- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
Those amounts aren’t USD yeah, probably habit when writing down money. The 170k and 360k figures are the WoW virtual currency aka “gold”.
There is a floor to WoW token’s gold value from what I recall (it’s been years since I interacted with Blizzard and WoW) but no ceiling.
Dunno how hard it curbed bots/unsanctioned gold sellers/fascist scum grassroots campaigns (no, really, look into Stephen Bannon and WoW gold it’s so fucking stupid) but!
Blizzard absolutely realized and then moved to take all the money that was being left on the table from 3rd party virtual currency sales, and they apply every measure and analytical tool to maximize that profit because of course.
This mount’s release is literally them inflating the price of the virtual currency ahead of real life earnings calls, because it absolutely will sell and give them the revenue infusion that the WoW token’s rise in value is meant to provide for as long as they want until it’s time to pump the numbers again with another mount/high sought store item.
A very similar variant in form and function to this mount was once available in-game and trade able with a rarity tuned that it ended up being sold for the WoW Token equivalent of ~$500 at the prices at the time, as there was no store version or similar option elsewhere.
It’s no accident that when the price of the WoW Token is at its lowest, here comes a slightly updated and dolled up version of that same highly sought mount version.
WoW is where real economics, car ownership culture, hoarding, and dopamine treadmills collide and Blizzard doesn’t just know this but have it charted on 5 year plans.
- Comment on Seal of Approval 6 months ago:
In 1998, Baker, Ruoff, and Madoff that the organism is most likely a species of Mycoplasma called Mycoplasma phocacerebrale.[7] This Mycoplasma was isolated in an epidemic of seal disease occurring in the Baltic Sea.[8]
It’s not that we don’t know what causes it, and it can be cultured from seals and has been. It’s that in order to empirically and categorically say in any way that matters that the organism is definitely the cause of seal finger…
You would need to be culturing a person infected with the disease from whom treatment is being withheld. Either against their will or with their “consent” wouldn’t matter. As we know what the disease can lead to, the ethical course of treatment is clear: a bunch of culture running antibiotics injected into you. Right away, without delay.
Because asking or even taking advantage of someone declining treatment to assess and write the confirmation study that says “Mycoplasma phocacerebrale definite cause of seal finger” goes against a lot of ethical science limitations.
This is what makes the donating the affected limb of someone who never got care for science post-mortem also work as both a neat joke and ethical loophole. Researchers could accept that gift, ethically.
- Comment on xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas 9 months ago:
If you can trust the human monkeys with the “shaping” of a rock that got us here, how you gonna distrust the widdle trivial matter of taking little bits of something and splitting them.
It’s shaped charges, it’s totally fine and sane. I’d happily get on the 1,000th Orion flight*.
*Only if that’s a fresh hull
- Comment on Google lays off hundreds of 'Core' employees, moves some positions to India and Mexico 10 months ago:
Of course not. Why would I risk limiting our market share that way? I demonstrate synergy and the ability to run an agile ship by instead outsourcing development of an app charging 1,000,000,000 people $15 monthly for the privilege of pressing the button and posting that they weren’t it this month. Then I press it, because we must make sure our actions align with increasing shareholder value.
- Comment on [OC] I (For real) remastered all of Starcraft's Terran themes. What game music should I remaster next? 10 months ago:
“Self promotion” can and often is conversation. Ads are ever just ads. Of course rules and expectations were put in place to push for a divisive paradigm that only “the big guy” can afford to sidestep.
Can’t have advertisers’ treasured impressions diluted by discourse that happens to involve a specific person’s (often) passionate labors. Drink your multinational conglomerate verification can now.
- Comment on Living in a forest without any technology also works, since you will have no internet access anyways. 10 months ago:
Shhh, you’ll attract the solarpunks and then we’ll really be finding out all about the ways of low-tech and high-nature. Some of us have things to do today other than design low-watt high-flow irrigation.
- Comment on Wgen you donate, do you ever think of the person that gets your blood and how high their hospital bill will be? 10 months ago:
Right. You are righteously protesting. Right on. No joke or bullshit, I applaud conviction.
Of course, the bastards have made it so that the price of mass protest of this kind is the same folks protesting dying more often.
That’s also no joke, or bullshit.
For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction, and if you stare at the abyss too long it stares back at you; same sentiment.
Same way you don’t kid yourself about the goal, never kid yourself about the price and who pays it or you’re no better than who you protest.
I’m sorry if this is news, and it is not your fault; let’s head off that trite response.
But conviction often quantifiably costs blood, and it’s poignant the theme is literal this time which is why I’m taking the chance to blab this much.
A warrior should know the weight of the sword they heft.
- Comment on "Yeah, but what if we used AI?" 10 months ago:
Those folks live amongst the rest of the poor undesirables silly. They don’t live in the privileged communities that would turn on them as the next ‘Them’.
- Comment on But how would they be able to live on that? 10 months ago:
You could write this in stone and metal on everything on earth; carve it into the very DNA of humanity. And still…
A big subset of these leeching fucks and their admirers would still be on “but he’s so smart and if it so easy how come not every blah blah blah”.
They really do mistake financial Inertia with intelligence; billionaires don’t actually need finance degrees the stupid fucks.
- Comment on Microsoft is blocking Windows Customization Tools 11 months ago:
Thank you. The one arena where the fault really does lie in few enough hands they fit around a biggish table, and the Internet instead makes a nebulous boogeyman out of “marketing” (don’t get it twisted either y’all, I condone zero of the bullshit marketing practices we all hate, but that’s also the same table of people) instead of the board.
It’s not even secret information. The decision came from the minds of these folks (as they understood what they asked to be measured and think to steer to measure higher numbers of whatever they’re measuring):
- Comment on Microsoft defends barging in on Chrome with pop-up ads pushing Bing, GPT-4 11 months ago:
Besides magic or the possibility you erred however. On a purely theoretical and divorced from your situation to be perfectly clear: How?
If you truly did all you did and re-built how did they still peg you as Theseus after you rebuilt your ship do you reckon?
- Comment on Avast fined $16.5 million for ‘privacy’ software that actually sold users’ browsing data 11 months ago:
Love the vibe and energy against pretense for pretense sakes, but your source makes you seem demented as it literally repeats exactly what they said if you read it.
- Comment on I've noticed my boomer parents using Instagram and tik tok. I can't tell you how excited I am for them to kill those platforms like they did facebook. 11 months ago:
I feel that their next war is on education and masculinity.
The latest shots in the former march on by under the banner of ‘woke [literally any noun]’ is ruining our children these days, but that war has been raging since the 80s. ‘They’re’ winning by strangling the purse strings and efficiencies out of public education.
The latter? Masculinity? That one has been a total occupation for hundreds of years already.
Our sisters, mothers, and daughters have been warning us even before the side effects of the emotional self-immolation a Patriarchic-controlled society demands of men by violence and shame until ‘Men don’t cry’ can be such poisonous words that many men end up kissing the barrel of a gun than using their lips to communicate their struggles to each other.
It took trauma and the effects of such turning sharpening empathy into a survival mechanism rather than the too often opposite for me to even have been able to introspect myself out of just the more common and pervasive aspects of ‘toxic masculinity’.
Make no mistakes; whatever you want to call ‘hearts and minds’, the twisted craven swine undermining the concept of basic humanity know very well to keep assaulting them. Education and empathy are the only things that can empower an actual successful removal of the Takers’ ability to do the same.
- Comment on OpenAI wants to raise 5-7 trillion dollars. Yes, Trillion 1 year ago:
A bit late now, but perhaps people–governments, regulators, leaders, the parties who had the freedom from the fields to sit about and draft corporate structures–should have thought about the interplay right in your statement which delivers us our current modern world.
I.e, the below points are in my sincere opinion, fundamentally mutually exclusive:
the corporation SHOULDN’T be considering such issues, they should only attempt to further their own goals
It’s the role of government to align corporate goals with reality, or with societal values.
The former empowers the more agile structure of a singular corporation to devote all it can regardless of morality to ensure it controls the latter–Government, regulations, public opinion,“ownership” of natural resources–such as to maximize it’s own goals.
The goal of any single corporation taken to absurdity is often touted as absurd because but is it really?
What mechanisms does a corporation have to not grow until all the world is simply ‘Megacorp Branded’ ruins whose asset holdings trend to infinite on the last running quarterly report spreadsheet within a planet devoid of both investors and consumers?
There are no brakes built into the most common corporate structures by short sighted design, and humans suck at exponentials.
It hasn’t even been fifteen human generations since the advent of the Industrial Revolution bringing the impetus for ever speeding greed.
If the rich were any less short sighted than the poor and money granted the wisdom they think it does, they would be pushing for corporate reform that doesn’t risk a period of “blink and both our profits and the world are gone”.
That selfish-altruism isn’t common sense even as they all clamor for anti-aging just shows cash doesn’t provide wisdom, only opportunity to get your head out of your ass and insulation from consequence until it’s too late otherwise.
- Comment on Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994 1 year ago:
Did you think the MS C-Suite does much other than bloviate on LinkedIn in-between (and during) meetings? It’s for them and execs everywhere.
- Comment on Reddit Falls Short of Ad Growth Targets Ahead of Likely 2024 IPO 1 year ago:
I’ll be honest. I want to believe in the Fediverse and Lemmy, really really hard.
It’s ideals (rather, the gestalt of the best of what everyone says is the best of Federation) appeals strongly.
But sometimes, it’s instance after instance of complaining about this or that. Double points when it’s all reddit complaining.
I dunno if being a heavy content creator necessitates an air of misguided superiority but there’s no more nuance here than anywhere else, and the content can’t seem to form precisely because everyone decides to take their toys away and do their own thing at the smallest provocation.
I don’t use them on my phone because fuck their app, but I’ve found no choice but to join up with an alias and as much extensions to make their job harder as Firefox allows, just to have genuine discussions on hyper specific topics from a PC.
- Comment on Scientists successfully replicate historic nuclear fusion breakthrough three times 1 year ago:
In a perfect world, NASA was always funded like Humanity depended on it since after WW2, and by 2010 a unified global space organization supplanted the need for any militaries because we’re too busy building fission plants on the moon to bind with that sweet HE3 to power the Space Mobile Homes affordable for all because of course we researched fusion without profit motive until it worked.
Kinda my preferred alt-world, now someone please fire up all of the world’s particle accelerators on high at once, that’ll get us there right?
- Comment on NASA uses laser to send video of a cat named Taters over 19 million miles 1 year ago:
They need to be harnessed into biological CPUs by hyper-advanced dog sized jumping spiders. It’s the only use for those murderous six legged maniacs.
- Comment on Timmy, this is wrong 1 year ago:
Without a cure for ADHD this is actually free healthcare woo!!!
- Comment on Phones should have FM radio again 1 year ago:
They included that in their reply:
ClearChannel (and therefore iHeart) sells advertising enmasse so that messages and products can be pushed the largest groups. They hype up the music festival like its a great big deal, and then they give away tickets.
Basically, the bands and holding the event are cheap (the bands selected are not in high demand and thus cheap booking) in comparison with the profits of hosting a subliminal ad show with a (happily) captured audience.
Note that this is my interpretation of the other poster’s message I thought I’d chime in with, I have no first or even second hand knowledge on this topic.
- Comment on The EU says X is the worst platform for disinformation | Just as it removes a way to report election misinformation 1 year ago:
Disregarding the irony of your authoritative stance, as it is your opinion…It’s not only possible but better to do both?
I’m with you on the TL;DR that equals mindfulness is more work than virtue signaling, but did you consider that internet arguments,(communication) are as intrinsic to the human experience as porn and memeing?
You can work a job that helps others, volunteer in your local community, and practice mindfulness while attempting to elevate and spread good vibes to others.
I don’t recommend anyone try to do all of them at the same time, and in the case of jobs that’s not even a healthy consideration in the face of modern life pragmatics. Which we should change yes, but that’s another discussion.
Your observations are valid, and correct. For everyone. But it’s a “some of the time” thing; It takes practice and support to become the kind of person who can actively choose to put aside those coping mechanisms.