- Comment on Deep Discounts 5 months ago:
You also have TUV. Germans are… special.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I see hive mind stupidity is alive and well as your completely factual statement is downvoted by absolute morons.
- Comment on Is replacing a tub/shower combo DIY'able 1 year ago:
As long as it doesn’t end up like this:
Sounds like a can of worms. A soft spot in the floor probably means the subfloor needs to be replaced, and if the floor joist is also rotted, then you’re really up a creek. I say just sell the house and move to an apartment.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It’s not unpopular, it’s just that on Lemmy and in tech circles, it’s not cool to pay for things. Cool people steal content they have no rights to because they like doing crime and not having consequences. I’m a carpenter, and I work hard for a living, so I value work and my ethics are to reward others for their work. Pirates don’t see the world that way, no matter what bullshit they spew about how horrible a company is or how it doesn’t deserve to be paid. Your not alone, but it might seem that way on Lemmy.
- Comment on Lemmy users when I mention I pay for Youtube Premium 1 year ago:
The reductive logic of pirates is astounding. It’s incredible the mental gymnastics required to justify stealing things they have no rights to.
- Comment on Lemmy users when I mention I pay for Youtube Premium 1 year ago:
Or don’t and pay for things you use and enjoy with gratitude and no sense of entitlement.
- Comment on And it’s way funnier this way 1 year ago:
I think Captain Janeway was probably thinking that they had a narrow chance of ever making it back home alive if they didn’t violate the rules a little here and there.