- Comment on Lemmy’s essential 25 PS1 games 1 week ago:
where does the Alundra games sit for you? i guess maybe their more action/adventure than RPG?
- Comment on Lemmy’s essential 25 PS1 games 1 week ago:
i love your single second pitches. im sold on most of what you suggested.
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 32 comments
- Comment on Something Nerdy Hits 'Former Dawn' Kickstarter Goal, Announces Special Edition TinyNES | Time Extension 3 months ago:
i didn’t end up backing it because of the tiers they offered. i wanted to pick it up a physical version , but 150 for a physical game in box was a bit rich for my blood. They also offered getting just the bare cart for 80, but honestly if i am putting that down for a game id still want a box for it.
nevertheless i hope it does well as it looks like a fun game. ill maybe pick it up on steam when it comes out.
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 23 comments
- Comment on Massive loot from garage sales! 4 months ago:
by far my favorite controller for n64 of its time. Though my dad didn’t like the thumbstick and replaced it with a golf tee 🤷♂️
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on Retro-bit prototype Saturn stick and wireless DC controllers. 6 months ago:
i like that the controller is true to the DC design. though retro fighters modern wireless DC controller is pretty great despite its own quirks.
seems like this is also taking the approach where the VMU will be part of the wireless dongle. must be a challenge to get the sounds and ui to work well wirelessly.
Cool nonetheless
- Comment on The Exciting Return of Backyard Sports: A Nostalgic Revival | Retro Gaming News 24/7 6 months ago:
haven’t thought about these games in ages!
Pablo is the GOAT of the franchise easily.
- Comment on Who is your favorite character from The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)? 6 months ago:
Fishing Hole Man
- Comment on Did... did Adin Ross give Trump the CyberTruck him and his idiot friends shot up? 6 months ago:
I don’t follow Adin, or really anyone, but I also had that video show up in my feed today. Given what you said i wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same one just patched up and wrapped for the stunt. We didn’t see the interior in the video so it could still be rough. Looks all like a PR stunt and the truck isn’t actually being gifted. If it’s called into question it is easy to just say the gift was declined.
Given Musks character, if he was involved, he’d be right there with them delivering the vehicle.
Whatever the truth was, it was all awkward to watch.
- Comment on Fess Up or Call Out 7 months ago:
oof. yep that is a rough discovery.
- Comment on Fess Up or Call Out 7 months ago:
Such an entertaining game. i haven’t played worms in a long while.
- Comment on How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going? 7 months ago:
its a series that has been on my backlog for sometime. By the time i can get to it I’ll likely be following in your footsteps and playing them with my kid.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 15 comments
- Comment on How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going? 7 months ago:
thats awesome! do you take turns at level changes or on deaths? the graphical leap between those two is pretty impressive.
- Comment on How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going? 7 months ago:
twilight dungeon was the last zelda release i played. i thoroughly enjoyed all of it. nothing about the newer ones have caught my interest
- Comment on How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going? 7 months ago:
Policenauts is on my list for sure, but didn’t know you could play without a light gun. do light guns work on modern tvs or is there a way to emulate the functionality?
- Comment on How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going? 7 months ago:
i picked up an arc a few months ago and its been my main console. in fact it is what i’ve been playing shadow run on. i also have an rg350 something that is technically more beefier but the arc really does have a rockin d-pad. plus i play mostly sega games and so the layout is super nice for that in part.
- Comment on How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going? 7 months ago:
i have a copy of shining force on Saturn waiting for me to play it. idk why I’m getting more into RPGs when i have almost no time for them. interesting reason to play a game. though whatever promotes bealthy sleep habits haha.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 44 comments
- Comment on Games where an emulated console version outclasses the PC port? 8 months ago:
Thanks for jogging my memory! I completely forgot about that core fact 😓.
- Comment on Games where an emulated console version outclasses the PC port? 8 months ago:
i vaguely recall the retail box version of silent hill 2 or 3 for PC being not all that amazing, and later emulating the Ps2 version was a better option, not to mention the easiest option since both games for PC are not common finds. then again the PC I played Silent hill 2 on wasn’t all that beefy at the time.
maybe any games that originally were for console ported to PC with Denuvo hit this criteria. interesting question!
- Comment on What’s Your Oldest System? 8 months ago:
didn’t know about the power set. super cool bundle and the box for it is awesome. did it come with the track and field game?
- Comment on What’s Your Oldest System? 8 months ago:
I feel like many have a similar story. for me it was my n64 for PS2 games.
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 54 comments
- Comment on Need help getting started 8 months ago:
very true. there really something liberating about about self hosting.
- Comment on Need help getting started 8 months ago:
i think using node and express.js is very approachable in serving your web content.
following the hello world example on their site will help clarify how everything clicks together.
i know u said this is a project for learning, but static site hosting is pretty cheap and may provide less headaches as you’re learning. sites like porkbun offer it for $3 USD and i think even github has a free way tp host a static site. idk what running a computer at home would cost monthly in electricity.
- Comment on If you could play one game for the first time all over again, what would it be? 1 year ago:
Champions of Norrath on PS2. I played through the entire game with my dad and it was the most fun I ever mother said he used to play video fames all the time, but then stopped (having kids probably does this to many). So when he said he’d play the game with me i was very excited. i only wish i could have found the games sequel, return to arms, before heading off to college. that would have been a summer to remember.
i don’t know why he never shared his love of video games with either me or my sisters. some dads are weird like that. i bought him a series s for the holidays and while i don’t think he plays it, he enjoys watching his grandkids play.