- Comment on children 6 months ago:
On the contrary they were a comedic genius
- Comment on Post upvotes are like github stars 6 months ago:
Man you can’t be spending more than 30 seconds on a comment. If its taking longer to write out just delete it and move on. If you’ve really got something to say in longer than 30 seconds make a post about it
- Comment on Post upvotes are like github stars 6 months ago:
Yeah I’m always confused by the people who are like the downvote button is for off topic discussions. Like no that’s reporting and functionally the downvote button is the “I had a negative reaction to this button” and the up vote is the “I had a positive reaction to this button”
Personally I don’t downvote anyone because it just feels petty and pointless. Some of my favorite comments have loads of downvotes and to me it just makes whatever dumb shit I said funnier
- Comment on Aaaaah 6 months ago:
I like the feeling of having cramps. Sometimes I’ll deliberately over strain my leg muscles to induce cramps in my calf and feet. Idk it hurts but not in a I want this to stop way. I find it fun stretching them out when I get them. The only ones I don’t usually like are ones in my neck from yawning because it’s weird to have my face contacted
- Comment on Reading through English speaking non American political discourse is just non Americans comparing their politics to American politics 6 months ago:
Sry for not peer reviewing my shower thought
- Comment on Whoever is in charge of Capybara marketing is doing a hell of a good job 6 months ago:
I’m waiting for the tourists attacked by capybaras headline… Anyway now. …
- Submitted 6 months ago to showerthoughts@lemmy.world | 10 comments
- Comment on What is the safest way for a partially disabled person in the USA to use prison for food and shelter as an alternative to dying homeless in a gutter on a cold rainy night? 6 months ago:
Remember lads if you see a sketch username saying inflammatory stuff, it’s bait.
- Comment on Enemies of glory have no honor 6 months ago:
Yeah but it’s not like it’s unheard of to group different people im different divisions according to their abilities. Like most sports have women’s and men’s divisions, which as we are finding out, is at best kinda not a perfect way to divide people as it leaves quite a bit up for interpretation and at worst entirely arbitrary. But that’s not the only examples, younger people tend to be organized by age which is unfortunate for those going into puberty later and busted for those going in earlier.
I think re-evaluating what constitutes a separate division and how people are organised into them is a totally fair thing to do and approaching that from a standpoint of the potential biological and physiological advantages a person might have, is in my opinion a valid way of doing so, though probably not how I would go about it.
- Comment on Enemies of glory have no honor 6 months ago:
Okay I promise I’m not a eugenicist but I am kinda interested in the genetics and physiology of top athletes. At the highest level that last 1% of advantage from just genetic luck is pretty interesting to me. Obviously it doesn’t diminish from what the athletes have accomplished but I do think it’s interesting. Like we’re all just piloting meat based mech suits and the underlying base stats fluctuate between models and even individual units. I think that’s pretty cool to think about and also worth acknowledging on top of the hard work an athlete puts into perfecting their chosen sport.
- Comment on Ah sweet! 6 months ago:
Anyone who thinks this is okay can suck my lab grown dick
- Comment on The world if Africa didn't exist 6 months ago:
When the world needed him most, he vanished
- Comment on Why are Australians in denial about how cold our homes really are? ‘Winter stoicism’ is partly to blame | Reena Gupta 7 months ago:
Cos it’s fucking hot ere
- Comment on The Apothecary Diaries' Manga Artist Has Been Sentenced To 10 Months In Prison for tax evasion 7 months ago:
Based as fuck uwu
- Comment on Ride that Tide 8 months ago:
I think this comic would benefit from more panels
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 10 months ago:
Inside you there are 2 wolves
- Comment on NEW JOB! 10 months ago:
I’m currently looking for work at the cemetery as a deceased person hmu if you know anyone hiring
- Comment on Anthropology 10 months ago:
Ya know I don’t actually think having widely recognised hand signals with different meanings is all that weird.
- Comment on Happy Earth Day 10 months ago:
Yep, I guess this counts as a meme
- Comment on I knew it 10 months ago:
Were you just on board with all the puppeteers until the Dutch one ? XD
- Comment on The Karen of Lemmy 11 months ago:
When the shit post is agenda post 😔
- Comment on Everyone makes incest jokes about Adam and Eve and their children but they never mention that there was another woman named Lilith (Adam's first wife) who would have added variance to the gene pool. 1 year ago:
1000 years after what? Adam?
- Comment on We live in a post scarcity information society and we still haven't moved on from capitalism. 1 year ago:
It’s because we’re bad at distributing resources equally. Don’t really care if you don’t like the fact I used the word capitalism.
- Comment on Google will no longer back up the Internet: Cached webpages are dead 1 year ago:
I must now screenshot every picture of a cute boy I see lest they vanish forever :(
- Comment on We live in a post scarcity information society and we still haven't moved on from capitalism. 1 year ago:
The reason you are post scarcity is because other people around the world are not. This imbalance in wealth is because of capitalism
- Comment on 'Dark day for Tasmania's harness racing': Long-awaited report makes findings of race fixing, animal abuse 1 year ago:
How so?
- Comment on 'Dark day for Tasmania's harness racing': Long-awaited report makes findings of race fixing, animal abuse 1 year ago:
It’s not necessary to imprison and forcibly breed animals for sport.
- Comment on Recycling 4-year-old 737 memes (Part 6) 1 year ago:
Red caps have been ruined forever for me
- Comment on Good news, everyone! We temporarily stopped the orphan crushing machine! 1 year ago:
Man we as a society should all pool our resources together so that things like this can be done on a much larger scale wouldn’t that be cool
- Comment on Bob and the bobcat 1 year ago:
Without the caption this is a great shit post