- Comment on Apple refuses to break encryption, seeks reversal of UK demand for backdoor - Ars Technica 5 days ago:
This is the closest you’ll get to proof I would imagine.
- Comment on Why build for tomorrow when it's someone else's tomorrow? 1 week ago:
They would never build for you because you will teach them by example to build for their descendents.
“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.”
- ancient Greek proverb
- Comment on Two conversational AI agents switching from English to sound-level protocol after confirming they are both AI agents 1 week ago:
This is dumb. Sorry. Instead of doing the work to integrate this, do the work to publish your agent’s data source in a format like anthropic’s model context protocol.
That would be 1000 times more efficient and the same amount (or less) of effort.
- Comment on Can you "change" the environment in your "local" area? 6 months ago:
This city in Colombia did.
- Comment on How could I order flowers for someone in Poland, as a Canadian? 7 months ago:
Yes they can - through Glovo
- Comment on We Need to Talk About the State of Calendar Software on Desktop 8 months ago:
Notion calendar wasn’t built by notion. They bought an existing startup called Cron. And the desktop experience is top notch.
- Comment on We Need to Talk About the State of Calendar Software on Desktop 8 months ago:
Notion calendar is by far the best desktop solution for both Mac and Windows. Even if you don’t use Notion at all (like me).
I guess this author never tried it.
- Comment on Cloudflare is bad. Youre right. 8 months ago:
Tailscale funnels
- Comment on Battery electric vehicles lose their spark in Europe as hybrids steal the show 8 months ago:
Definitely this
- Comment on If you’ve got an EV, Google Maps is about to become much more valuable | New updates address one of Americans’ top concerns about owning an electric car: finding a place to charge 10 months ago:
Alerts only includes upcoming turns. I don’t want audio notifications of turns. Only speed traps and hazards.
- Comment on If you’ve got an EV, Google Maps is about to become much more valuable | New updates address one of Americans’ top concerns about owning an electric car: finding a place to charge 10 months ago:
How about audio alerts for hazards and speed traps ONLY!
- Comment on Simple authentication for homelab? 11 months ago:
check out vouch proxy.
- Comment on AI companies are violating a basic social contract of the web and and ignoring robots.txt 1 year ago:
Even better. Build a WordPress plugin to do this.
- Comment on Self-hosted VPN that can be accessed via browser extension 1 year ago:
This is the right answer.
The only other solution I can think of would be to put a device in the middle (such as this router).
- Comment on Warning: You cannot delete posts or comments on Lemmy. It stays up forever, and is in direct violation of GDPR and other national privacy laws. 1 year ago:
This is a lot like spray painting a message on a public wall in a neighborhood and then complaining because the community won’t paint over it when you realize how dumb it was.
You’re writing on a public space for free with no business behind it. You’re not the customer in this scenario.
- Comment on If civilization continues to the year 9999, is the idea to go to year 10.000, or...? 1 year ago:
If we’re no longer on earth, days and years will be based on whatever orbit we’re following. So I guess the counter would start from zero.
- Comment on Looking for Advice with networking between VPS, Homelab and Cloudflare 1 year ago:
You can use cloudflare tunnels to do the same. No need for tailscale
- Comment on Please help me find/place a quote from Aleister Crowley 1 year ago:
You’re probably looking for this book (not written by Crowley himself)
- Comment on What happened to Airbnb? 1 year ago:
I guess you heard that from a friend? Maybe try to question things more and do your own research. There’s tons of verifiable information out there and it’s easy to access.
- Comment on How to setup my own home server & make it available to anyone? 1 year ago:
Awesome. I didn’t know about this. Thank you
- Comment on How to setup my own home server & make it available to anyone? 1 year ago:
If OP wants to expose it to the public, tailscale isn’t an option. Cloudflare tunnels is the way to go.
- Comment on Silk tougher than Kevlar thanks to genetically modified silkworms 1 year ago:
I’m picturing police uniforms that resemble 90’s era club kids. The future looks bright folks.
- Comment on Be a VPS for other people? 1 year ago:
Maybe caprover gets you close to this?