- Comment on Spotify CEO Daniel Ek surprised at negative impact of laying off 1,500 Spotify employees 10 months ago:
- Comment on Spotify CEO Daniel Ek surprised at negative impact of laying off 1,500 Spotify employees 10 months ago:
Does tidal have the feature Spotify does where you can transfer what’s playing from one device to another? I use that somewhat frequently.
- Comment on It must confuse English learners to hear phrases like, "I'm home", instead of "I am at home." We don't say I'm school, or I'm post office. 10 months ago:
I’m the law!
- Comment on Programming Horror Game 1 year ago:
If you have multiple similar lines, you can perform the same editing on them all at once.
- Comment on Programming Horror Game 1 year ago:
laughs in IntelliJ multi cursor mode
- Comment on ifn't 1 year ago:
- Comment on ifn't 1 year ago:
Kernighan, what was I thinking?
- Comment on In The Eagles song "Take It Easy" the first verse states he has 7 women on his mind, later he is admiring a girl in Winslow, Arizona...maybe another girl isn't what this guy needs. 1 year ago:
Maybe he’s ethically non-monogamous.
- Comment on It's almost impossible to deny being an alcoholic without sounding like an alcoholic 1 year ago:
The same goes with being called a liar.
Every statement I make is a lie.
- Comment on It's almost impossible to deny being an alcoholic without sounding like an alcoholic 1 year ago:
Seriously! The new model and terminology have been around for a decade or so! Why aren’t more people aware of them yet? throws hands up in frustration
But, having said that, now deny that you have an alcohol use disorder without sounding like you have an alcohol use disorder😏
- Comment on xkcd #2827: Brassica 1 year ago:
… I honestly can’t tell if you think I didn’t get that when I made a joke (apparently not a good one, judging from the downvotes) based on the double meaning, or if you are making a really, really dry joke in return. If it’s the latter, nicely done!
- Comment on xkcd #2827: Brassica 1 year ago:
Possibly kangaroo meat? Boomers such as the Eastern Grey are pretty unmanipulated, and taste like venison.
Yeah, but not the Gen Z kangaroos. They’ve been manipulated by social media their entire lives. Some taste like beef, some taste like chicken, and some refuse to be eaten at all! When the older generations tell them to just let themselves be hunted, they say, “OK, Boomer!”