- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
If this is a hard requirement for federation, then I guess federated services are not for me, as I value my privacy more than I care to use them.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
How do you know who you’re defederating with? When I set up my instance, the list of federated instances was thousands. How do you know which one is scraping the data?
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
Admin access means nothing if you can set up your own instance in an afternoon, federate with everything, then get all the votes copied to your database. I have done this just to prove it could be done, btw.
- Comment on What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end? 6 months ago:
I just got 100% on Nier Automata, and I only loved it more as I played it more. Usually I hate any grinding in any game and will either skip any content that requires grinding, use mods to bypass it, or just put down the game and move on to another one. But the whole game just felt so damn good. I could just walk around for hours doing nothing because the movement felt so good.
There was quite a bit of grinding, but I didn’t find any of it too bad. I got 100% in about 50 hours, which is my sweet spot. Any longer and I feel like the game is dragging on.
- Comment on "PSA: Update Vaultwarden as soon as possible" 6 months ago:
sudo systemctl restart vaultwarden.service
Done. :)
Thanks for the heads up.
- Comment on Krafton acquires Tango Gameworks and Hi-Fi Rush IP from Xbox 6 months ago:
I read that by the time MS acquired Tango and Hi-Fi Rush was released, most of the developers and management had already quit, so MS basically only owned the IP anyway. Tango allegedly had nothing in the pipeline, and the few people who were left were working on nothing, and there were no leads to start the process of developing a new game.
Not sure how true it is, but in that case it would make some sense to just shut down the studio, because the alternative would be essentially starting a studio from scratch.
- Comment on is there a trustworthy SMS MMS app for Android that's not Google? 6 months ago:
That’s my main problem with Signal. They refuse to add features because they can’t be perfect. I damaged my old phone beyond it being usable and got a new one. Now it’s impossible for me to get my conversation history, because the only way to keep it is to do a backup in the app and then manually move the backup file, then restore it on your new phone. Oh, but you can’t backup and then restore to your laptop. That would be crazy talk. It’s impossible to get your conversation history to your laptop.
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
I don’t. When I installed my solar panels and batteries there was a stipulation that if I charge my batteries from the grid, I don’t get a tax rebate. Essentially they gave me $10,600 USD for me to not do that. If they catch me doing it, I would need to pay that back. However there is an exception for inclement weather. If there is a severe thunderstorm, fire, etc. in my area, my batteries are automatically charged from the grid.
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
What part of Texas are you in? Here in the Austin area, it was like 85°F. It was super nice. Looks like it’s gonna be nice tomorrow as well.
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
I live in Texas. Our electricity delivery is quite complicated. I moved here from California where our only choice was to have PG&E or no power. We paid what they told us to pay, and we said, “thank you.” It was simple. But in Texas, you have different choices for power companies. Where I live, I have about a dozen or so choices for companies, and each one has multiple pricing schemes. So you could have a pricing scheme that is a flat rate, or you could have ones that have time-based tiers, or usage tiers, etc. I’m sure someone offers a pricing scheme that roughly follows the market prices, but honestly you’d be dumb for choosing that one. Most people go with tiered usage ones because they appear to be the lowest prices. So you pay based on how much you use, but the more you use, the more you pay.
I have solar panels, and when choosing a power plan that works best for that, I did see many that purchased your excess power based on the market price. Usually it was like some percentage of the market price, not 100%. However I ended up going with a time-based pricing scheme where my power is free between 9 PM and 7 AM, as my solar panels and batteries cover me for the rest of the time. I essentially pay nothing for power, and I have an electric car, electric dryer, and electric oven.
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
In my experience, when it comes to debating the validity of religion, people tend to get far more emotional than other topics. People who are normally level-headed and quite logical tend to completely lose their ability to think rationally. And I mean both the people who argue for religion and against it.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 9 months ago:
I think we should rename this community “gaming controversies” because that’s all that’s ever discussed here.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I respect other people’s choices in what to consume, and I expect the same respect in return. I have no problem with people being vegan or vegetarian. In fact, most people I work with are from India and are vegetarian. We eat lunch together most days and no one has any problems with each other.
Unfortunately most vegans I know are extremely pushy and judgemental about their diets. They do not respect my choice in what to consume. This used to causes some preemptive judgements on my part, where I would get defensive immediately about my dietary choices, because I assumed they were judging me. Over time I have learned to control this reflex.
I can only assume that many people have had the same experience as me, and jump to the same conclusions.
- Comment on With two Boeing whistleblowers dead in one month, either Boeing is actively killing them, or there are enough whistleblowers that this rate of death is not statistically significant 10 months ago:
That’s a really interesting thought. We do still have issues where we get like Ken then Terry (or Mii Gunner then Mii Brawler) back to back, and for people who don’t like that type of characters, its a bummer.
Each character having a list of groups that they belong to, then not allowing players to play a character in the same group consecutively would probably be a huge improvement. I would need to be careful to make sure too many characters aren’t excluded, though. It would be tough to get right, but I think it would be really good.
- Comment on With two Boeing whistleblowers dead in one month, either Boeing is actively killing them, or there are enough whistleblowers that this rate of death is not statistically significant 10 months ago:
I made a random character selector app for super smash bros that makes you play through every character before it lets you repeat a character. And it won’t let two people play the same character at the same time. My friends and I like playing random characters, but we kept getting the same characters over and over again, sometimes even in the same colors (online only). I got frustrated one day and made the app.
It definitely livens up our game nights.
- Comment on No one has predicted the end of the world in a while. 10 months ago:
If by “a while” you mean 1 month, then sure. There were tons of conspiracy theorists saying that the world was going to end on April 8th due to the solar eclipse.
- Comment on Post your Servernames! 10 months ago:
Mine are named after fictional robots, computer programs, or AI. It started with my wifi being GLaDOS for 5 GHz and Wheatley for 2.4 GHz. I thought it was funny that everyone could immediately tell that Wheatley was the slower one. Over time, I continued the trend. My gaming PCs are named after characters from the Mega Man X series (desktop is Zero, laptop is X, steam deck is Sigma). My macs are named EVE and WALL-E. My server is named Sibyl System (from Psycho Pass).
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 10 months ago:
That depends. Where I used to live, Comcast had a monopoly and a data cap.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 10 months ago:
WiFi isn’t free. And Idk about you, but where I live the internet service providers are the same as cell providers. I have AT&T for internet, for example. So they still get the money.
- Comment on What's a small cleared space in a forest where people can live called? 10 months ago:
What’s that song about Grandma getting run over by a reindeer?
- Comment on Lemmy.ml is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
There is an admin on lemmy.ml that seems to be banning anyone who says anything negative about China. If I’m thinking of the right person, they are also a large contributor to the Lemmy codebase. That person is why I stopped donating to the Lemmy devs.
- Comment on Docker or podman? 11 months ago:
That package actually does a bit more than that! If you don’t need all the extras, then I say just add the alias and be done with it.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Well, you could blame that on the fact that economy experts don’t have the power to do any of those things. Politicians do.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I have found that economy experts say that things are counterintuitive more often that any other field. I think at this point I have just accepted that the economy is some black magic that I’ll never understand. So I’m gonna smile, nod, and let the experts do their thing.
- Comment on Docker or podman? 11 months ago:
I like podman because rootless and daemonless are built-in and default. Yes, it can be done on docker, but you have to do a bunch of shit to get it set up.
You could create the alias
alias docker=“podman”
and 99% of the time, you won’t even be able to tell the difference since podman is a docker drop in replacement. All the docker documentation applies to podman as well. But since docker runs as root by default, some edge cases might not work out of the box (like binding to a port on the host less than 1000).Podman comes with some neat tools like being able to create systemd service files to start and stop containers as services.
To use docker-compose, you’ll need some additional packages. That’s probably the biggest drawback to podman imo. Podman wants to use pods instead of docker-compose, but I think they gotta take their heads out of their asses and just support the more popular format on that one. Not to mention docker-compose is just plain better imo. Easier to define, easier to understand, easier to modify. The list goes on and on.
- Comment on Podman won't start Pihole with an error saying that it can't bind to port 53, as it is already in use, but nothing is using port 53. 11 months ago:
I used this guide and it worked perfect for me:
- Comment on PSA: Docker nukes your firewall rules, and replaces them with its own. 11 months ago:
I’m a podman user, but what’s the point of using podman if you are going to use a daemon and run it as root? I like podman so I can specifically avoid those things.
- Comment on The existence of Sloths implies the existence Wraths, Lusts, Gluttonies, Prides, Envies, and Greeds. 11 months ago:
- Comment on Akira Toriyama has passed away at the age of 68 11 months ago:
I’m seriously distraught. I’m normally not the kind of person that cares when famous people die, but it’s so upsetting to think about the huge hole that will be left behind. No one can do what he does. No one can replace him. He was still working on Dragon Ball. We will never get more Toriyama content for Dragon Ball. The last time they tried doing Dragon Ball without him, it was GT.
Toriyama was probably the most influential manga author/artist of all time. He made a massive impact on my life. My wife and I bonded early over our love for Dragon Ball, so it’s a very important part of our relationship. We have traveled far and wide to meet the voice actors (bother English and Japanese) at conventions so many times. We have SO many things signed by the voice actors. So much our lives have revolved around Dragon Ball.
AND THAT’S JUST DRAGON BALL. He worked on so many other things.
Thank you for all you have done for me, Toriyama.
- Comment on Now that search engines suck, people will start to bookmark again. 11 months ago:
Hey everyone! I’m breaking the law!