- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Not if your Milo’s liver
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Didn’t even have to click to know Milo has created another Googledy Bunker. It’s a great series and I recommend the rest of his work.
By his, I mean miniminuteman
- Comment on How did people poop before smartphones were invented? 5 months ago:
Not if you do it right
- Comment on I shall exercise against you my right of rejection because you have treated me with contempt. 6 months ago:
I can’t imagine why or how they would be used very often. /s
- Comment on I shall exercise against you my right of rejection because you have treated me with contempt. 6 months ago:
I said be not afraid! Geez!
- Comment on I shall exercise against you my right of rejection because you have treated me with contempt. 6 months ago:
I’m flipping between “why is there cuneiform Unicode” and “of course there’s cuneiform Unicode” much more rapidly than I really expected
- Comment on Why are weather apps so bad at telling you the current weather? 7 months ago:
So, what Hari does is basically game theory on a massive scale. The larger the group, the less complexity because you’re abstracting the different possible issues individuals would have out of the problem. Instead of making it more complex, it simplifies the whole thing because all the chaotic bits cancel each other out.
And slight spoiler warning for an old story but you find out later that the whole thing isn’t just predicted ahead of time and let loose but a group of people follow along in the shadows to keep the plan on track.
- Comment on Why are weather apps so bad at telling you the current weather? 7 months ago:
At the time Hari tried to apply it at the small scale, it was impossible. I believe by the time Gaia takes over the science could be applied to the single organism but that also feels like cheating.
The whole point of prelude and forward was that his attempts to start on the smaller scale by going backwards in time was a fools errand and impossible but starting with the relatively small scale of just Trantor was doable as it had sufficient mass to apply the generalized mathematics towards. The variables on the smaller scales were too numerous but as you abstract towards larger bodies, it reduces the complexity to the point it becomes calculable.
Well, not the whole point but still
- Comment on Why are weather apps so bad at telling you the current weather? 7 months ago:
Psychohistory was designed for large groups. It wasn’t designed for single creatures like butterflies
- Comment on we must go back and fix this 10 months ago:
I like both for their own interpretations. Brotherhood kept to the story the creator wanted to tell and when 03 caught up to the original story, instead of making insane amounts of filler to wait for more story (looking at you dbz), they took their own direction and it goes wild in all the best ways.
The only thing I don’t like about brotherhood is the lack of absolute fucking gutpunch of finding out what happened to create the talking chimera
- Comment on Mark me down as scared and horny 1 year ago:
Tasha Yar spilled the beans in ten forward before her untimely demise, apparently.
- Comment on Prusa MK3s+, PETG and a 0.6 nozzle 1 year ago:
Saw the pics and it honestly looks like over extrusion, especially that top surface
- Comment on Prusa MK3s+, PETG and a 0.6 nozzle 1 year ago:
You basically have to retune your profiles to match between the petg and the larger nozzle.
Recommend following this as well as you can:
- Comment on Detroit man steals 800 gallons using Bluetooth to hack gas pumps at station 1 year ago:
In my area it’s around $3.20
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
During the Klingon civil war, he was temporarily made Captain of the USS Sutherland
This is also where Data shows serious BDE to his racist(?) first officer.