- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
Oh boy you heavily underestimate the amount and level of bad decision in legacy protokoll. Read up in the toppic. the Date was for a loong time stored as 6 decimal numbers.
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
debian for example is atm at work recompiling everything vom 32bit to 64bit timestamps (thanks to open source this is no problem) donno what happens to propriarary legacy software
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
It’s called the prevention paradox: It’s when an issue is so severe that it is prevented with proactive action, so no real consequenses are felt so people think it wasn’t severe in the first place.
- Comment on Why does that man have a funny U shape on his head? 1 year ago:
I think you downloaded the wrong stargate
- Comment on new adaptor just dropped 1 year ago:
Fun fact: usb uart to audio jack is actually a thing:…/win8-10-android-mac-pl2303hxd-u…
Some older android phones used the audio jack double duty as a serial debug console, the nexus 5 for example.
- Comment on If you could play one game for the first time all over again, what would it be? 1 year ago:
Dark Souls 1
Part 2, 3 and not even elden ring did manage to reach the same athmosphere and i mainly atribute it to leveldesign: Dark souls 1 is an apocalypse brought about the fact that every last being is slowly but surely driven insane before losing any semplence of self altogether and bekome huskless zombies. And the world is reflecting this: It’s like a surealist painting. When you zoom in very far everything makes sense, ther is a wall and a medieval city and beneath is some sewers, but when you zoom out the city is actually in front of the wall, but then you are on top of the wall which is kinda acting like an entrance the the next area and not like a wall at all. In the other directen you go down the sewer, but then drop into a hole to be on top of a wall again with another city beneath you. And you can go even further down, either to a hell like environment to yet another city even lower, or throug a giant dead tree to come out on a beach with a clody sky above which absolutly does not make any topological sense at all. And yet this map is intricatly interconnected with several passages and elevators. Not from me: It’s like with the first flame fading it’s not the dead rising, but time and space itself is collapsing, that’s why you can’t die, that’s why other players can be summoned to your world, and that’s why the whole world, while still being connected, makes no sense at all.
Also 2nd choice: Obligatory: “Spec Ops: The Line”
If you haven’t played it yet: Do it without reading any Spoilers.
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
Dying geeting sniped from a bush while trying to not get poisoned by a swarm of zombie bees (Hunt: Showdown).
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
Dying geeting sniped from a bush while trying to not get poisoned by a swarm of zombie bees (Hunt: Showdown).
- Comment on Samsung joins Google in RCS shaming Apple 1 year ago:
bad news, imassage was not classified a gatekeeper because in europe they have to few users
- Comment on How do i stop this kind of pop up from ever appearing again? Win10 1 year ago:
Click Yes ;) Or don’t use windows