- Comment on Why do we cry? 6 months ago:
Yeah I think there was research that sad tears had increased stress hormones in them, making them a stress reliever as well… But honestly I’m only just going off my memory
- Comment on Why do we cry? 6 months ago:
Actually when we cry we release certain types of chemicals and endorphins which make us feel good. Kinda like your body is saying hey you’re sad, this will cheer you up.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
Damn you really did smoke a little too much
- Comment on Funny bad games reviews 8 months ago:
WorthABuy is fantastically cynical
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
What about those that want more than they need? Like the greed for money translates to your purchasing power and how much you can get of what you want.
So say someone works overtime, gets more money and can buy more things.
In a world where there’s no money, how does that individual get more of what they want?
- Comment on How long would it take to create a Pyramid today? 8 months ago:
They actually don’t know, but mathematically in order for them to build it within the historical time constraints, it had to have been done one block per minute.
Which some say is impossible with the technology they had, sparking conversation that there’s more to the history of the pyramids than we think.
- Comment on OpenAI strikes Reddit deal to train its AI on your posts 9 months ago:
Well even if it was a legal argument, they wouldn’t care. Like Facebook and all the rest. They say they don’t share your data but we all know that’s a lie
- Comment on Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip 9 months ago:
Through consent. The guy probably either has terminal illness and is happy to contribute to research or is completely paralysed, that an operation like this could benefit both parties.
It’s an agreement and I’m sure the risks are expressed to the individual.
- Comment on [Serious] Any high-quality right-wing media, books, explainers? 10 months ago:
I find the Austrian School of Economics really interesting.
Particularly books written by American economist Murray Rothbard, who talks about free markets, government (particularly government intervention) and inflation.
There’s a very short book you can read called "What has Government Done to Our Money?”
- Comment on What will happen to large companies once poor people have no more money to use? 10 months ago:
The whole model they operate on is unsustainable. Either Blackrock and vanguard keep them afloat. Or they’ll take on personal loans, issue out corporate debt. Or find ways to downscale, either job losses shrinkflation. Or raise prices. These are all desperate measures and are signs of an unsustainable company.
Losing the middle class (if that’s their target market) is a company’s biggest downfall.
And I feel that the little people will start to lose hope cause it feels like it doesn’t matter… But it’s similar to someone on credit card debt. You can only do it so long before it starts to catch up.
- Comment on How A Small Video Game Narrative Studio Wound Up At The Heart Of A Massive, Anti-Woke Conspiracy Theory - Aftermath 11 months ago:
Who actually cares? A niche group of people want to curate their games based on a personal preference. Nobody has the moral authority to tell them what they should or shouldn’t spend their money on.
- Comment on the agent's argument in the matrix 1 year ago:
Exactly, it’s still a somewhat survival of the fittest world, especially politics. Certain psychopaths get in as they have the skill to take down their opponents at whatever the costs.
Then these people with their morals and ethics have the power to make global decisions.
- Comment on how long is the current era of inflation going to last? 1 year ago:
We made the money printers to brrr for a very long time with almost no inflation
You can’t print without consequences. The more you pump into circulation, the more currency you need to buy the same goods and services. You’re basically losing purchasing power.
If you give everyone a million dollars, you’re going to see prices increase. If prices don’t rise, people could buy out entire stocks of goods and you’ll have supply problems. So you need prices to increase to adjust for the amount of currency circulating. That’s inflation.
- Comment on how long is the current era of inflation going to last? 1 year ago:
Are these record profits adjusted for inflation? As in, are they earning more or is it nominally higher?
And yeah I mean it’s not just devalued currency, there are a lot of factors that go into inflation. But Id say it’s one of the biggest contributors for sure.
Interest rates stayed low for too long and people borrowed up to their eyeballs (corporations included), pumping a lot of currency into the market. That’s got to account for something no?
- Comment on how long is the current era of inflation going to last? 1 year ago:
Until they stop printing money and devaluing the dollar…
Too many people think inflation only means price increases. That’s just a symptom. If banks and governments keep flooding the market with cheap loans and subsidies, you’re inflating the money supply, meaning you’re adding more money into circulation.
The more money sloshing around the more you’ll need to purchase goods (hence why your dollar starts to devalue)… And hence price increases.
And no government is doing enough to solve inflation, even with these rate hikes.
- Comment on Raspberry Pi is planning a London IPO, but its CEO expects “no change” in focus 1 year ago:
You’re forgetting that super/pension/retirement funds that everyone pays for goes into stocks too.
Technically speaking you could be a shareholder.
In an ideal world, the company can use this to further expand without taking on debt.
What raspberry pi will do though, we shall see. But it’s not always so black and white.
- Comment on Raspberry Pi is now manufacturing 70,000 Pi 5s per week, will surge to 90,000 in February 1 year ago:
Supply and demand? If you flood the market with stock, everyone can sell them and out bid each other until it’s as cheap as it can get while still turning a profit. That’s competition.
The fact that there isn’t enough stock is why it’s so easy to price gouge…
- Comment on How is Russia not Financially Crippled? 1 year ago:
They’re still selling it to europe, but because of the sanctions, Russia sells it to India and then India sells it to Europe.
Basically all these sanctions did was add a middle man for Europe making it more expensive but still financially supporting Russia.
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
I’m just not a huge fan of turn based
Me neither but honestly it fits really well into the game and it’s really enjoyable. The story, characters and gameplay really shine in this game.
- Comment on YouTube will have fewer ad breaks on TV — but the ads are getting longer 1 year ago:
I looked around a year ago and I couldn’t seem to find anything. People just don’t seem to develop for Tizen. I ended up buying Google TV and sideloading everything I needed.
- Comment on YouTube will have fewer ad breaks on TV — but the ads are getting longer 1 year ago:
Can vouch. This, revanced and ublock on all my different devices and I haven’t seen an ad in years
- Comment on on youtube how do I downvote an ad? or how do i tell youtube that "hey this ad is not something I want to see?" I know ad blockers don't work on youtube anymore but how do I tweek what ads i do see? 1 year ago:
Aye now we’re talking
- Comment on YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button 1 year ago:
Personally I use revanced extended from GitHub. It’s got additional options and they release an APK, so I just download and install
- Comment on Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours 1 year ago:
I have no proof but I’m convinced it’s some sort of money laundering. Especially when they released the $30,000 DLC bundle to get everything
- Comment on What happens if flat Earthers go to space? 1 year ago:
Don’t get me wrong. I do love a good conspiracy, but it needs to have plausible motivation and a mountain of evidence
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Preheat the empty pan. You’ll know it’s hot enough when you throw water droplets on and it beads and dances around.
Then use a good amount of oil and/or butter. I’ve even cooked eggs without much hassle.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
I’ve looked into this when buying pans, I’d say it’s still unsafe. Apparently in 2013 they changed their formulation so the chemicals aren’t toxic and if ingested it’s inert so it doesn’t affect you at all.
With all that, I still don’t trust non-stick and bought myself a stainless steel pan and I love it. It’s easy to maintain and when cooking properly most things don’t really stick either.
- Comment on What happens if flat Earthers go to space? 1 year ago:
What I don’t understand is let’s say it is flat. Why would they go to such lengths to lie that it’s round? For what purpose.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Gambling is one hell of an addiction
- Comment on What are your go-to sources for game reviews and finding new games? 1 year ago:
Worth A Buy on YouTube is very honest. He’s funny and cynical, a bit like Total Biscuit used to be.
He’s one of the few I trust now for an honest review. Would highly recommend him as he’s also incredibly entertaining.