- Comment on You can now join Bluesky without an invitation 1 year ago:
Maybe I should at least reserve my real name on it…
*gets asked for mobile number
Nope, don’t care that much.
- Comment on UK’s poorest have borne brunt of cost of living crisis, says thinktank 1 year ago:
And I feel bad for those of them that didn’t vote Tory in the last couple of elections and didn’t vote for Brexit. The rest of them were turkeys voting for Christmas and the fact that they’re surprised about this means they’ll probably vote Tory next time too and think their problems are still due to immigrants…
Not to exclusively blame them, of course. Tory scum are the root of all the problems and the sooner we take them out and shoot them, the better for everyone.
- Comment on If you're cold, they're cold! Bring them in! 1 year ago:
I’d assume they were still called “Woody” and “Buzz”…
- Comment on Rebecca as the long cat. 1 year ago:
From the Cyberpunk 2077 anime
- Comment on How do I stop hating children? 1 year ago:
That’s a good point, hadn’t considered that.
- Comment on How do I stop hating children? 1 year ago:
No, I was thinking about the lack of empathy required to actively hate everyone under a certain age.
- Comment on How do I stop hating children? 1 year ago:
The word I was thinking of was “psychopath”…
- Comment on xkcd #2869: Puzzles 1 year ago:
- Comment on Researchers fear the British spoken 'r' is ready to roll away from the last bastion of rhoticity 1 year ago:
Huh. Interesting.
"Speakers from places like Blackburn usually differentiate between pairs of words such as 'stellar' and 'stella', whereas most of England would consider them to be the same," says Dr. Turton.
Short of deliberately rolling the R, I don't actually know how I could pronounce it... I'd never thought about that before.
- Comment on UK at risk of ‘failed election’ without major reforms, watchdog warns 1 year ago:
We had a chance for that, but the electorate was too stupid to vote for it anyway.
Referendums. Huh. What are they good for? Fucking over the rest of us, that's what.
- Comment on Biden ditches trade deal talks with Britain 1 year ago:
it would not have provided sufficient protection for American workers
There's some irony, considering from this side of the pond, it doesn't look as if they have any...
- Comment on Pushing down on you... 1 year ago:
Jaxo is looking at him with the 'damn it, I still thought you were going to start Ice Ice Baby..." expression.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Rejected tag line for Sesame Street
- Comment on This was inevitable. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Sainsbury’s boss defends decision to sell customers’ Nectar card data 1 year ago:
Sainsbury’s and Tesco have also faced criticism for creating a two-tier pricing system, offering much lower prices to loyalty card holders.
“The vast majority of customers in supermarkets want to use Nectar because it saves them money. If you spend on average £80 this week and use Nectar Prices, you’ll save about £10 on your shop so customers really like that value.
Get in the fucking sea. Of course you'll 'save' money with a Nectar card if they have wildly inflated prices for non cardholders. The fact that this is happening in more and more supermarkets makes me want to start setting them on fire, and the bastards that come up with these plans.
- Comment on Ted Cruz wants to stop the FCC from updating data-breach notification rules 1 year ago:
It's like they're all reading the same copy of 'how not to be a garbage human being' and doing the exact opposite of each lesson...
- Comment on Biblically 1 year ago:
What a terrible day to have eyes.
- Comment on Best Captain in Starfleet 1 year ago:
I 100% get why they changed them for Strange New Worlds, but damn if I don't love that Enterprise-coloured Discovery-style uniform.
- Comment on The Department of Temporal Investigations is on the case 1 year ago:
I've seen a story where one of the faire participants had a commbadge hidden in their costume, pulled the Trekkie to one side, showed it to them, then told them off for breaking the Prime Directive...
- Comment on Forever and always 1 year ago:
His face, his voice, his... everything...
"By Grabthar's Hammer... ... what a savings"
- Comment on James Dyson loses libel claim against Daily Mirror publisher 1 year ago:
In the Daily Mirror article, the journalist Brian Reade referred to the engineer as “the vacuum-cleaner tycoon who championed Vote Leave due to the economic opportunities it would bring to British industry before moving his global head office to Singapore”.
I feel unclean for agreeing with the Mirror, but I'm so glad Dyson lost this case.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I was going to tell you a time travel joke, but you didn't like it.
- Comment on Oh Rocky, I mean Riker! 1 year ago:
With just a jump to the left...
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Proof we need more Brits around here, the answer is clearly “sausages”… 😁
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 8 comments
- Comment on DSC Season 5, LD Season 5, SNW Season 3.... GIVE IT TO ME NOW 1 year ago:
Personally, I think the problem with Galactica nowadays is that the world is generally far more depressing than it was when the show came out. I can take dark and gritty, but it was more fun then. Now, I prefer something more lighthearted.
Like the flashback episode of SNW, where we saw Chapel and M'Benga during the Klingon War. My first though was "this is awesome, I could watch a whole show like that", but shortly afterwards, I realised "nope, that would be way too much, bring back Captain Daddy making jokes about how flipping the communicator open is better than tapping a commbadge.
Or maybe I'm just more of a miserable bastard than I was 20 years ago. IDK.
But hey, for any sci-fi fan, I'd certainly recommend at least watching the miniseries that kicks it all off. Get a feel for the characters and the universe they're in.
I've never watched Babylon 5. Everyone always raves about it, but I don't know if I could get past the extremely dated looking effects.
Plus there's so much new content coming out. I can't criticise anyone who doesn't want to watch older stuff, because who has the time to watch it all?
That being said... you have seen Firefly, right?
- Comment on Have you assholes never heard of Chain of Command?!?! 1 year ago:
Do you wanna run this ship?
Well... you can't.
- Comment on Federation of Hold My Beer [Now with Narration!] 1 year ago:
“So we were being chased by bad guys through a really explosive gas cloud nebula thing. Weapons were on the fritz and we couldn’t use shields because if the aforementioned nebula. So I ejected the warp core and blew it up, detonating the nebula and the bad guys while we just scraped out in the nick of time”
My god man, that’s actually impressive. How were you planning on getting back to literally anywhere else without a warp core?
“Ah well, I was only the acting captain at the time, so I figured that would be Picard’s problem when he got back…”
- Comment on Jonathan Frakes Returning To Direct For ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Season 3 1 year ago:
There's like 80 years between Enterprise and Disco, and another 80 between TOS and TNG. Since they (probably) won't fill up all of this with more and more series, there's plenty of scope to mine them for content, especially with one-off films.
- Comment on Risa Quiz ... Who is this man 1 year ago:
1.6 kilometeeeeeers!