- Comment on Why Gen Z Is Ditching Dating Apps 2 weeks ago:
And loot boxes too.
- Comment on Report: Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am emails 2 weeks ago:
Needs a lot of work yet but I like it. I’m using it for non game shenanigans personally.
- Comment on Homelab upgrade - "Modern" alternatives to NFS, SSHFS? 2 weeks ago:
As a recently former hpc/supercomputer dork nfs scales really well. All this talk of encryption etc is weird you normally just do that at the link layer if you’re worried about security between systems. That and v4 to reduce some metadata chattiness and gtg. I’ve tried scaling ceph and s3 for latency on 100/200g links. By far NFS is easier than all the rest to scale. For a homelab? NFS and call it a day, all the clustering file systems will make you do a lot more work than just throwing hard into your nfs mount options and letting clients block io while you reboot. Which for home is probably easiest.
- Comment on What's the capital of France? 3 months ago:
Nah he’ll be a real brobot in the new order.
- Comment on Do you have what it takes to become a geologist? 4 months ago:
Heh that sounds like my buddies professor. All he said was your tongues always there and it’s a good instrument so why not use it. I just make fun of him licking rocks.
- Comment on Do you have what it takes to become a geologist? 4 months ago:
Im sure it’s required. I got a geology buddy and he said this is pretty normal for identification of rocks. So I bet its a required skill to tell spicy rocks from rocky rocks.
- Comment on Don’t Ask AI Which Rocks You Can Lick. 5 months ago:
Ask if you want but I’m not sure if the question is ability or suvivability. You can lick anything once. Just might regret it.
- Comment on Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second 5 months ago:
Until then just desolder the antennas good luck sending data with no way to connect to the internet.
- Comment on YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog 5 months ago:
I use this for my plex yet subscriptions
Note they will throttle ips so I recommend a vpn if you’re snagging huge channels.
- Comment on The recent events will probably be the first time that Gen Z and Gen alpha are hearing about 'Pagers'. 5 months ago:
I’m an annoying millennial I call em acetates cause I figure what they were called in the 40s or thereabouts is good enough for me see. Now I’m off to my ether frolicking and ice cream social daddy o or watever.
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
Dam freckle cultists and your freckle secrets.
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
So how many people knew about this shared freckle badge? I apparently am defective as I didn’t get stamped with it at birth, maybe my mom forgot to check that option at the dealership. Maybe this means I’m a reptilian or am a member of the illuminati. Or who know maybe I sliced it off in my youthful escapades and shenanigans. Oh well, just another club I’m not a member of.
- Comment on Delectable 5 months ago:
Soooo is it good? I kinda think its gotta be good least better than pizza with pineapple but I hate pineapple so I am biased
- Comment on That's a big burger 5 months ago:
Basically the father Ted skit with cows
- Comment on Work from home 7 months ago:
Cows will also chomp down on meat and little birds if given the opportunity. I grew up on a ranch herbivore doesn’t mean vegan like peeps seem to think it does. If they feel like they’re low on a nutrient and have opportunity they’ll nom on anything. No this isn’t pica either.
- Comment on apep 10 months ago:
Not without an inappropriate amount of delta v, it takes effort to hit the sun from the earth. Iirc it’s less energy to yeet yourself out of the solar system from earth than to hit the sun. Direct be even crazier amounts of energy to cancel out our orbital velocity. Iirc it would be easier to do a Jupiter transfer to save on delta v, going direct though is clown town energy waste unless you have some dying need to get there faster for some reason. But you’ll pay for it, a lot, least until we get warp drives or something neato exotic. If you’re willing to trade time there are less costly ways to “hit” a 700 000 km radius target energy wise.
- Comment on somewhere a postdoc is crying 10 months ago:
Does the fr curve just reply back with: bonjour?
- Comment on Fuse replacement guide 1 year ago:
You could say it just doesn’t make cents.
- Comment on Fact: becoming a programmer significantly increases your risk of being blinded and eaten by a Dilophosaurus 1 year ago:
I thought it was irix running that silly 3D file system viewer. So it was a registered Unix compliant system.
- Comment on KVN 1 year ago:
Kvn is the best robot to hate.