- Comment on An argument starter: which of these is the "second set of 4 digits in base 10"? (Body) 5 weeks ago:
I’d argue lexically it would be 0000 and 0001 for the first two sets of 4 digits. If you’re looking for permutations, it would be 0123 and 0124.
- Comment on I have the weirdest aesthetic preferences 5 months ago:
It is - without the quiet zone, it makes detecting the locator pattern really difficult, especially in one’s looking for the 1:1:3:1:1 ratio.
- Comment on Smart 5 months ago:
For any not in the loop: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grigori_Perelman
- Comment on These racing game players are 11 days into an exhausting race to climb a deadly tower 9 months ago:
I don’t play Trackmania at all, but it’s been really fun to watch the daily edits that Wirtual’s YouTube has been making for the live streams. Watching someone’s heart rate shoot up ~40 bpm just after making a butt clenching jump is vicariously entertaining in the max. His video on Deep Dip 1 was also fantastic.
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
There was an episode of PBS Space Time on the holographic principle in general recently, and I believe they’ve also discussed the black hole thing as well.
- Comment on There can only be one! 10 months ago:
That prick Richard Woolsey had a great character arc though!
- Comment on Final Fantasy 14's Dawntrail benchmarking tool has players happy with its new playable catmoms 10 months ago:
While there’ve certainly been some player characters faces that have been worsened by the changes, my Femezen came out pretty great, so I’m happy about that!
- Comment on Study: Dark matter does not exist and the universe is 27 billion years old 11 months ago:
I didn’t see anything in the paper about the rotational speed of galaxies. Was that accounted for?
- Comment on English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense 1 year ago:
An absolute classic that I watch every single time. Kamelåså!
- Comment on Why do some languages use gendered nouns? 1 year ago:
I don’t have the source with me, but I recall a paper about listening to various languages unser different signal/ noise thresholds. If I recall correctly, languages like German that have multiple declensions were about to better able to parse noisy samples because of the redundant information. Sorry for not having the source off hand though.
- Comment on Against The Storm v1.1 update is out, improving early game variety and bringing a lot of QoL features 1 year ago:
I’m pretty darn sure that houses are only for number tracking purposes. You can have them anywhere in the radius of the hearth and they’ll function the same. Similar to decorations that way, in functionality.