- Comment on Trump literally referred to himself as "King". Surely conservatives are against a monarchy forming? 2 weeks ago:
For the government to bring a bunch over in Project Paperclip? I don’t think they were ever against fascism; they didn’t like Hitler’s version because they didn’t benefit.
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on What the heck is wrong with my succulent? 5 months ago:
I have a graptoveria that produces air roots constantly, mostly because despite having a perfectly good pot and light source, it does its utmost to grow outside of the pot. Every year I have to chop and prop it to save it from itself.
- Comment on Help me with my "little" rose 1 year ago:
Your rose needs a few things: A repot into a bigger pot, and rich, loamy soil. Bonemeal to restore phosphorus (that’s likely why it’s no longer flowering) Slow release rose fertilizer (can be found at gardening stores)
As for trimming, prune off unproductive or bare branches, and cut off dying flowers. I don’t judiciously prune my roses.