- Comment on What is stopping a scammer from HTTPS certificating a "nonsense.ReputableBank.com" 3 months ago:
There are a lot of answers here but I feel they mostly miss OP’s point so I’ll try my own:
What stops a scammer from HTTPS certifying foobar.reputable.com is the trust system.
Anybody can create a certificate on their machine for anything within seconds, even you could create a certificate for www.google.com. The problem is that you, as an issuer, are not trusted by anybody.
Browsers and operating systems are released with a list of issuers that are considered trustworthy, so if you want your certificate to be recognised it has to come from one of these, not from you.
All of these issuers are in the list because they have been individually vetted, and are known to do their due diligence before issuing certificates, so they would not give you that cert unless they know that the bank domain or subdomain belongs to you, and the technical means to achieve this have been explained in other answers.
But if one of these issuers went rogue, or if you hypothetically hacked into their certification authority, then indeed nothing would stop you from obtaining a valid and recognised certificate for foobar.bank.com.
This is why for example Trustcor was removed from this list in 2022: from that position it would be trivial for a certificate authority to allow third parties to spy on people.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
It’s hard to take iPhone longevity seriously though until they do something about the batteries.
True, the phones themselves are functional and updated for a long long time, but after a few years it’s unthinkable to go anywhere without a power bank and that’s a great motivator for throwing an otherwise perfectly good phone. If they actually cared they’d make the battery replaceable.
- Comment on To distinguish between the word woman and women, we change the A to an E, but only change the pronunciation on the O. 6 months ago:
Nah fam… the leader took the lead, then he lead while wearing lead. This is pure English, no loanwords.
- Comment on Stephen Fry wants King's Guard to ditch bear fur 1 year ago:
The best thing for the environment in the long term would be to cull about 60% of humanity, can’t separate trash enough to beat that. That can’t be the only argument for whether something is good.
Personally I’d take a tiny amount of pollution in exchange for the cruelty.
- Comment on The "i" in Linux and Linus have different pronunciations even when they shouldn't. 1 year ago:
There is nothing to debate, Linux is just Linus with an x at the end and should be pronounced as such.
Though sometimes I wish Linus had claimed it was pronounced laynaxe just to fuck with people. Too bad we already know: m.youtube.com/watch?v=c39QPDTDdXU&pp=ygUpbXkg…
- Comment on Cope 1 year ago:
- Comment on Cope 1 year ago:
May be that way for a native English speaker I guess. I have never used it or seen it used as a moniker.
- Comment on Cope 1 year ago:
I don’t need to be constructive because I’m not talking to the show writers or anybody who is responsible for it. I’m in a community of fans, I thought we could just speak our minds about stuff here and say it sucks when it sucks.
Yes I wrote “objectively” because i didn’t just dislike the show out of personal taste, but because the writing is atrocious (ask anybody who knows anything about writing, it’s trite and shallow) and the Star Trek element just is not there. Call the first one subjective, but you can’t argue with the latter.
There are plenty of things about the show I dislike subjectively, and if you want I can write an essay on it - but that was not the point of my comment. The show has traits that are arguably bad regardless of taste. You may personally like to hear the ramblings of a drunk junkie and find plenty of amusement in doing so, and if that is the case then more power to you. But it doesn’t make it good material.
- Comment on Cope 1 year ago:
I’ll be honest here, the whole std thing feels rather immature. Yeah of course I thought of the other meaning for the acronym, didn’t think people would be so childish as to consider that. Let’s be real, every acronym in the world is probably also an acronym for something nasty - but you can’t take that burden on yourself every time you type. If you have a hard time believing i was honest then don’t believe it, but the fact that I’m being accused of something so trivial speaks more of the accuser than it does of me.
I didn’t mean to make a pun at stds, it’s baffling that people would interpret it that way. That show is crappy enough to insult itself, why would anyone bother calling it names. It doesn’t need any help being ridicule.
As for your “other acronyms” point: other series are made of multiple words. TOS, TNG, DS9, they’re all acronyms. Discovery is only one word, how are you supposed to call it? D? DSC is not an acronym, if I were to randomly select letters from the name just to save space I’d just call it by its full name.
I realised STD could mean both and decided to go through with it anyway because I thought we were talking between adults but clearly you made up your mind about me long before giving a damn about who I was.
- Comment on Cope 1 year ago:
Or maybe I just have different opinions from you on multiple things and you just told a regular guy like you to fuck off because of that. But ok, feel free to disengage.
- Comment on Cope 1 year ago:
Sorry for having come off that way, I’m just a regular guy that doesn’t really like the show for the reasons I said.
STD is Star Trek discovery and I never meant anything with it, didn’t know it was insulting. Don’t know how it “doesn’t make sense”, it’s literally the acronym of the series.
But eh.
- Comment on Cope 1 year ago:
I mean you’re not wrong, but STD is quite objectively garbage. It lacks good writing, good characters and anything that makes it a Star Trek other than using the IP. No philosophy, no exploration, no character arcs. Jason Isaacs is pretty much the only redeeming quality.
Unlike tng, I don’t expect std to be a fan loved classic any time in the next century.
- Comment on An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet's Ensh*ttification ... 1 year ago:
So stupid I saw it used a lot of times and I used it myself before I even knew the guy… it conveys the meaning so well
- Comment on Think anyone would notice? 1 year ago:
And don’t you wish you kept knowing very little? Instead… en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casu_martzu
- Comment on Think anyone would notice? 1 year ago:
Fam, corsicans are the only ones who hate French more than us, they are welcome to rejoin Italy whenever they want.
- Comment on Think anyone would notice? 1 year ago:
So I get rid of the land border with France, but in exchange I get a land border with USA - possibly the only worse country.
Also we lose Sicily and their awesome food and women but we get to keep Sardinia, where the best food is cheese with worms and the best women are one meter tall with moustache.
Bad deal man.
- Comment on Firefox will have a built-in ‘fake reviews detector’ — Amazon is in trouble 1 year ago:
IDK chief. It seems like one of those things that are hard to do in theory as you said, but relatively easy in practice.
I mean just about any human who has played a bit with ChatGPT nowadays is able to identify ChatGPT generated paragraphs within a few words. I don’t suppose it would be much harder for a machine.