3 tbs of mayonnaise
33cl of cider
Mix vigorously
Commit white genocide
Serve cold
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 3 months ago:
How many wars the US has won since WWII?
- Comment on where the magic happens owo 3 months ago:
Nowadays it’s a lot more of dark mode, which is a shame (especially since our software still doesn’t have it)
- Comment on Oh, the humanity! 6 months ago:
I unfortunately don’t have any sources, but a few years ago I read or watched a video about an interview with a paleontologist who was asked about their opinion of the first sign of civilization
Their answer was “a fossil of a skeleton with a broken and healed leg”
Every other animal dies with a broken leg in nature, the only way to survive is with the support of others
- Comment on Geometry 7 months ago:
I don’t believe in geometry
I’m 6"5
- Comment on Least Weasel 7 months ago:
Knowing weasels at least one of those has taken down a moose
- Comment on A Taliban delegation attends a UN-led meeting in Qatar on Afghanistan, with women excluded 8 months ago:
No country has officially recognized the Taliban as Afghanistan’s government, and the U.N. has said recognition is almost impossible while bans on female education and employment remain in place.
Good to know it’s only “almost” impossible
- Comment on Elsevier 8 months ago:
Tbh they already do everything they can, if you ever need a paper, e-mail the author and they’ll most likely send you the “last version” before publication they still hold the rights to distribute
- Comment on Elsevier 8 months ago:
One lecturer actually had notes on their slides for the differences between the latest version and the one before it of the course book, since the latest one wasn’t available for free anywhere but they wanted to use couple chapters from the new book (they scanned and distributed relevant parts themself)
- Comment on Elsevier 8 months ago:
I feel like most of the academia in the research side would be happy to see it collapse, but the current system is too deeply tied in the money for any quick change
I worked in academia for almost a decade and never met a researcher who wouldn’t openly support sci-hub (well, some warned their students that it was illegal to type these spesific search terms and click on the wrong link downloading the pdf for free)
- Comment on USA | Magic mushrooms helped a Navajo woman deal with trauma. Now she wants to help others 8 months ago:
Mushrooms and lsd were honestly the biggest influences for me in getting over a decade of basically chronic depression
Don’t try it without an experienced trip guide
- Comment on "Theory" of Evolution (SMBC) 8 months ago:
We are all just part of the first self-replicating cell with funny mutations attracted to mass
- Comment on Judge throws out case against UK climate activist who held sign on jurors’ rights 10 months ago:
In North Korea they charge you with a crime if you tell people how the law actually works
- Comment on What's your solder of choice? 1 year ago:
I finally bought some flux last year and was angry at myself for all the wasted years, proper solder is next on the list but I still have some cheap but usable solder that I want to use up first
- Comment on WHITE WHALE HOLY GRAIL 1 year ago:
I heard that giving orcas torpedoes deters the attacks, maybe try that next?
- Comment on Get gud 1 year ago:
That’s part of the strategy, nothing tilts people like the bottom scoring talking shit
- Comment on Machine Learning is when machine learns, stupid. 1 year ago:
The only areas of machine learning that I expect to live up to the hype are in areas, where somewhat noisy input and output doesn’t ruin the usability, like image and audio processing and generation, or where you have to validate the output anyway, like the automated copy-paste from stackexchange. Anything that requires actual specifity and factuality straight from the output, like the language models attempting to replace search engines (or worse, professional analysis), will for the foreseeable future be tainted with hallucinations and misinformation.
- Comment on Australia wants to force cats to stay inside or give them a curfew because they are murdering so many other animals they are a threat to the country's biodiversity 1 year ago:
Outdoor cats are also caused by humans, so this is directly trying to solve a problem caused by the worst offenders