- Comment on Any recomendations for a to-do list app with homescreen widget? 2 months ago:
For regular to-do lists (like a shopping list) I use Google keep, and I had a widget that displays any list on the home screen. It also lets you share lists with others.
For tasks that need a date and time, I create tasks in Google calendar and they are automatically listed on the calendar widget
- Comment on How do you get better at debate without necessarily doing a debate? 4 months ago:
Rhythm training
- Comment on How do you get better at debate without necessarily doing a debate? 4 months ago:
Ear training
- Comment on How do you get better at debate without necessarily doing a debate? 4 months ago:
- Ask your teammate what he studied to get better
- Watch a lot of good debaters; note what they do that is good
- Watch some bad debaters; note why they were bad
- Debate, debate, debate, even if you have to do it over the phone
- Comment on Canon Connections: PRO 2x01 - Into the Breach, Part I 5 months ago:
Just finished watching this episode and reading this post. I would like to read the next one after watching the next episode. Is there an index somewhere making it easy to find all these posts? If not it would be worth it, because they add value to star trek and they also add value to Lemmy
- Comment on How do decide what language you speak living on a countries border. 5 months ago:
If you take the time to learn the languages spoken in your area, you multiply the opportunities that will come your way, socially, professionally, romantically, etc.
- Comment on At what point when learning a new language do someone become bilingual? 5 months ago:
One practical way to informally assess your bilingual level:
You are bilingual when you have a friend who can only speak your second language.
- Comment on What can be the reasons for self-sabotaging behaviours when it comes to relationships? 5 months ago:
You could look into “attachment style”, and perhaps you are “avoidant” or something similar.
Discussing this with a therapist, or advisor or life coach could probably help you zero in on what’s going and what to do about it.
- Comment on Why is waking up when my alarm goes off so difficult and unpleasant yet "sleeping in" does feel good and isn't satisfying? 5 months ago:
This Nedroid comic explains it:
- Comment on Could an animal be taught how to throw accurately? 6 months ago:
I’ve read that humans are the only animals on the planet that can throw objects with a degree of accuracy.
Were you reading some Mormon booklet? Anyway, you were misled, but cheer up, you can probably find better reading material, starting with the several answers you got here.
- Comment on Can anyone help me find an online calculator that can calculate total the price of items I buy. (euro) 7 months ago: is free and can do that. It’s like a calculator but you can label things freely in it.
It’s free to use
- Comment on A "test" to judge Star Trek shows 8 months ago:
I think most of ST:LD pass your test, if not all of them
- Comment on The BASIC programming language turns 60 10 months ago:
10 PRINT “What is your name?” 20 INPUT $NAME 30 PRINT "Sausage slaps " + $NAME 40 GOTO 30
- Comment on How do you accept the things you cannot change? 1 year ago:
The way I see it, when that person blocked you, they actually admitted that you won.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
A lot of people feel the ways you do at one point or another in their lives, and that means you probably end up in their 90%.
- Comment on Appliances with an off light. 1 year ago:
The off light reminds me to unplug the device when I don’t need to use it.
- Comment on Do you think that membership into suicide pacts will increase dramatically within the next decade because the world is falling apart at the seams? 1 year ago:
Don’t worry, things have been falling apart since at least the beginning of written history, and most certainly longer. At the same time, wonderful things have also been happening during all that time.
Just make sure you take good care of yourself and of the people around you.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on Why is the DEA and ATF separate? Seems like they cover similar things from similar circles. 1 year ago:
Don’t forget that back in 1998, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms reached a Trade Agreement with the Food & Drug Administration
WASHINGTON, DC—The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms and the Food & Drug Administration reached a formal trade agreement Monday. Under the terms of the deal, the ATF will provide the FDA with alcohol, tobacco and firearms in exchange for equal value in food and drugs.
“My administrative assistants and I were enjoying some of our food the other day when it hit us,” FDA Commissioner Michael Friedman said. “We have tons of food lying around, and tons of drugs, but nothing to drink, smoke or shoot. Then, someone—I think it was [deputy commissioner] Phil [Royce]—suggested we call up those guys at the ATF across town and see what we could get. Turns out, they were ready to deal.”
- Comment on How should I find a good hair cut? 1 year ago:
I was wondering the same for myself and here is a video that helped me:
The whole channel is excellent if you are looking for tips on how to dress too.
- Comment on What makes a bicycle so expensive? 1 year ago:
Tldr: Why does anything cost money? Because someone will pay that amount to purchase it.
- Comment on Military Time vs 24hr? 1 year ago:
In the US, the 12-hour clock format is in widespread use, except in the military. That is why it’s called like that.
- Comment on Did anybody watch TOS for the first time AFTER Strange New Worlds? 1 year ago:
Just accept that it will be very dated, and if you can look past that, and if you can be 10 years old again, you could love it.
- Comment on How to block bot posts, posts and users? 1 year ago:
The bot from the community is posting good material. I would not like to lose that.
- Comment on Annotations for *Star Trek: Lower Decks* 4x05: “Empathalogical Fallacies” (SPOILERS) 1 year ago:
You’re getting upvotes, I think most of us enjoy lurking.
- Comment on Annotations for *Star Trek: Lower Decks* 4x05: “Empathalogical Fallacies” (SPOILERS) 1 year ago:
Not a lot of comments in reply to this post, but I hope you keep making them. They are very satisfying to read.
- Comment on Happy Star Trek Day! 1 year ago:
What are your favorite episodes so far?
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x01 "Twovix" & 4x02 "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee" 1 year ago:
It looks familiar to me too. At first I thought about the time traveling shuttle in TNG A Matter of Time, or the tiny ship at the beginning of TNG Conundrum, but it’s not any of those.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x01 "Twovix" & 4x02 "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee" 1 year ago:
Question about the mysterious ship that destroyed the Klingon and Romulan ships: is it a reference to something that was seen elsewhere or is it something new?
- Comment on What's Your Favorite, Not at All Epic, Star Trek Quote 1 year ago:
“Time is the fire in which we burn”