- Comment on 'Best' jobs for college grads.. most paying unlivable wages. 5 months ago:
? some companies see that you have a degree and hire you as a manager.
- Comment on North Korean hackers exploit Chrome zero-day to deploy rootkit 6 months ago:
that’s pretty intense. What do they plan to do with all of our dogecoin?
- Comment on Nissan develops paint that keeps cars cool in summer heat 6 months ago:
trick is to paint the windows
- Comment on How can i make myself poisonous to mosquitos? 7 months ago:
what noise does a dragonfly make?
- Comment on Japan to launch world’s first wooden satellite to combat space pollution 1 year ago:
Surely it’ll be powered by wood and have wooden circuitry and it’ll be super efficient to launch because they’ve figured out how to harness the power of wood popping as it burns. I can’t wait to see the wooden solar panels. Good thing there’s so much oxygen in space. This stuff doesn’t usually make it to the surface on reentry anyway, right?
I wonder if this is a real article. I don’t want to read it, but I wonder.
- Comment on Amazon could soon be on the hook for safety of third-party products it sells and ships — Government order could classify it as a distributor, potentially exposing it to more legal claims 1 year ago:
teslas specifically don’t generate electricity
what is going on in this thread?
- Comment on Addiction is like a beautiful little warm fire that becomes the destruction of everything you have. 1 year ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
you mean you send it out from under the toilet lid?
- Comment on US pay-TV subscriber base eroding at record pace 1 year ago:
I’d rather pry my eyes out with crayons
- Comment on Compy... Burninate that entire personal log. 1 year ago:
i… never thought to do that, young as i was
- Comment on We can't all be perfect... 1 year ago:
it’s from all the McDonalds, Jesus.
- Comment on Same?... Yes, Same 1 year ago:
who downvotes personal experience that provides more thoughtful input than the input above it? wtf
- Comment on Same?... Yes, Same 1 year ago:
5,000 years of experimentation is not enough! I demand more! slams fist vaguely
- Comment on Relatable. 1 year ago:
marked as resolved please take my survey judging my wang size
- Comment on Analog problems require kickass solutions 1 year ago:
i choose to interpret this as you thinking kidneys are stupid.
- Comment on You may want to sit down 1 year ago:
i was IRCing with my PSP at around 13 :p
- Comment on Brain Study Suggests Traumatic Memories Are Processed as Present Experience 1 year ago:
- Comment on A good deal of IT work, too 1 year ago:
how big are your pockets cmon
- Comment on I will not elaborate 1 year ago:
feel good inc vs propane tank
- Comment on What impact would reversing the Earth's rotation have? 1 year ago:
it’s a french scientist’s name
- Comment on This is the way 1 year ago:
think that’s called baker’s chocolate
- Comment on Leaked screenshot shows Amazon is now tracking individual employee office attendance records, reversing its anonymized data policy 1 year ago:
erm. What would a Bezos performance quantification look like?