- Comment on Just 57 companies linked to 80% of greenhouse gas emissions since 2016 10 months ago:
That isn’t exactly related to what we’re taking about. I’m not saying stopping the use of oil is bad, I’m saying it requires changes for the individual
Yes oil companies have lobbied, you also have people in industry that aren’t going to vote to remove their own jobs either. Makes it tricky. I don’t think we should have allowed companies to get away with this btw but historically I’m not sure public support would be there
- Comment on Just 57 companies linked to 80% of greenhouse gas emissions since 2016 10 months ago:
Yes but you still need to implement that change. You have to change millions of people’s houses to switch their type of heating And replace cars, etc It will require huge changes for individuals, you can’t just turn off the big oil companies as nice as it would be to have a simple fix
- Comment on For the first time, the U.S. call for an immediate Gaza ceasefire at the U.N. But now Russia and China vetoe the draft. 10 months ago:
Just to cut your tirade short. The irony of the “bro you just fell for propaganda”, is that you’re literally doing that except on the other side I have no illusions about Israel. They continue to do some pretty heinous shit, including their expansion of settlements, which I believe they are continuing in the dumbest move of all time
But to remove all context from how this region got fucked to begin with is stupid. The Nakba wasn’t some random event, it was during and after a civil war in the region, at a time where arguably both sides had good reasons to fight. The Israelis needed somewhere to live, and had been given it by the British government, who maybe shouldn’t have but it was tricky anyway. And the Arabs on that land (now Israel/Palestine) fairly reasonably didn’t want that, and decided they should attack them instead of live along side them as an Arab majority mind you
I just don’t think Hamas is a good solution to the conflict. The only way I see of moving forward is to fuck Hamas off, hold an election and move towards a 2 state solution. But even that’s hard as the majority of Palestinians think that they’ll get their way via military action, which is definitely not the case
I’m really curious for you, do you think Palestine are completely innocent in this conflict? Is it really as straightforward to you as Israel bad?
- Comment on For the first time, the U.S. call for an immediate Gaza ceasefire at the U.N. But now Russia and China vetoe the draft. 10 months ago:
To say Israel has just been oppressing Palestinians for 75 years is reductionist and doesn’t take into account any of the reasons for conflict over that time
Didn’t that minister actually say the conditions weren’t right at the time. And in Arafats place he wouldn’t take the deal. Not that the deal was actually bad? And that’s rhetorical, I’m 80% sure without actually pulling up the direct quote
A blockade is not necessarily an act of war. If attacks are being launched from part of your country and you block certain goods going into the region I’d hardly call that an act of war
Can you point at a time Hamas legitimately put forward a reasonable attempt to negotiate?
- Comment on For the first time, the U.S. call for an immediate Gaza ceasefire at the U.N. But now Russia and China vetoe the draft. 10 months ago:
Truly I think if Hamas ceases all hostilities and Israel continues then the UN will actually take a hard stance against Israel
It’s just hard to completely condemn them when the opposition has been firing shitload of rockets at them for ages. Like what should Israel do? Give in to demands made by what is essentially a terrorist group that hasn’t negotiated in the past?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
That’s not really an ad hom. I don’t think you run a petrol station, so I’m not calling you a moron
It just economically make no sense that you’d have 3 different businesses that close together with wildly different prices. Like who would ever go to the expensive one? And why?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I actually don’t believe you. $1 difference in petrol price and people still go to the expensive one? You’d have to be a moron surely
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Right, but the in order for the other station to not go out of business they have to match. But are incentivised to beat that price by a further 10c to increase the amount of business they get See where I’m going?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Only if the price is actually increasing. Otherwise you’d just sell cheap petrol and put them out of business
- Comment on Fucking finally! 10 months ago:
Well that certainly works. At least in NA I guess. Not sure if we have an equivalent in my country but it’d make sense to set one up
- Comment on Fucking finally! 10 months ago:
I wonder if we could set up all your devices to get that data from something like radio/Bluetooth. Then have your router/small device just send out the time from ntp and all your devices can just accept the message
That way you don’t need an internet connected microwave
- Comment on It was in self-defence 🙃 11 months ago:
Based on this I’ll just assume you have nothing further to say At this point you aren’t really engaging and I think it’s fairly clear why
Anyway have a good one mate. Hopefully this conflict comes to and end sooner than later
- Comment on It was in self-defence 🙃 11 months ago:
I’m not spinning anything. I want to know why you expect Israel to do all the work towards peace?
Do you expect Hamas to change nothing? Because I can’t imagine telling Israel “hey we know these guys are firing missile after missile at you but can you please stop fighting back and let them continue”
Realistically the first move towards peace without continued conflict has to come from Hamas. Or Israel need to have removed Hamas completely, pick one
- Comment on It was in self-defence 🙃 11 months ago:
So what exactly does that entail? Remove all troops, accept continued missile attacks and pray that Hamas eventually gets sick of it and negotiates?
I don’t think you’re really considering the actions and goals of Hamas here. Is anything they do justified as long as they don’t have their own state away from Israel?
- Comment on It was in self-defence 🙃 11 months ago:
Alright so from your perspective it seems you expect Israel to do all the heavy lifting here. Just ignore the attacks and hope Hamas is willing to negotiate one day? Even though they make it clear they want to remove Israel
What should the Palestinians/Hamas be doing? Continuing with their current course of action until Israel decides to do something different?
- Comment on It was in self-defence 🙃 11 months ago:
I suggest Israel root out Hamas. Then hold elections to create a Palestinian government that’s willing to negotiate with Israel for their own state
The iron dome also isn’t perfect and doesn’t change the intent. If I make my house bullet proof and you shoot it every day in the hopes of killing me at some point I have the right to get rid of you by some method surely?
- Comment on It was in self-defence 🙃 11 months ago:
What do you propose Israel do about all of the missiles being fired by Hamas?