- Comment on Yandere GF 4 weeks ago:
I have realistic and healthy fantasies.
- Comment on We unleashed Facebook and Instagram’s algorithms on blank accounts. They served up sexism and misogyny 7 months ago:
We scrolled through the feed every couple of weeks to check what was being served up.
This is a critical flaw in the studies methodology. ‘loiter time’ is a metric used by algorithms to serve up new content, if the researchers where checking each post for signs of misogyny, then they were probably skipping by totally innocucus stuff whilst paying attention to misogyny. This (beening the only feedback) will have shown the researchers what they wanted to see.
Three months later, The Office, Star Wars, and now The Boys memes continue to punctuate the feed, now interspersed with highly sexist and misogynistic images that have have appeared in the feed without any input from the user.
It’d be good to know the actual ratios, given this was a guardian study there’s no reason to withhold data, nor a secondary source I can go and find the data. It’s possible that Facebook is simply serving up the entire spectrum of posts proportionately to their activity on the internet, or even favouring anti-sexist posts that are just not noticed/mentioned by the guardian.
Does anyone genuinely believe banning this sorta stuff is going to “end violence against women and children in one generation.”
- Comment on [Meta] Did we drop the "what are you playing" monthly thread? Also, mods haven't been active for a while, should someone take over? 8 months ago:
The news of KSP 2’s death has got me playing KSP [1] for the first time in years. It’s still abyssmally optimised, but nonetheless fun as ever!
- Comment on UK economy in recession as households cut spending 1 year ago:
I mean, one part of the economy the government (or, parliament at least) has control of is the money supply, which is pretty much the sole driver of inflation. If he’d genuinely wanted to (not necessarily saying he should’ve) he could’ve.
- Comment on Planned UK nuclear reactors unlikely to help hit green target, say MPs 1 year ago:
I mean, it’s the UK. If we could get anything done that only cost 9x what it ought to that would be a national news story.
- Comment on Planned UK nuclear reactors unlikely to help hit green target, say MPs 1 year ago:
I mean, the entire purpose behind SMR’s is pretty much to circumvent the political opposition to built-in-place reactors.
- Comment on Planned UK nuclear reactors unlikely to help hit green target, say MPs 1 year ago:
Huh. I wonder if all of the verbatim identical anti-nuclear posts I see on every social media platform that all read like they were copied and pasted from the same template are astroturfing by the natural gas firms.
- Comment on UK state pension age will soon need to rise to 71, say experts 1 year ago:
yeah your AI overlords were trained by the internet, so I’d not put any money on it.
- Comment on Trek Club 1 year ago:
… “Multi-modal reflection sorting” should confuse you, on account of the fact it is nonsense.
- Comment on Trek Club 1 year ago:
Yeah I know y’all read LOTR, yet none of you are anarcho monarchists.
- Comment on Trek Club 1 year ago:
No, but if you go by reading age, I can pretend pretty easily.
- Comment on Clear difference 1 year ago:
drag dynamic forces are proportional to:
- The denisty of the medium.
- The velocity of the moving body (squared).
Interstellar space might be very undense, peaking at about 10^-15 kg/m^3… However the enterprise E is very fast, with warp 9.9 being approx 20,000 c or 610^13 m/s, and that matters twice as much This puts the overall cosmodymanic forces at Cd * 3.610^12 N/m^2 or approximately the same as experienced by a dunesque Sandworm going mach 30.
So sure why not, Einstein and Newton are dead so can’t complain, and I’m pretty sure I could beat up Bill Nye.
- Comment on It's ba-ack... UK watchdog publishes age verification proposals 1 year ago:
I think the propaganda is the nefarious reason.
Tories have been talking about this since at least the coalition, if they had really wanted to impliment something like this they would’ve. The fact they haven’t implies:
- They don’t actually want it. Judging on recent scandals any chaste puritans in the tory party are so far in the back benches as to be blind to any goings on up front.
- They want to keep talking about it. See also: immigration. They know they have shit policies in every other area, so they need ‘vote winners’ among their core demographic (50 and over). Hence: save the kids, stop the boats, shag the flag. Labour and Lib-dems are never going to be able to present themselves as credible in these areas because of their historical leanings, so the tories don’t actually need to back up their promises with any actual ‘progress’ on these issues.
- Comment on It's ba-ack... UK watchdog publishes age verification proposals 1 year ago:
- Comment on 1,000,000 children living in most extreme poverty as figure almost trebles since 2017, report finds 1 year ago:
it was a question not a conclusion, as I said, either way is bad, There’s nothing wrong with wanting to know the scope of a problem.
(Thank you, though, link was helpful. <3 )
- Comment on 1,000,000 children living in most extreme poverty as figure almost trebles since 2017, report finds 1 year ago:
So I’m all for children ***not ***starving, I’d like to get that out the way. That being said, this article could be a lot more specific.
4 million people experienced destitution in 2022. Destitution is when people cannot afford to meet their most basic physical needs to stay warm, dry, clean and fed.
Is that an “and” or an “or”? Are children hungry and homeless, or are they going hungry to avoid being homeless, neither is good obviously, but it makes the difference between a third world country and a very shitty first world country.
with almost three quarters (72%) of those destitute being in receipt of benefits. charities – such as food banks – to try to prevent people from experiencing the worst of destitution, but the task is too great for them.
Are the destitution statistics based on what people can afford pre or post these thing? Obviously it’s bad when people need to rely on charity & government assistance to afford their essentials, but it’s unclear from the article how stressed these systems are.
Single people of working age continue to be the worst-affected group by far … followed by no statistics pertaining to this group!!!
Idk I just want more figures. That’s all I guess
- Comment on Kinetic weapons? What? I'm talking about THESE guns 1 year ago:
- Comment on BBC News - King Charles III new coin designs revealed 1 year ago:
Cash is king.
- Comment on When the writers say a planet is -291 Celsius 1 year ago:
Light is already the absence of dark. "it makes no difference weather you call the ‘stuff’ ‘hole’ and the ‘hole’ '‘stuff’ " - Einstein, I think?