host-pmx-01 through 03, my 3 node Proxmox cluster vm-[SERVICE], optional 01-03 if needed ct-[SERVICE], for LXC containers
It makes it easy to reference things via DNS for service discovery.
- Comment on Cross-container/vm communication security on Proxmox 1 year ago:
Unless someone has physical access to the ports/switch that the traffic flows through, they would not be able to see anything besides broadcast/multicast traffic if they were just snooping with Wireshark. The internal switch of proxmox and any hardware switch you have will forward unicast traffic to the ports those Mac’s reside on, so without port mirrors setup, no one but you should be able to see that traffic.