- Comment on All of Japan's Toyota Assembly Plants Shut Down for a Day Because Their Server Ran Out of Disk Space 1 year ago:
You gotta forward that to Spunk so your logs ain’t filling up the server generating them. Plus you can set up automated alerts for when the result stops being 2.
This message brought to you by Big Splunk.
- Comment on Octoprint disconnecting 1 year ago:
I had a similar issue on a Pi and switched USB cables, which resolved my issues.
- Comment on LibreOffice 24.2 Will Succeed LibreOffice 7.6 1 year ago:
30ish years ago, software versions would have gone from 99.x to 00.x
Versioning scheme choice is arbitrary, as long as it’s consistent in that larger numbers are released after smaller numbers. My favorite example of this is TeX which just adds a digit of Pi with each release.
Semantic versioning probably has the mindshare, so it’s a common default scheme. It’s practical and can be applied to any release scenario. From the change in versions, you can intuit why there was a new release.
Date based versioning works fine for software that releases infrequently, but on a schedule, so you can intuit the age of the software and when to expect a new version.