- Comment on If the kids didn't mutiny, would Picard have been killed when the turbolift fell? 1 year ago:
The way gravity plating works is not given as far as I know, Perhaps the gravity generators simply alter the number of gravitons in an area of plating. Once that value is set it remains until changed again. A sudden power spike can cause the generators to withdraw the extra gravitons, as a result sometimes certain kinds of emergency can “turn off” gravity in an area of the ship.
- Comment on Programming As a Career Isn’t Right for Me 1 year ago:
If they overlap, aren’t you in danger of having your company try to take over your passion project?
- Comment on Programming As a Career Isn’t Right for Me 1 year ago:
I write programs for myself. I have learned enough C, Pascal, Fortran, Basic to write small things and even larger things like a visual file manager for MSDOS, or my own version of the venerable STAR TREK game. I even know of big O notation (But I don’t know how to calculate it for a given algorithm)
But I never wanted to be a programmer - having to work on other people’s programs 8 hours a day. That would ruin programming as a hobby. When I am self-directed it is fun.
I was a Data Center tech instead. Minding 3 football fields of other people’s computers.
- Comment on I've seen it said that TNG was centered around Picard, Riker, and Data like TOS was centered around Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. But I've always thought of TNG as an ensemble cast. Thoughts? 1 year ago:
Worf may be a badass, but there are many that are just badder than he is. But as the Jem Hadar guy said “I cannot defeat this man, I can only kill him”.
- Comment on Over 65 years ago this month, researchers ran the first FORTRAN program 1 year ago:
You don’t really change the compiler itself. You can build up libraries of your own subroutines and link in the ones you need in any particular program, just like you might in C.
- Comment on What's Your Favorite, Not at All Epic, Star Trek Quote 1 year ago:
But that was Q’s ad hominem response to an even better exchange: Q: What must I do to convince you people (that he is mortal and without powers) Worf: die.
Sorry I know you said “not epic” but most things Worf says are epic.