- Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago:
Nobody ever stops playing osrs, we just take breaks
- Comment on Butcherbirb 6 months ago:
Endymion / Rise of Endymion was a great sequel too
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 6 months ago:
I’d recommend anova brand
- Comment on Old School RuneScape player says 'see ya at a million!' after pickpocketing 500,000 NPCs in a doomed quest for treasure under multiple self-imposed restrictions 8 months ago:
An in game tick in osrs is 0.6s so that’s bang on
- Comment on Suspects can refuse to provide phone passcodes to police, court rules 1 year ago:
Wow thanks had no idea this was an option on my Samsung. . it was just hiding disabled in my settings as “lockdown mode”
- Comment on The race to 5G is over — now it’s time to pay the bill | Networks spent years telling us that 5G would change everything. But the flashiest use cases are nowhere to be found — and the race to deplo... 1 year ago:
I pay for 5g in London with EE with an LTE phone
I’ve turned it off - it’s too unreliable even 3 years later… Feels like 1 bar of 5g spends an age trying to get a connection, then slowly reverts to 3 bars of 4g, which is ultimately just worse
Could just be my oldish phone, or the concrete jungle, but feels like shite to me
- Comment on With no access to crypto, disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is now trading fish to pay for services in prison 1 year ago:
Futurama taught me this
- Comment on Very few people realise how environmentally devastating this game is. 1 year ago:
Tell me you’re an asshole without telling me you’re an asshole.
- Comment on Unity Silently Deletes GitHub Repo that Tracks Terms of Service Changes and Updated Its License - GamerBraves 1 year ago:
Shout out to Postman who this week decided to depreciate their local (secure) credential storage scratchpad, to force people to use their API and store everything on their cloud platform…
Global enshitification continues