- Comment on Activision/Blizzard QA workers form the largest US video game union yet 11 months ago:
Just because they failed QA doesn’t mean they failed marketing or won’t be released anyways. That’s the big wigs forcing shit through.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
Genshin and league of legends are both free, how do you think people (collectively) spend millions on them?
- Comment on 23andMe tells victims it's their fault that their data was breached | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
I feel like that argument could be made for some things, but inherently cannot apply to companies involved in personal, genetic, or financial information.
- Comment on The full source code for GTA 5 has been publicly leaked 1 year ago:
Discord got problems… but none of those things I’ve encountered. Save for the
- Please read the rules before being able to even fucking read anything :3
And are you really going to complain about being shown the rules of the place before use? You got a point on notifications too but that’s it. Annoying, but easy to deal with (right click server, disable notifications, boom done that’s it.)
The other shit I could be easily convinced you’re straight up making up.
- Comment on Quantum Computing’s Hard, Cold Reality Check: Hype is everywhere, skeptics say, and practical applications are still far away 1 year ago:
That’s actually what current quantum computers look like. The chips themselves are reasonably small, but the whole metal apparatus you see is there to keep it close to 0° kelvin, as the quantum bits kinda just “dissolve” if they’re not in a superconducting state. Not super knowladgable in this area, but that’s my layman’s understanding.
- Comment on Spotify doesn't make profit from music streaming, despite having over 400M monthly active users, because it pays two-thirds of all its revenue to the rights holders. 1 year ago:
Uhhhh, dunno about that one. Pretty sure it’s public knowledge labels will go to almost any lengths to ensure artists cannot be independent, especially when they’re small. Good recording quality is quite readily available in many large cities, either as a paid service (which sometimes is still outbid by labels), or through a public library. Many of the issues of “labels investing in artists” loop back around to “labels have made it physically impractical or impossible for the artist to invest in themselves”.
- Comment on PlayStation keeps reminding us why digital ownership sucks 1 year ago:
I think that’s why Jackett is recommended to use with Sonarr/Radarr now. I just got my unraid server (mostly) running and that was one of the recommendations I saw made frequently.
- Comment on PlayStation keeps reminding us why digital ownership sucks 1 year ago:
I can promise the number of people backing up their Xbox/SNES/Sony/whatever games at the time/era of release, are a rounding error number of people who purchased at all. And even if that was the case, how are you gonna do that for the discs that have DRM? Obviously it can be cracked, but how does that help you in that specific time of need (referencing the house fire), when the tech to crack that DRM didn’t even exist?
Nobody is arguing with “physical copies have better security” (digital storefronts closing, keys being revoked, etc), they’re only arguing with you for pretending everyone is seemingly clairvoyant, with pools of money and compute hardware, to make backups of these things. There is no way you can possibly think that all one needed to do was “copy da files dumbass” when even the hardware to do that, didn’t exist (for the public or at all), or was itself prohibitevly expensive.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 Patch Notes 1 year ago:
Sounds like you’re more disappointed with CP77s lighting theme than RT, you could literally change the LUT or use ReShade in a matter of seconds and get what you’re asking for. CP77 has a permanent green filter that many (very much myself included) despise. Fortunately, this is extremely easy to change, and I definitely recommend it.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 Patch Notes 1 year ago:
Although I will say that by now the goalpost has long moved from 60 FPS and you really want to be aiming at 144 or more.
This is more or less subjective, or an ideal. Most people agree that 60FPS is completely fine (or pretty good) for single player experiences, as long as it is a smooth and stable 60 and doesn’t have bad stuttering or the like. Naturally, almost everyone would say they would still be happy with more, but they’re by no means miffed. Multiplayer experiences on the other hand, you’d have a point.
That being said, without raytracing on - which is mostly disappointing anyways -
LMAO sure whatever you say. You can be disappointed in the performance cost, but CP77’s raytracing is undeniably some of the best around. The performance hit is definitely worth being bothered by, but real time ray tracing is a very new thing that is still being fleshed out, and we’re 3 (or 2(?) for AMD generations of it, or 0 for Intel) deep. Both the software and hardware are actively being optimised for better performance and features, and we won’t see the full fruits of the current cost for another few years yet.
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer released early by rockstar after it was supposedly leaked 1 year ago:
Or… It’s just the first trailer for a game they’ve been hounded for years at this point? They don’t need to put in effort to sell GTA6 at this point, they basically could just release GTAV with some QOL fixes and features (looking at you load times, still) and they’d have buyers lined up. GTA6 at this point in time is already a fully fueled hype train, until they announce a massive delay, so they can trickle feed out trailers with minimal effort up until that point. Obviously this is my opinion and such, but I would be honestly a little surprised if they were rushing it, given how 5 performed at launch.
- Comment on Europe Commission says Adobe's $20B buy of Figma will kill competition 1 year ago:
Unfortunately, nope.
- Comment on Solar energy storage breakthrough could make European households self-sufficient 1 year ago:
Worse, if power goes out, you can’t use solar to stay electrified because electricity would leak out and potentially electrocute nearby line men.
Has this… really ever been true? We’ve had gas powered generators people can plug into their homes for a rather long time now, and they would be doing the exact same thing as solar installations.
It depends on where you are mainly, but I do believe the kit that prevents what you describe, is functionally mandatory to have for solar. Not certain on that, and it definitely still depends on locale, but I haven’t seen any without that lockout in a loooonging time.
- Comment on YouTube's Ad Blocker Crackdown Is Getting Harder to Dodge 1 year ago:
Honestly the process to get ublock origin working is identical between the two of them, so being a chrome user doesn’t really make it any harder. Obviously still a better idea to switch, but for that specific problem, its the same.
- Comment on Google promises a rescue patch for Android 14’s “ransomware” bug 1 year ago:
But… you’ve literally said nothing that could be right or wrong? You could say you’re right all you want but you have genuinely 0 demonstratable point or idea. If you think that makes you right, keklmao I guess.
- Comment on Google promises a rescue patch for Android 14’s “ransomware” bug 1 year ago:
The entire point is that if such a need arose, you literally could. Either way you still failed to establish an sort of reasoning for AOSP, even a modified version of such, is unusable. If you did that, I wouldn’t have anything else to say. I could disagree with that reason, but it would be understandable.
- Comment on Google promises a rescue patch for Android 14’s “ransomware” bug 1 year ago:
But the problem is not AOSP, but Google? This reference and forking could be done to any code or math out there, why is it somehow “not ok” only when AOSP comes into play? I personally cannot think of anything that would be a specific halting factor exclusively because it’s AOSP. If your issue is with Google, then find a trustworthy fork that you like. You definitely ain’t alone in hating Google, especially compared to the people developing these alternate OS’s.
All that to say, why are you “flipping it on me” to “prove they no longer pull code from AOSP”, when that wasn’t even the target to hit, or the question.
If your issue is with Google, take issue with Google. Likewise, if your issue is somehow “literally everything Google has ever touched, even if they have no part in it today, or ever again.” Then I got nothing. If you’re that horny on main to burn Google to the ground, start writing your own mobile phone OS I guess, I simply don’t see any other way you’re going to hit that mark.
- Comment on The Future of Machine Learning: A New Breakthrough Technique (MLC) 1 year ago:
Admittedly, they were quoting someone else in the message you responded to. That may have been edited after the fact, but the person they’re quoting did in fact say those words (“this is big”).
- Comment on Google promises a rescue patch for Android 14’s “ransomware” bug 1 year ago:
You may want to do some research. The first bit is uhhhh… plain incorrect. The chromium based things, sure, I guess that could be said despite it being an open source project and easily forked.
- Comment on A software company called Threads says Meta tried to buy its domain and kicked it off Facebook 1 year ago:
Of course it does? That’s like one of the main headlining features of both Signal and Telegram, and why people were looking at either instead of Whatsapp. And it was even louder than Telegram about it, since telegram uses (or used) a closed source encryption, while Signal was vocally using an Open Source encryption standard if I remember correctly.
- Comment on Heat pumps can't take the cold? Nordics debunk the myth 1 year ago:
And the people driving them are still learning the quirks for specific circumstances. Many drivers know you need to let a fuel car warm up more or to give it extra gas in XYZ scenario, but those same people won’t always know what to do when switching to electric. Or they might instead do something that helped on a fuel vehicle, but actively harms on an electric, especially with the many manufacturer specific options that have no consistent naming. Hopefully we get some naming consistency soon, if for nothing else than ease of use.
- Comment on Heat pumps can't take the cold? Nordics debunk the myth 1 year ago:
When the context is involving climate, electricity rates, and money, there is little overlap between all of the Americas. It makes sense to tighten it down to the top half (more similar climates, etc) or bottom half (electricity rates for example). Canada has the wealth and the electricity rates to make heat pumps extremely viable, and for the most part climate too. The USA shares a lot of this. The Central/South Americas do not overlap like this with Canada.
- Comment on Decentralized Matrix messaging network says it now has 115M users 1 year ago:
I largely agree with you, but does the Discord forum channel not do what you ask? Aside from that, personally I have had greater degrees of success finding weird random issues and their solutions through Discord, most likely because it’s just “easier” for people to say they have a problem on the platform. 50% of the time they never bother responding to assistance/provide useful details, but at least they’re somewhat searchable.