- Comment on How do I use an OpenWRT device as both an extender (for the main router) as well as a firewall + NAT + DHCP box? 11 months ago:
Depends if you want to assign IP addresses or not. If you don’t, you just want your own section of the same lan, I.e.all your devices connected to your router but let dhcp pass through then you can just set itnup as an extender
- Comment on Starting from zero 1 year ago:
Myrecommendations is probably to host a next cloud instance. Does all the standard ‘cloud stuff’. File, contact, calendar sync, plus a bunch if other stuff if you want to add it via plugins. If you’re patient, and a single use you can host it on basically anything. If you decide you want to add users or have a faster site, you can go down the route of sorting out faster hardware or better specs and suck.
- Comment on I love my Gitea. Any tips and tricks? 1 year ago:
So they can read your code and use it for copilot
- Comment on Home server setup recommendation 1 year ago:
Yes, WebDAV will max your local connection. Its generally not the encryption that makes ssh slow but the fact that it is designed to give real time terminal feedback. In order for you to see each letter typed in an ssh session, the buffers are really small and it intentionally sends a tone of small packets. Great for single characters bad for large file transfer.
Its OK here and then when you need to push a config file or something but moving large files is not really what its designed for and consequently, it sucks.
- Comment on Home server setup recommendation 1 year ago:
Well, for starters, tftp is the wrong thing for local file transfers if you want it to be fast. The only reason its still around is because its simple and offer the only file transfer protocol that is built into the firmware of the network card.
You read that right, its a simple file transfer protocol built into every network card made in the last couple decades.
Your best bet for file transfer is probably something like a WebDAV server. Which next cloud can handle for you. You can just enable normal WebDAV on something like httpd but then you gotta handle authentication yourself. (Or allow local and connect with VPN)
- Comment on eReaders for Selfhosted book collections 1 year ago:
Second, I run a fleet of kobos for the family, they alsonwork pretty well with the libraries around the area which the kids love.
- Comment on What's the difference between asking someone title or someone's pronouns ? 1 year ago:
Its probably not that people are shit talking behind backs and more that the people who really care are extremely vocal. Everyone that is indifferent or supportive probably doesn’t have the need to bring it up every chance they get. They have other things that worry them.
- Comment on What's the difference between asking someone title or someone's pronouns ? 1 year ago:
Its funny, my mom used to say ‘everybody has three names, the one thirm mom gave them, the one the like to be called and sorry, I didn’t catch your name’
Somw how it doesn’t apply to pronouns though that would be crazy.
- Comment on Making hydrogen from waste plastic could pay for itself 1 year ago:
So, the get 8% of the bottle into a usable form . . . by turning plastic bottles into gases. So where does the rest of the bottle go? How much energy is used for that?