- Comment on Multiple Kubernetes Services Using Same Port Without SNI 6 months ago:
Ah yes, I see. Because TCP has no SNI built-in this is not really possible.
You could try IPv6, as within even a single /64 routable prefix you can choose the address section freely. Also take a look at overlay-vpn solutions like Netbird: They allow you to offer you multiple clients, which you could use to assign multiple IPv4 to your server and then routing them differently…
- Comment on Multiple Kubernetes Services Using Same Port Without SNI 6 months ago:
Okay, I’ll try explaining it. Yes there is especially for this very little documentation, so… Yeah.
You start by installing kube-vip into your cluster. Make sure to configure it correctly, so the uplink interface of you workers is being used for the vip, but not e.g. internal ones. Then you create a new loadbalancer-service in k8s, on which you also set the externalIP field. Maybe you also needed some annotations, I’m not so sure anymore. Theoretically that’s it. Now one of you nodes will start serving the service-port under the vip. The service may target everything, not only Traefik.
There is one more thing: Another field on the LB-service allows you to disable any kind of internal routing via your CNI, so you will even be able to see the real source IPv4 of your clients.
- Comment on Multiple Kubernetes Services Using Same Port Without SNI 6 months ago:
Sure! Kube-vip is your go. Just use shared virtual ipv4 adresses.
- Comment on Is ansible worth learning to automate setting up servers? 10 months ago:
Sorry, but I fear not. Ansible has a good getting started out there, but I think you’ll learn the most just using it.
Maybe a broad roadmap… Try to add systems. Test them via Ansible-Ping. Change some configs (add file, add line-in-file). Add handlers to react to changes by restarting services. Add host variables and customize behavior per host. Add templates…
- Comment on Is ansible worth learning to automate setting up servers? 10 months ago:
I think it is a great way to document what you have done too. Especially with larger setups this can be quite time-intensive.
Then add that you may want to dynamically reconfigure your systems to interact with each other and then Ansibles template-rendering comes in really handy.
Finally, it is standardized - so other peopke can work with it too (relevant in work context).
- Comment on Star Trek Resurgence Giveaway 1 year ago:
Oh yes, I also played a lot of Star Trek Elite Force back then - I think I liked the first title more, likely because I’m more into VOY. I liked solving the riddles on the levels and trying for hours to find the secrets… What a good time!