- Comment on All Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Prototypes Have Visible Creases, Which May Explain The Company’s Apprehension Towards A Launch 4 months ago:
(Most) North Americans are the epitome of wasteful consumerism, even more than their economic kin in other global north countries (but sadly not by that much). They succumb like flies to company deals and propaganda that incentivizes throwing away functional stuff and replacing it with new shiny thing XYZ in ever decreasing intervals. Vance Packard’s 1960s book still being to the point. If environmental preservation is a concern to you or other reader, don’t incentivize an unnecessary tech and use your smartphone (that is a necessity) until it breaks beyond repair or usability (and buy an actually strong protection to increase the interval). I still use an iPhone 6S, and it works perfectly well for smartphone tasks (there is even functioning bank apps. security updates still appear once in a while, and bank apps are protected by the banks anyways. if you feel unsafe using banks in an old smartphone, create a 2nd bank as a ‘‘street bank’’ for daily tasks keeping only a low amount of money, and keep the money in a primary bank to be used via internet).
Imagine if we could just flash a functional android ROM on it, that hardware still is great and could last decades (replacing pieces once in a while). Anyway, the mainstream tech industry is definitely an enemy of sustainability, don’t ‘buy’ the green-washing.
- Comment on All Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Prototypes Have Visible Creases, Which May Explain The Company’s Apprehension Towards A Launch 4 months ago:
Android still has F-droid and FOSS alternatives to mostly everything, while iPhone is walled garden 101.
- Comment on Nintendo Targets YouTube Accounts Showing Emulated Games 4 months ago:
Console Gaming is a lot less worse than Nintendo, but if you (or someone else) wants to be ‘pure’, they are also not recommended. Consoles are locked-down PCs controlled by the companies, not you, and they abuse their captive consumers by charging multiplayer online, having less promotions (and getting worse with time at that, by eliminating the physical disks), demanding subscriptions with ever more grades and higher prices, tying games to a digital account they can revoke, and not letting the users use the hardware as they see fit in general. PC gaming avoids most or all these issues, with steam excelling in everything (sans the digital license tied to the account, but even that is mitigated because their DRM is weak, and games frequently are found on the high seas if needed), and GoG (and itch.io, etc) respecting completely its customers (offline instalers, completely at your control).
- Comment on What is your favorite retro console? 5 months ago:
My modded Nintendo 3DS with emulators. It is a heavenly beast that runs every Nintendo game released before the Wii and Switch.
- Comment on Which do you like better: Windows or Ubuntu? 5 months ago:
Ubuntu, because it’s the base for my Linux Mint XFCE.
IF between the 2, Ubuntu in Xubuntu or Lubuntu.
- Comment on God of War Ragnarok Mod Removes PSN Requirement and Creator Vows to Maintain It 5 months ago:
His-Her complaint seems to be somewhat broad, lots of obligatory hand-holding is present when options that turned it off would be as simple as a few lines of code, and they ruin the slow stages that require thinking or the fast action ones.
- Comment on Google Is ‘Thinking Through’ How to Make the Pixel Watch Repairable 5 months ago:
just make it easily repairable by third stores with minimally qualified people and cheap tools, like digital watches already were and are. Or, make a full collecting and recycling tax to be paid by those uncaring clients.
- Comment on YouTube Premium is getting a huge price hike in over a dozen countries, sparking user backlash. Some countries are experiencing hikes between 30% and 50% 5 months ago:
The Peertube protocol developers should develop a central hub webpage space for newcomers, allow accounts there to follow all channels in every instance (and to only follow and block specific instances too), and then develop apps for smart tvs. It’s the only realistic FOSS alternative to Youtube i can think of, and i dont know why the first point is still non existent (having already subscribed to several channels in 3 instances using separate accounts).
- Comment on This Android Malware Has Infected Over 11 Million Devices 5 months ago:
It is unintentionally correct: Google Play, and its contents, is corporate malware, people should use F-Droid to get safer and free (as in freedom) apps. Neostore is a nice app to access it.
- Comment on YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog 5 months ago:
There are people here not from western europe or north america, we felt all of that and beyond with capitalism too. Do you think Asia and Africa, who received aid and support from the soviet union to free themselves from capitalist Europeans will fall for that ? Where did you arrive at ''multiple famines that killed into the hundreds of millions" ? Even the soviet famines of 1930s and chinese great famine ‘only’ killed at maximum intervals of estimation 9 and 50 millions each, and this [article](Mass killings under communist regimes) over-viewing all atrocities maxes at 150 million, with a low 10-20 million estimation, not hundreds of millions in famines alone.
Are you paraphrasing that ‘Black Book of Communism’ shtick ? It is a propaganda tool not valid in actual academic research, even by liberals that are not fraudsters, because the author twists every single communist countries-adjacent deaths as ‘‘mass killing caused by communism’’, including brilliant takes like total number of abortions (ex: France, that practices 250.000 abortions per year must be enraged with a capitalist regime that killed 5 million people only in the 21st century !) and all WW2 eastern front deaths (so both the nazi germans and allies that invaded USSR and USSR soldiers and civilians count as ‘killed by communism’)
- Comment on Telegram To Disclose Phones, IP Addresses At Authorities' Requests. 5 months ago:
The most i could find on the web was this lawyers non-named client, who has 8 citizenships (“octa-citizen” has passports from Canada, UK, Ireland, Belize, Grenada, Dominica, St. Kitts, and Cape Verde), after renouncing his original USA one (and he apparently did it to not pay taxes).
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
You must be young (or without memory). YouTube ads started exactly with picture ads (horizontal banners), but that was not sufficient, and ~12 years later there already are 2 unskipable videos at start, middle and finish (and several at the middle if in a long video). Your ad at the pause may start with pictures even, but videos and later longer videos will follow.
- Comment on Google has been blocking many tools/IP ranges that try to synchronize with YouTube 5 months ago:
There is the PeerTube network, which works like Lemmy.
- Comment on Google has been blocking many tools/IP ranges that try to synchronize with YouTube 5 months ago:
VK Video is indeed probably close to it, being a quasi state company. Theoretically they can not maximize profit extraction in all spaces, and keep the videos without unlimited propaganda. But Rutube is a profit-seeking company that is just smaller scale youtube. Let’s see how the 1st will evolve over time.
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
currently most republicans are not center-right, but OP was referring to the (now narrow, but still existing) circle of center-right republicans, not to all the republicans.
- Comment on Patreon will have to use Apple's in-app purchase system or be removed from the App Store 6 months ago:
you can just create different emails for different uses bro. I keep a official email for important stuff, and several emails for newsletters and others (which i don’t care to look through, its just a magazine).
- Comment on Patreon will have to use Apple's in-app purchase system or be removed from the App Store 6 months ago:
Then why do they want app notifications ? It’s even worse than email, all those red squares with numbers and sounds drive me insane, and i can not keep a particular piece of content with me for later re-reading (like i can archive an email). If people just unsubscribe from emails they do not want to receive, and spam those that keep invading, the mail box will be functional in no time, and people can also just create a 2nd email and download a 2nd email app for hobbys and news (several have a gmail and a hotmail at least).
- Comment on God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story 1 year ago:
His public presentation skills could get better, but I agree and support the essence of the idea. An art piece has an idea, a form, an ethos, and a character has a personality and is driven by specific world visions. To take an art piece, and just sh*t on the original spirit and forms to produce a derivative piece that fits someone else’s vision while also using the familiarity to market it better is just cynical. Corporate media is just too cynical and hypocritical to not do exactly that: twist a art piece again and again to get better market outcomes.
He is right. God of War was created as a violent dynamical hack and slash with a Greek tragedy as background . It is not shallow, revenge stories after tragical events are a common trope. Kratos was a Greek tragic revengeful character that had a purpose and a vision , and he fulfilled his destiny. End of story. Call it pro revenge or whatever, its the spirit of the work.
The absurd was the newer artists not caring at all about fidelity or having the courage to create something new. Want to continue god of war ? Don’t disrespect the original character and spirit and mechanic of the game, build upon it. Maybe a hack and slash about a Japanese kratos battling against shinto gods. Want to create a story with the opposite message, a completely different character and completely different gameplay ? Create a new game, new characters, and be happy.
I already find it hard to swallow when the original artist itself radically shifts the art piece, like what happened with Dragon Ball (compare the first episodes or chapters with Dragon Ball Z, and tell me its the same thing, its not). To see corporations being cynical about art, and being praised for it is even worse.
- Comment on youtube getting more agressive 1 year ago:
Depends on how you consider several subjective factors, including political, economical, technological and ownership/control.
Closest to lemmy might be TILvids (Today I Learned videos) → tilvids.com
They use Peertube protocol (FOSS), are sustained by donations (patreon), and there is a few big FOSS influencers there already, like the french developer from The Linux Experiment.
There is a few corporations that are pretty much national versions of youtube, like Nikoniko (Japan), Rutube (Russia), VK (Russia), Bilibili (China), Aparat (Iran) etc that would be nice if they were competitors cause they already have all the infrastructure in place to receive everything in youtube in one swop if we neeeded, but alas they obviously will not be taken. (sorry nikoniko)
There is some minor corporations like Odysee, Rumble, Dailymotion, Vimeo. But they are still private profit-driven corporations, so they can go the youtube way eventually. There is some rumours that Tiktok might launch a separate app and site for youtube-style videos too, but again, it is another private corporation and controversial.
The scale of capital needed for video hosting is several orders of magnitude bigger than text and images, this is why youtube became a de facto monopoly on most parts of the world. There is several text-driven social media sites, including this one, but only one big youtube.