- Comment on is recruiting new admins! 1 month ago:
I downvoted because of you, hope you’re happy.
- Comment on Uh oh 9 months ago:
Gotta love the censorship in a science community. Vile mods as always.
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 10 months ago:
Basically only for people with an internal monologue. Stupid-ass meme.
- Comment on Interesting new data on Lemmy instance federation with Threads, ordered by Active Users descending. 10 months ago:
- Comment on Why is Windows 11 so annoying? 10 months ago:
It’s called a reputation. It’s not fixed overnight. It’s not “sad”, it’s transitory.
- Comment on legs to die for 11 months ago:
You might need a toad for the bigger bugs eventually
- Comment on Boys admit killing more than 20 animals in break-in 11 months ago:
There’s no such thing as a “sociopathic killer”.
- Comment on Boys admit killing more than 20 animals in break-in 11 months ago:
- Comment on Oregon resident caught the bubonic plague from their cat, local officials say 1 year ago:
Kill it with fire.
- Comment on Anime Directors 1 year ago:
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
Do you mean I certainly think I do or or do you mean a group of people not including me means I do?
You haven’t clarified any of those yous for me. How am I supposed to know if you mean me or a group of people who are not me? Spoken like a true troll
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
Truly a fine example of an American citizen ^. When the semantics are used as an escape mechanism from the point about being xenophobic. Truly a conversation mastermind. Or should I say manipulating xenophobe? Who knows? You certainly seem to think you do.
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
If you feel insulted by it, does that mean you do in fact spend your time licking your flag?
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
You can go spread your xenophobia elsewhere now. That way you’ll be able to return to your hobbies faster, isn’t that great?
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
I know education is hard to find in the states, but come on, even a first grader knows that “you” can represent a group of people? Unless… It’s worse than I thought in your specific case.
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
Oh idk, maybe when you said “insulting me” when I talked about licking the flag and conspiracy theories? Unless you actually identify with that, in which case there’s no more discussion to be had here as I’m clearly wasting my time and keeping you from your hobbies.
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
Oh idk, maybe when you said “insulting me” when I talked about licking the flag and conspiracy theories? Unless you actually identify with that, in which case there’s no more discussion to be had here as I’m clearly wasting my time and keeping you from your hobbies.
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
I didn’t realise you represented all Americans. You clearly don’t appear very important at first sight.
Seems like you’ve caught a serious case of hypocrisy, no one is allowed to make fun of your country because “MURICA”
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
You could just go back to licking your flag, but I guess conspiracy theories are close second in terms of American hobbies?
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
I could quote anything you’ve said in this thread as being contrarian, but let’s see what sort of bullshit you come up with next to dispute that, I’m waiting:
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
You are by proxy for defending it. And for agreeing with it. It’s not difficult to argue in good faith, but you seem to stumble at “arguing”.
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
You’re literally mocking everyone of a nationality that isn’t your own with this post. That’s being xenophobic. Look it up.
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
You did that to yourselves with this post lmao.
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
Oh my bad, I guess shitposting is about being xenophobic. That’s what all words mean in American.
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
It’s not difficult to be fair.
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
Look it doesn’t have to be serious, but at least make fun of everyone equally instead of putting yourself on a pedestal like you always do.
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
Could’ve made it any number of silly, funny things. But no, you had to go for the “joke” that is… checks notes… “triggering people like you”.
Cool joke bud.
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
I see what you’re saying, but I raise you this, it it was meant as a joke, why is the American one the only normal one? Oh that’s right, lack of self-awareness.
- Comment on Can anyone confirm? 1 year ago:
Made by: clueless Americans
- Comment on i’m living in a school with gamblers 1 year ago:
Just put on your plot armour, you’ll be fine!