- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 4 months ago:
You can already do this. If you click on the publisher or developer there is an ignore option
- Comment on How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality. 5 months ago:
Yea, what about your liver? Have you asked how it feels today?
- Comment on Coconuts 🥥 8 months ago:
If they came from Asia to the Caribbean via the Pacific, how did they traverse North America? If they came via the Atlantic, how did they traverse Europe, the Mediterranean, or Africa?
- Comment on What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk? 1 year ago:
Myth: software engineers replicate value similar to a factory worker making the same item over and over
Truth: software engineers are closer to artists than factory workers IMO. We find and create new value, not replicate existing value
- Comment on What moment from a video game made you cry? 1 year ago:
The end of Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Comment on How reliable are EV chargers? 1 year ago:
I installed one in my garage a bit over 5 years ago and have never had a problem with it. My parents also installed one in their garage several years before that. They did have an issue with it at first but I think they replaced it with a newer version of the charger (same version I have) and haven’t had any issues since then.
- Comment on What are some of the best optimizations you applied to your code? 1 year ago:
I just recently updated a database call to return the last 7 days of data instead of all data from all time. It went from taking 30+seconds to around 2-4 seconds. Still a long way to go to make it “good” but at least it’s not timing out now.
- Comment on What are some of the best optimizations you applied to your code? 1 year ago:
If you think it’s slow, first prove it with a benchmark
So many crimes against maintainability are committed in the name of performance. Optimisation tears down abstractions, exposes internals, and couples tightly. If you’re choosing to shoulder that cost, ensure it is done for good reason.
- Comment on Sisko was kind of crazy... 1 year ago:
The Intel Report on YouTube digs into this subject pretty well. I recommend giving it a listen/watch: youtu.be/xG4ks5f31Wg?si=iAv_tLpkgsE5WA9f
- Comment on Sisko was kind of crazy... 1 year ago:
It also fits with what we know about her. Janeway was always second guessing her decision to ultimately strand her crew in the Delta quadrant. She felt extremely guilty about all of the people on her ship that got killed through those 20 years (especially Seven of Nine) and wanted to do something about it.