- Comment on Idk I haven't listened to the album 1 year ago:
Probability of precipitation
- Comment on Not there 1 year ago:
Btw never do that. You’re supposed to put vinegar on it, that way the jellyfish tastes way better.
- Comment on Who would win? 1 year ago:
Was this about the cop who went full schizo, did two barrel rolls and magdumped the back of his police car?
- Comment on Disco Elysium standalone expansion reportedly cancelled and quarter of staff facing redundancy at ZA/UM 1 year ago:
If anything the employees getting fired and the project being shitcanned adds another layer of social commentary
- Comment on It’s divine 1 year ago:
Not on my christian Minecraft server
- Comment on "Gems stolen from British Museum seen for first time" Bruh, how are you going to get mad someone stole what you stole? 1 year ago:
You’re just underscoring my argument. If the British were about to tear down Stonehenge for building a shopping mall and out of nowhere the Black Panther’s stealth jet materialized to take the entire thing to the Wakanda national museum, I’d be absolutely fine with it.
- Comment on "Gems stolen from British Museum seen for first time" Bruh, how are you going to get mad someone stole what you stole? 1 year ago:
In so many cases that exact sentiment just turned out to be true though. How many ancient artifacts have been destroyed by political/religions extremists? How many more were lost due to neglect or because people tore them apart to use them as building materials? It probably wasn’t right to take them at the time but man, am I glad they took them.
- Comment on "Gems stolen from British Museum seen for first time" Bruh, how are you going to get mad someone stole what you stole? 1 year ago:
Hot take but it’s good that the British museum “stole” so much stuff. To quote everyone’s favorite archeologist: ‘This belongs in a museum.’
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Japanese is whacky… Like why not just pick one alphabet instead of using 3 different ones? Are they stupid?
- Comment on Scientists develop game-changing 'glass brick' that could revolutionize construction: 'The highest insulating performance' 1 year ago:
Must’ve been related to pyrocynical
- Comment on xkcd #2893: Sphere Tastiness 1 year ago:
They just have too much taste condensed into a tiny sphere, like mass in a white dwarf star. Grinding them down actually extends their surface area and if you were to toss the ground pepper in the air you’d create a haze of taste that may or may not cause a burning sensation in your eyes and respiratory system
- Comment on here we go again 1 year ago:
Both the current and previous president are involved? Never realized Pee Gate goes this deep…
- Comment on No pets 1 year ago:
At least he had a fan and an air vent
- Comment on Surely there is no way that this could... backfire 1 year ago:
Claymore at home:
- Comment on Electro posting 1 year ago:
Absolutely, I’d Epstein myself before going out like that
- Comment on Electro posting 1 year ago:
Oh I misread the meme for some reason or my brain just autofilled tesla lmao. Yeah and thanks to Edison we were gifted with the electric chair, one of the worst and unreliable ways of executing someone
- Comment on Electro posting 1 year ago:
Didn’t they literally have a contest to see if it was easier to kill some with DC or AC?
- Comment on Edge.... 1 year ago:
Ching binging
- Comment on Do you have any grapes? 1 year ago:
And anime glasses that light up for some reason
- Comment on Today on "Unsolved Mysteries"... 1 year ago:
Why is the neighbor living in the Harry Potter closet?
- Comment on Check mate atheists 1 year ago:
Ah yes, Santa Claus and the religion of… Coca Cola?
- Comment on [F4 Mod] Fallout London - Official Release Announcement 1 year ago:
Would be funny if people try to stab you with unloicensed butterknoifes instead of shooting
- Comment on kawaii mouth breathing 1 year ago:
How many tenticles do you have?
- Comment on I know it's one of you guys 1 year ago:
“It’s a part of me and I can wash it however fast I like!"
- Comment on Call Of Duty 2024 Is Bringing Back Warzone's Original Map, Verdansk - Report 1 year ago:
You certainly need to play COD MW4 2nd 2019 remaster gold edition to follow along with the lore /s
- Comment on Why do it 1 year ago:
Guy should have brought a fan
- Comment on The Cybertruck Is a Disappointment Even to Cybertruck Superfans / Looking at the specs alone, the car is delivering 30 percent less range than expected for 30 percent more money 1 year ago:
By that line of reasoning it would be equally valid to compare the top speeds of the vehicles. Imo both are a bit silly, since the reason for certain advantages/disadvantages are mostly the limitations of the respective technology.
- Comment on I Designed a 3D Printable Balisong Knife 1 year ago:
From what it looks like you can slide it in and lock it with these two pins on top. Not sure how safe that is but considering we’re talking about a makeshift balisong, safety can’t be your main concern
- Comment on Never forgetti 1 year ago:
Apparently I’m too stupid to understand this
- Comment on Mouth 1 year ago:
How can I delete someone else’s comment?