- Comment on Recommendations for lightweight wiki servers? 11 months ago:
Seconding Bookstack. I’ve embedded videos in it and I don’t recall anything special to do it. I also think there’s a way to comment on specific pages…mostly because I remember disabling that functionality.
Agreed on the roles and permissions aspect though. It’s pretty standard to do that for bigger deployments, but it may be a bit overkill for a single user instance.
- Comment on Plex for books? 1 year ago:
I run calibre off my desktop. You can enable the Calibre content server and it can serve up your books for download (or provide a web reader).
If you have an Android device, you can use something like Moon Reader (or any other reading app that supports epub or Pdf) to download content from the Calibre content server.
With respect to covers and metadata, Calibre can tag and fill in this info as well - out of the box it will scrape information from Amazon.
- Comment on What's the best game you played this year (that didn't come out this year)? 1 year ago:
I also played through this for the first time this year and liked it alot.
The reviews for the game didn’t do it justice. It wasn’t breathlessly paced like the first Mass Effect game (which I liked), but it was really quite fun.
- Comment on What's the best game you played this year (that didn't come out this year)? 1 year ago:
My backlog is so big I figure any game that I’ve played would qualify.
Ticket to Earth would be mine.
I am working my way through Yakuza 5 though which I’m really enjoying.