- Comment on Corvids... 1 year ago:
Or Anthropology. Right now, we have realized that New Caledonian crows have entered an equivalent to the early stone age in humans. Therefore, we can gain a lot of insight both about the nature of technological progression and of the very nature of intelligence (and the differences between mammalian and avian intelligence) by doing these studies.
- Comment on Probably saved someone a tire 1 year ago:
I see two signs. I like to imagine someone seeing a sign that said “hole”, who then decided “meh. I’m sure it’s fine” before immediately breaking an axle and adding “BIG ASS” to the sign so that nobody else would make that mistake.
- Comment on Hummingbird feet 1 year ago:
I mean… You could try a tea shop! Usually have good pastries too
- Comment on Hummingbird feet 1 year ago:
TIL: Guinness Book of World Records origin story is the same as a D&D campaign: started in a tavern.