- Comment on Options for "iPlayer will stop working on this device" 4 months ago:
Amazon fire stick sorted my parents’ tv out when the built-in apps became unsupported. Could be a relatively cheap option with back friday around the corner…
- Comment on If I put a gallon of 10% cider vinegar in a shallow pan and let 1/2 gallon evaporate, will that make it double its strength? 1 year ago:
Citric acid is a good shout, but if you can get hold of sulfamic (NOT sulfuric) acid, it is much faster at removing limescale as it is a stronger acid. It does cost a bit more though…
- Comment on Hormones are powerful drugs. Taken by everybody. Creating massive aggresstion, obsession and mental disturbance. What would freedom from its influences look like for a society? An individual? 1 year ago:
I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume OP is only referring to sex hormones, though this could have been made clearer in the question…
- Comment on Hormones are powerful drugs. Taken by everybody. Creating massive aggresstion, obsession and mental disturbance. What would freedom from its influences look like for a society? An individual? 1 year ago:
Given that hormones control most of the processes occurring in our bodies, there wouldn’t be a society as there wouldn’t be any individuals
- Comment on Is a Lemsip Max just a paracetamol? 1 year ago:
It certainly does: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17442681/
- Comment on Why cant the Middle East just chill out? 1 year ago:
Apparently, zinc deficiency is very common in the Middle East, and one of the side effects can be aggression.
This led to Edward de Bono suggesting Marmite as a solution to the conflict in the Middle East, as Marmite contains high concentrations of zinc…
- Comment on Bike Riders of lemmy, you okay with me riding my eScooter in the bike lane? 1 year ago:
In my eyes having someone on an escooter in front of me is no different to having a slower cyclist in front. So it wouldn’t bother me.