- Comment on People are out there right now trying to correct every grammar mistake on the internet. 10 months ago:
I agree, it shouldn’t be used as a way to slam someone. Point it out if you’re in the middle of a useful response. I would consider this a form of error detection / error correction feedback, because maybe the original poster genuinely doesn’t know. Speaking for myself, I would wonder what the speaker hears in their head when they’re presented with both spellings.
But if we’re playing fast and loose with the rules, then we should also accept ‘luce’ as another alternative. The point here being, how far can we take it before everyone agrees that it’s no longer a reasonable alternative?
I’ve long considered that learning a second language is like learning to play music. So yeah, there’s the precision of classical, versus the freestyle of jazz.
But if you’re playing some vinyl on a turntable and asking others to listen to it while jumping around on the floor next to it, don’t be surprised if people seem distracted when the needle starts to jump around. Was that a glitch, or was it intentional?
Tangent time: around 25 years ago I was reading up on DNS (and BIND) and came across something that stuck with me. I might be paraphrasing, but it went something like “be strict in what you send, and flexible in what you accept”. The context had to do with acceptable DNS names being passed around, and a methodology to improve the odds of mutual success.
Shifting back to being more on topic: I wish I could speak and write at a level far better than I can now. When I hear certain speakers (typically from England) I simultaneously have a great appreciation for their language competence and a regret for my own competence. I do try to be better, although I do fail.
In the end, I’d like to be able to bring others along when I lift myself up.
- Comment on People are out there right now trying to correct every grammar mistake on the internet. 10 months ago:
Forsooth, verily, and widdershins
- Comment on People are out there right now trying to correct every grammar mistake on the internet. 10 months ago:
- Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months ago:
Give us this day our daily bandwidth,
And forgive us our connectivity issues,
As we forgive those who disrupt our signal. - Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
A fellow Marlboro Coors Lite Ford Chevy SUV pickup banking insurance sportsball enthusiast, I see
- Comment on Roku has patented a way to show ads over anything you plug into your TV 10 months ago:
Roku somehow thinking that the Ferengi rules of acquisition was a how-to guide book.
- Comment on Roku has patented a way to show ads over anything you plug into your TV 10 months ago:
Jeff Geerling discusses having done the same, in one of his videos.
- Comment on Canada to ban the Flipper Zero to stop surge in car thefts 1 year ago:
“This here’s the Lockpocking Lawyer, and today we’re going to take a closer look at the Flipper Zero….”
- Comment on What is this on my apartment hydronic baseboard heater? 1 year ago:
and what looks to be some sort of dried landlord repair fluid.
Not that the landlord needs to be really broken before you’re able to see the benefits of using the repair fluid.
For slightly broken landlords, don’t waste perfectly good repair fluid on them.
- Comment on How to keep carpet clean? 1 year ago:
Back in the Before Times of Reddit, there was a guy who knew quite a bit about vacuums. Did an AMA at least a few times.
Long story short, powders such as baking soda or any of the common ‘freshness’ options damage vacuums. Avoid using them.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
I’ll be the dense lunkhead and ask/say the obvious:
I’m guessing you were trying to find a specific, older movie?
OT, but now I’m disappointed to have discovered that LMGTFY’s SSL throws a NSURLErrorDomain error. I would have used that instead.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
Don’t forget AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Towing Service
- Comment on Forever and always 1 year ago:
Also when you have a chance, check out:
Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary
but not until after you’ve seen GQ :)
After I’d watched the documentary, I realized there were some clever nuances/cinematography, etc that I had missed the first couple times I’d watched GQ. Ended up watching GQ soon after that once again.
It’s one of those quirky movies that’s worth rewatching from time to time. Like The Princess Bride.
- Comment on Tesla whistleblower calls cars with Autopilot “experiments in public roads” 1 year ago:
“WHOA THERE DUDE! Geez, didn’t you see that paper cup being blown by the wind?? Totally saved your ass.”
- Comment on Forever and always 1 year ago:
You are in for a treat, friend. Watch it when you have the time.
(Galaxy Quest, as the other poster mentioned.)
- Comment on So uhh.. how often should I be washing me towels? 1 year ago:
Proper air-drying is key. Gotta maximize the surface area. If there’s a gentle breeze nearby, all the better.
Living somewhere where you can use a clothesline would fit this most times (ie, if it’s not raining all the time).
- Comment on A lot of YAML 1 year ago:
Dude needs to get with the program.
Use a single plate, cup, knife, fork, spoon, lot, pan. Never unbox the rest.
Either that, or just eat over the sink.
- Comment on linguistics 1 year ago:
See also “fell into a hole”.
- Comment on Scarlett Johansson hits AI app with legal action for cloning her voice in an ad | An AI-generated version of Scarlett Johansson’s voice appeared in an online ad without her consent. 1 year ago:
Very true, and along the lines of what I was thinking.
But it wouldn’t surprise me if there were a way to establish a voice print. In fact, isn’t that already a thing? Even if it is a little rough around the edges, it wouldn’t surprise me if we were even closer to a higher reliability than thought.
With or without that, consider the copyright infringement suits for someone wanting to protect their song, melody, or whatever. Someone could poke at the 8 keys of a toy piano, and if a music artist’s legal team felt it sounded close enough to the original? The ol’ beatdown-by-seeking-damages trick if not a cease and desist order.
Anyway. If someone has enough money and too much time, they’ll make a case out of anything.
- Comment on Scarlett Johansson hits AI app with legal action for cloning her voice in an ad | An AI-generated version of Scarlett Johansson’s voice appeared in an online ad without her consent. 1 year ago:
Man, I misunderstood the headline. I thought the AI had created a likeness of her voice, and SJ was going after them for that.
Which begs the question, just how unique are our voices? There’s being distinct, and then there’s being literally one of a kind.
- Comment on How To Turn Off Google’s “Privacy Sandbox” Ad Tracking—and Why You Should 1 year ago:
Love Vivaldi, but when I hit a site that has excess crap on it, I’ll switch to FF and tap the reader mode for a cruft-free experience.
- Comment on iPhone 15 overheating reports, with temperatures as high as 116F 1 year ago:
This could cause a fire given the right conditions.
Something tells me it could also cause a fire given the wrong conditions.
(sorry yeah I’ll see myself out)