- Comment on Intel chip bug FAQ: Which PCs are affected, how to get the patch, and everything else you need to know 6 months ago:
e.g.…/ryzen-3000-fix-sinkclose-vulnerabilit… AMD has these sorts of flaws too, I don’t know enough to tell if AMD is significantly better in this when deciding to buy
- Comment on Intel chip bug FAQ: Which PCs are affected, how to get the patch, and everything else you need to know 6 months ago:
- Intel chip bug FAQ: Which PCs are affected, how to get the patch, and everything else you need to ↗Submitted 6 months ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on Cars Are Now Rolling Computers Now. So What Happens When They Stop Getting Updates? 7 months ago:
fine, fine, I learned 3/4 things there, thanks for taking the time
- Comment on Cars Are Now Rolling Computers Now. So What Happens When They Stop Getting Updates? 7 months ago:
…linux cars? Pretty please?
- Comment on OpenAI’s latest model will block the ‘ignore all previous instructions’ loophole 7 months ago:
I don’t think people need anonymity to post crap daily for millions of followers. You could have an accreddited human poster who proves not only humanity, but also agrees to a few rules and then you could have non-accredited posters who nobody vouched for, but everyone should instantly doubt if they make big claims.
- Comment on Underground caves do exist on the Moon, radar observations confirm 7 months ago:
- Comment on Underground caves do exist on the Moon, radar observations confirm 7 months ago:
Yea, like a giant pile of statically charged asbestos that are hard to clean away.
- Comment on Underground caves do exist on the Moon, radar observations confirm 7 months ago:
This is so exciting because it sounds doable. Unlike Mars, which is a tragedy waiting for the unprepared.
- Comment on Underground caves do exist on the Moon, radar observations confirm 7 months ago:
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 44 comments
- Comment on Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law 7 months ago:
this is business info…nothing about tech.This could have happened 50 years ago…
- Comment on Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law 7 months ago:
All media gave him free uncritical publicity for decades. Now they know the monster they created, but it is too late :/
- Comment on Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer 7 months ago:
I don’t get it, are they implying that each GPU can draw 200kW? a home is like 10 max. Wtf is a gpu that can consume more than 10 homes?
- Comment on Russia launches "social rating" platform to determine a person’s comparative “social status” 7 months ago:
If you’re going to do that, you may as well just jump to american war crimes e.g. or hamas
- Comment on Russia launches "social rating" platform to determine a person’s comparative “social status” 7 months ago:
But why do you need to go fetch Israel as a measure that you need to understand the egregiousness of what russia is doing to Ukraine…when what russia is doing to Ukraine is both evil like Israel’s brutality without regard for human life and hamas’s terrorism and need to destroy their neighbour at the expense of its own people…there is no comparison :/
- Comment on Russia launches "social rating" platform to determine a person’s comparative “social status” 7 months ago:
they have social credit scores in Israel too?
- Comment on Russia launches "social rating" platform to determine a person’s comparative “social status” 7 months ago:
How many putinpoints do they get for using a cruise missile to bomb a children’s hospital chemo ward?
- Comment on noplace, a mashup of Twitter and Myspace for Gen Z, hits No. 1 on the App Store 7 months ago:
You used to have very simple friends-of-friends algos that are not ML, they are just graph connectivity and distance. They work for recommendations like steam games of what people who like this game also liked.
- Comment on noplace, a mashup of Twitter and Myspace for Gen Z, hits No. 1 on the App Store 7 months ago:
Yea, by “before” I meant before 2013…which leaves more “after” than before for social media 😅 .
- Comment on noplace, a mashup of Twitter and Myspace for Gen Z, hits No. 1 on the App Store 8 months ago:
It’s potentially worse, because before you may have had an algorithm that a human could fine tune or whistleblow on. Now if it is trained on large datasets, the resulting algorithm is usually a blackbox weight matrix, they probably have no idea what pattern it is optimizing :S
- Comment on Music industry giants allege mass copyright violation by AI firms 8 months ago:
Problem is this is a Cell vs C18 fight. Don’t let Cell win and absorb C18 :/
- Comment on Music industry giants allege mass copyright violation by AI firms 8 months ago:
I get that you don’t need to be a professional instrument player to make good music…or be a professional composer…but if everything that takes effort is done for you, what are you really contributing? Curation, maybe?
This is great for people who make indie games to focus on gameplay and structure. You can make a full soundtrack and backgrounds in a 2 minutes for free. But you can’t say it is going to help creativity.
- Comment on This smiling robot face made of living skin is absolute nightmare fuel 8 months ago:
The self-repairable part is odd to me.You need to keep feeding it and to prevent infections, otherwise it will rot :S Besides, the healing relies on blood for platelets and crusts to form…it needs too much babysitting to be called “self-healing”.
- Comment on Music industry giants allege mass copyright violation by AI firms 8 months ago:
I think it’s pretty clear they want to own it, not ban it.
First, they will use the rights of artists to gather popular and lawmaker support in their war against AI-content, then big labels will integrate it to turn around and screw creators over. It’s a classic.
- Comment on This smiling robot face made of living skin is absolute nightmare fuel 8 months ago:
synthetic playmates…got it 👯
- Comment on Music industry giants allege mass copyright violation by AI firms 8 months ago:
I was surprised it took them this long. On the other hand, this just means that labels want to own AI songmaking, this is not good for creators or listeners either. Rick Beato was talking about this today… (minute 6)
- Comment on This smiling robot face made of living skin is absolute nightmare fuel 8 months ago:
…but…why? What is the point of living skin on machines? Even humans do everything they can to make their skin not look human :D
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 46 comments
- Comment on [Gamers Nexus] "Google is Getting Worse," ft. Wendell of Level1 Techs 8 months ago:
Who thinks google will still be a traded company in 10 years?