- Comment on Even better than a cart of apples 3 months ago:
Is it simple? It looks quite complicated, but maybe that’s just me forgetting how to compute forces.
- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 3 months ago:
As an autistic person, wholly agreed. It is like people are actively trying to isolate and torture us autistic folks.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
I see, so some battery companies are indeed overpriced…
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Do I sit out on the nuclear ralley, hmmm
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Would battery companies allow the price to go down? They are quite greedy as well.
- Comment on To deter predators... 3 months ago:
Well, at least until we meet our eventual demise by hyper-abusing our environment, yeah…
- Comment on Domination 3 months ago:
Mom, can I have applied category theory?
We have applied category theory at home.
Applied category theory at home: the meme
- Comment on lab toys 3 months ago:
Counting cohomology has done to me a numbers x_x
- Comment on But I wanna 3 months ago:
I wish I were you, I struggle so much with reading books and papers
- Comment on Boo 3 months ago:
They do have antiderivatives, you just cannot elementarily compute them. Non-exact differential forms, however…
- Comment on This feels wrong. I love it. 3 months ago:
Seems like one can maybe work with complex metric. Interesting idea
- Comment on This feels wrong. I love it. 3 months ago:
I am sorry, but… to be pedantic, pythagorean theorem works on real-valued length. Complex numbers can be scalars, but one does not use it for length for some reason I forgor.
- Comment on Ads 3 months ago:
Thanks a lot, will try!!
- Comment on Ads 3 months ago:
How well does it work? On my iPad, Safari Adguard can only black out ad content. (Screen is black during ad, and it displays how many seconds of ad is left)
- Comment on Infinite Suffering 4 months ago:
I thought this was taught in high school…
- Comment on OpenAI is now valued at $157 billion 4 months ago:
I’d say still risky. They might perpetuate the bubble for longer, which means high risk of forced covering at loss.
- Comment on Effort require Effort 4 months ago:
Same, for me it was exacerbated by classes forcing students to be quiet.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
May I ask for an interesting archeological piece/story?
- Comment on elucidating 🤌🏼 5 months ago:
This one comment of 4 words triggers me so hard that it momentarily stumped me
- Comment on Vectors Part 2 5 months ago:
When talking about vector space, you usually need the “scalar (field)”, and scalars need inverse to be well-defined.
So for integers, the scalar should be integer itself. Sadly, inverse of integers stops being an integer,
from where all sorts of number theoretic nightmare occursInstead, integers form a ring, and is a module over scalar of integers. - Comment on Vectors Part 2 5 months ago:
It is just to consider polynomials and functions as vectors, and apply our meager intuition on 3d spaces. By introducing norms (size), you recover the “size and direction” analogy.
- Comment on Is this a triangle? 5 months ago:
The space itself has canonical curvature >.>
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 5 months ago:
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 5 months ago:
Considering my high school life, it was kind of opposite - I had handful of friends then, but they went different path and it became hard to keep contact with. Others basically hated me, making fun of me and borderline bullying me.
I did become isolated in uni, I think I did stay away from others. Was too scared of making a mistake.
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 5 months ago:
Thanks, I see that it could be related. That said, I’ve spoken about this issue to many doctors and psychiatrists, and it did not help - doctors just raised dosage, and psychiatrists told me to actually talk with people. Problem is, with my social anxiety, it is so difficult to talk with people…
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 5 months ago:
I feel people are badmouthing me since I am hearing words like weirdo, freak, or disabled. It can be illusory, but I do think I hear them. It’s that my parents and psychiatrists say it cannot be real, so I might be mistaking something.
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 5 months ago:
Oh, does RSD symptom include the illusory hearing about badmouthing? That aside, I do think only some actively participates in badmouthing behavior, and many might be ambivalent. I am not sure about this, though.
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 5 months ago:
It comes from that I hear people talking bad about me. Like, saying that I am a freak (or similar).
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 5 months ago:
I want to do research, that is why I am in the uni. Problem is, network effect is strong in academia, so being isolated is not great for that…
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 5 months ago:
That’s the issue, I don’t know if they are actively warding me off or are just ambivalent. At least I am not welcome, that is for sure.