- Comment on What if the only reason countries, like the U.S., agree to arm other countries when they are in conflict, is because international billionaires have placed bets on which countries will win. 10 months ago:
markets access and hitherto investments play a huge role actually. Israel is the Silicon Valley of the Middle East. In Ukraine the worst scum of the earth, agricultural produce and energy speculators (and real estate/companies hiring swathes of cheap labor in countries with large refugee populations, like Poland) as well as the military industry are benefitting from dragging this conflict out as long as possible whilst not allowing Ukraine to lose completely as to not lose access to hers market on beneficial terms.
- Comment on TikTok's CEO is feeling the pressure and users are freaking out 10 months ago:
us be please please stop spying on our children so that WE can do that and also prevent the thoughtcrime of believing genocide (in Palestine) is bad
- Comment on So much for free speech on X; Musk confirms new users must soon pay to post 10 months ago:
*keys and *omas are more fun though. mastodon’s way too businesslike to encourage a fair share of people to pick it over shitter (it works other way around as well tho)
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
will this affect invidious/piped?
- Comment on Amazon "search through reviews" is blindly just running an AI model now 11 months ago:
skiddie neuron activation
- Comment on Amazon "search through reviews" is blindly just running an AI model now 11 months ago:
can’t wait until some stupid website commits a self-pwn by making such stuff an XSS vector
- Comment on For those thinking of going back to reddit. Gaze upon this comment section and reconsider. 1 year ago:
infinite monkey theorem smh?
- Comment on Paying people to work on open source is good actually 1 year ago:
If you don’t want to pay banks, ask the devs for a crypto address perhaps
- Comment on Give me Options or give me death 1 year ago:
A simple example:
func GetConfig(path string) mo.Result[*Config] { return mo.Try(func (*Config, error) { // logic to get the config }) } conf := GetConfig.OrElse(&Default config)
While it might not make much sense for a function you use just once, it can get actually pretty useful to simplify error handling like this for something you use more often.
- Comment on Surely dark UX doesn't work in the long run 1 year ago:
proprietary sotfware moment proprietary software moment…/ru.yanus171.feedexfork/
- Comment on Give me Options or give me death 1 year ago:
mostly the
where you’d except a panicOrElse
to pass a fallback value (can be a function with unwrapped value of the same return type, but without an error). Useful in e.g. more complex constructors where some fields might not be readily available.Either
can for instance be useful to have arbitrary type unions in structs. I haven’t usedOption
that much but seems similar to Rust’s. - Comment on Give me Options or give me death 1 year ago:
gofumpt’s even beter, also golaegci-lint-langserver
- Comment on Give me Options or give me death 1 year ago:
Here you are
- Comment on Give me Options or give me death 1 year ago:
just dogsled shit
- Comment on Ozzy gave THIS GUY permission, but not Ye? The hell? 1 year ago:
papysh xD
- Comment on Opinions? 1 year ago:
Had no trouble getting access to their CI, my request took less than a day for my one AGPL-licensed project. Also has a weblate instance. In the past the UI could have been a little laggy with large diffs but that improved somehow. Not too many 3rd party integrations supported though and not as feature-rich as Gitlab, but still very friendly UX that’d probably cover your GitOps needs in 90% of the cases.
They also got really good ToS, see tosdr.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
you can style it though
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
it had some stability issues, alternatively, also weechat’s quite decent since it has quite long history of development
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
mumble is better for synchronous communication
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
electron bloat
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Fluffychat or Gomuks
- Comment on Strings do too many things 1 year ago:
fuck any website that requires an account to just READ it’s stupid content and at the same time blocks guerrillamial/10minutemail (looking at you, Glassdoor,I don’t want to get fucking spam just so that I can check approximate salary in a company)
- Comment on What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk? 1 year ago:
CS is also what most problems on leetcode and the like are about. Programming is just application of CS concepts, usually wrapped in several layers of abstraction, to domain specific problems. But I’ve never seen a job posting for a computer scientist specifically, yet we all know how it often looks like.
- Comment on What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk? 1 year ago:
depends. Desktop code, sure, reverse engineering from assembly takes some time but some good dissasemblers might be able to produce some C skeleton to start from. Though you might get lucky just exploiting the supply chain of bloated open source with a hellton of vulnerabilities deps/infra like glibc, apache or sudo.
But web code? Sure, minifiers exist but not every website uses them and even if their do, thanks to all the new stuff since ES5 you can for example spend way less time doing something like finding a Math.random() based, ergo cryptographically utterly broken PRNG.
Or for example you can easily rule out whether the website uses header-to-cookie based CSRF protection by just checking the console on any authenticated write-like request. The rest could be automated with things like zaproxy or selenium/curl-impersonate/puppeteer scripts.
- Comment on What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk? 1 year ago:
only if the definition of success excludes having a stable, well paying position working for someone. I wrote some websites for fun at the age of 13, got into Linux at 12 but does anyone care? No, because that’s not commercial experience and that’s what matters in the world of job postings written mostly by non-technical people.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
- Comment on What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk? 1 year ago:
also just plain readability. Indentation-based scoping is horrible for larger codebases. Maybe if it was a purely-functional language like Haskell where this sort of scoping works better and all effects are tightly contained. But most larger codebases tend to use python in OO way and that can get messy pretty quickly. Damn, if python had a piping operator like elixir that’d be of a lot of help, actually. Plus there is so much legacy code in a language that had e.g. ternaries long before adding something seemingly so fundamental as switch-case.
- Comment on What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk? 1 year ago:
Yeah take for instance ransomware. That is easy since a lot of your targets might distrust regular user input but be much less cautious about stuff that should presumably be only accessible internally but isn’t actually even properly locked behind a VPN gate so a simple credential stuffing would do and from then onwards it is actually easier than a physical kidnapping since you don’t need to worry about using physical force to ensure your victim submits, doesn’t escape or recognize you. But then you need to actually be smart to make sure you don’t de-anonymize yourself in the process, don’t render your operation just some temporary disturbance by ensuring your victim doesn’t just restore their backups if your goal is a denial of service until you get paid and not expecting ransom for not releasing breach data.
Or take carding. Not technically super difficult, especially with the whole illusion of security that many non-technical users have (ie the infamous padlock when I can literally set up a phishing site with letsencrypt that’d log all the form data in minutes), but then good lock cashing out on that with all the KYC on virtually every crypto exchange out there and all that granted 3DS doesn’t stop you.