- Comment on FBI nabs worker at DVD company for ripping prerelease blockbusters 1 day ago:
He shoulda just said he was training an ai model!
- Comment on delicious 1 year ago:
Ooooh! And and! Apparently they contain newly discovered flavours of nano plastics too! Exciting stuff, gals!
- Comment on Emergency cake 1 year ago:
You would probably drive more carefully with cake, than “the weather is bad”, anyway. So probably a better way to advise. Cake and half full fish tanks, because you’re too lazy to empty them the whole way…
- Comment on Hits me right in the feels 1 year ago:
Be angry, also, at the people who have rigged the game, those in power, artificially inflating prices to line their own pockets. And I’m so sorry you’ve had such bad runs! I’m also a little proud of you for, not only getting as far as you did, but a few times! Well done! I say we fucking eat the rich.
- Comment on The Teddy Bear Was Once Seen as a Dangerous Influence on Young Children 1 year ago:
Books were considered ‘bad’ devices now. I find it absolutely fascinating the loud obnoxious naysayers, never really go away and they seem so silly from this far vantage point. It really puts in perspective all the ‘should do this /don’t do that’ bullspit.
- Comment on PSA: If you're tired of political posts in Technology, block user L4 1 year ago:
Omfg. It put up an anti Vax post about eradicating autism. Holy fk.
- Comment on ASD jab: Chinese scientists reach milestone in revolutionary gene therapy for autism 1 year ago:
Or fend off the ablism of trying to eradicate autism, instead of just forming a more inclusive world.
- Comment on ASD jab: Chinese scientists reach milestone in revolutionary gene therapy for autism 1 year ago:
Imagine a world more inclusive, for them, first, then ask that question. Imagine if the world could be made more comfortable and less traumatic and painful, for them. And there are some who are of that category that do just fine. So do we force them to change too?
- Comment on ASD jab: Chinese scientists reach milestone in revolutionary gene therapy for autism 1 year ago:
It’s really not cool, man.
- Comment on Just testing the federation 1 year ago:
Oh! Someone pronounced his name wrong! Bad form, on them.
- Comment on We're all just in Stockholm Syndrome to whatever culture we were born into. 1 year ago:
Same has been said regarding the way we feel towards parents. I dunno tho. I think I Kindly disagree with both sentiments.
- Comment on Just testing the federation 1 year ago:
Question: did anyone notice, In TNG, anyone say “data” referring to information, but with the different pronunciation to “Data”, in the show? Why did I not think to look out for this till now!
- Comment on Yeah, but... 1 year ago:
You were the superstar cool kid! I bet you’re just as cool, now bud.
- Comment on Yeah, but... 1 year ago:
Hey man, that’s one of your secret superpowers!
- Comment on Amazon exec says it’s time for workers to ‘disagree and commit’ to office return — “I don’t have data to back it up, but I know it’s better.” 1 year ago:
Literally everything he said rebuked that last sentence.
- Comment on Yeah, but... 1 year ago:
There’s always that one sibling that you pass the controller to, who can easily do the thing, like it’s nothing, and you have been trying for hours. Also, I was born 1977 too! We had an Atari, tho. I spent full days on that thing trying to get that big block of attacking aliens down to none.
- Comment on Australia to amend law to regulate digital payments like Apple, Google Pay 1 year ago:
Cool to know! What I’m wondering, though, is what changes the government are making, specifically. Why do they think it’s bad, and what are they changing.
- Comment on Australia to amend law to regulate digital payments like Apple, Google Pay 1 year ago:
Yeah, I wonder what they’re actually doing. Are they making it safer, or just shitty they aren’t taking a cut, and changing it so they can skim off the top.
- Comment on When Horses replace electric is the circle complete? 1 year ago:
I came here to say this too, but I did that thing where you look to see if someone else has said it. Hi, my people! I would sell my soul for this to become a thing.
- Comment on Microdosing psychedelics shows promise for improving mindfulness in adults with ADHD 1 year ago:
Yeah, they do say that this highlights the need for controlled studies. It’s more like, "oh we didn’t expect that to be a thing, possibly, ok, we’ll look into it, stay tuned "
- Comment on A genre of Country Music... 1 year ago:
$50 bucks says, he still never feels like it’s enough.
- Comment on Flux capacitor problems 1 year ago:
I used to play that game! Simpler times! I called it doppelganger, and I would just shout random celebrities names, as if I was seeing the real celebrity, but it was just someone who looks slightly like them. I would have loved to get selfies with these dopples and just pretend I thought they were the real thing to other people, even when they looked almost nothing like them. Until it was so obvious I was taking the piss, there was no fooling anyone any more. Then I would keep doing it just to be annoying! It would never lose flavour.
- Comment on apple users in a nutshell 1 year ago:
So what you’re saying is that low level workers are socialised to feel like lesser (even though the pandemic really proved who actually matters in the scheme of the whole job system) and also feel trapped by the design of the employment system, under capitalism and angrily try to take some ground back by having just one nice thing, bought with the feeling of pride, but are actually accidentally buying into the system that oppresses them.
- Comment on YouTube Premium family plan price update ($17.99/month -> $32.99/month!) 1 year ago:
Corp Simps or just don’t know how to do anything else?
- Comment on Sundar Pichai argues in court that Google isn’t evil, it’s just a business 1 year ago:
(with well placed dollars, to the politicians, supposed to set those regulations, “just weaken this corner here, bud, here’s a small percentage of the profits we will make if you do that”)
- Comment on Sundar Pichai argues in court that Google isn’t evil, it’s just a business 1 year ago:
That is exactly what he’s saying.
- Comment on 2 way communication is key 1 year ago:
When people are adults, it’s their job to learn the things and seek the knowledge and self improve. That thinking that you can save someone, that one will always get you in hot water. You just focus on improving you. And leaving the drift wood behind.
- Comment on 2 way communication is key 1 year ago:
I don’t know, I read the original meaning, believe they’re capable, in rebuke to the stereotype men just *can’t do anything, so don’t even try, like they’re incapable toddlers, or something. To me it was a cheeky way of taking a shot at that thinking, that men aren’t capable.
- Comment on Apple jacks prices to juice profits because $19.3B a quarter isn't enough 1 year ago:
It will never be enough. That’s the model of capitalism.
- Comment on There once was a programmer 1 year ago:
You’re phrasing at the top there, started a sea shanty, but with your lyrics, in my head.