- Comment on Let's take a industry-standard account security feature and... paywall it? 1 year ago:
2008-2014, I think it had value as a public square where journalists of all stripes really engaged. Now it’s a cesspool. Anyone still hanging out at the nazi bar should really stop and think about the ramifications.
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
AAA devs should only release games they have invested hundreds of millions of dollars into making once they are absolutely finished and bug free with no expensive future DLCs or microtransactions, absolutely no ongoing subscription costs for the absolute minimum price they think they can sell it for and not go out of business but it should also be DRM free and nobody should buy it anyway because its digital and you shouldnt feel bad downloading it for free because it doesnt cost money to make another digital copy its just corporate greed.”
Honestly I think it’s a lot more complicated and nuanced regarding this here than reddit. When I was a wee lad, I yo-ho-ho some sweet software and games via bbs’s but mostly went legit as I aged. I don’t think there’s more piracy justification here than reddit, but also, I think we’re in a ‘golden-shower-age’ of enshitiffication where services paid for won’t be rendered and that, justifiably, moves the sentiment.
That said, as a game dev, I don’t think people are asking for your proposed argument overwhelmingly - they just want AAA devs to treat their paying userbase better. Some of those considerations are unrealistic, but often they’re justified.
I’m finding Lemmy’s audience to be very similar to 2008 reddit, it’s not perfect, but it’s better than current day reddit and I thank the lemmy creators for having a viable alternative.
- Comment on How to keep a man 1 year ago:
or a hospital… ugh
- Comment on KFC be like... 1 year ago:
This other thread on chicken inflation kinda bucks this trend but who’s really right?
or maybe they’re growing humongous chickens with teeny tiny bones?
- Comment on It's just not the same without him. 1 year ago:
I blame the fucking stoopid sumerians for not using arabic numerals, I mean fucking come on you’re practically in the neighborhood what the hell man
- Comment on It's just not the same without him. 1 year ago:
that shit slaps goatskin
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
A moron would follow this line of thought so I’m not surprised to see you pursuing it. Your grand children will curse your name, if a woman is ever reduced to the state where they have to procreate with you.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
Exactly my point, there will always be people like you to apologize and say “oh the end of civilization won’t be that bad, stop demonizing the very fucks that got us into this mess.”
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
They’re actively driving the bus off the cliff.
Think about every scientist and official at cop28 desperately working to halt a 1.5c red line. Did the public rally around this effort? Did coal rollers stop intentionally injecting uncombusted fuel into their exhausts to pwn the libs? Did the governments of the world including the US stop subsidizing new extraction?
1.5c is gone; by the time people ‘agree’ it’s fucked and unify to stop pollution at all levels we’re going to be in dire straits.
- Comment on How to take ‘forever’ out of forever chemicals 1 year ago:
we’re going to have to filter the entire ocean to capture these shits as well as the plastic. or release shit tons of bioengineered things to eat the shit, which is another fun game of wreck-entire-ecosystems-roulette.
- Comment on If one state changed its state flag to be the exact same as another, is that a copyright violation? 1 year ago:
Minnesota isn’t gonna troll CA. If anyone, it should be the Virginia getting trolled because Minnesota is already so fucking good at it.
- Comment on Epic is giving away 17 games as part of its holiday sale 1 year ago:
Don’t give Bungie your hard earned money because Destiny 2 is now pay to win and they’ll always try to screw you. Don’t get sucked into this game and give this horrible company your money.
Bungie was given 1.2 BILLION to retain talent. They decided to fire 100 people going back to the Halo days.
That right there ended any money I’ll ever give to Bungie.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
reminds me of the auto market - they can sell SUV’s for more… there are no more cheap handy pickups…
- Comment on My children will refer to me as father. 1 year ago:
you’re the baby daddy.
I don’t judge, more power to you.
- Comment on Whats the difference between cheap and expensive modern TVs? 1 year ago:
nits - overall brightness - hdr support, high refresh rates.
but. I recently got a samsung tu690T, $300ish w/ taxes! - 58" - 4k, plenty bright, good FOV… so I dunno man, I could have spent more to get a brighter set, but for the price I’m plenty happy.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Religion presents the last perfect opportunity for conservatives to weaponize the government against shit they don’t like. Women, children, education, science, it’s all up when your invisible friends ‘wrote the constitution of this christian nation’ /vomits in mouth/
- Comment on Relative size comparison of social media platforms (December 2023) 1 year ago:
man I wish they’d keep pintrest out of google image search. yeah I know I can manually exclude their url from search but why is it there in the first place lol useless for finding reference material
- Comment on Help needed: Immich digital picture frame 1 year ago:
that makes more sense!
- Comment on Help needed: Immich digital picture frame 1 year ago:
what is this?
- Comment on Fear of cheap Chinese EVs spurs automaker dash for affordable cars 1 year ago:
gee the market has been clamoring for a decade while the auto industry said “BIG TRUCKS AND SUV’S!”
- Comment on I bet Rockstar is thinking twice about *checks notes* making a normal looking female character. 1 year ago:
Ah. Miss the point and make a stupid medical diagnosis? Not the best start. I’ll get back to this.
yeah suggesting murdering animals as a method to defend free speech was you’re weird tactic mate, not mine.
So you’re suggesting without the ‘contrived’ method of selecting people to follow, which is part of twitter’s core features, that no one would see these issues?
Because that’s a lie. It’s happened to hundreds of users. And seeing awful shit on twitter is getting more regular because of Musk’s idiotic reversal on content moderation.…/twitters-hate-content-advertisers/
You literally don’t know what you’re talking about or are being intentionally disingenous - it’s gross and sad. Fuck off with your bullshit, you defend nazis and their proponents - what the fuck is wrong with you?
And how dare you criticize anyone for getting worked up about your nazi apologist bullshit, you suggested mowing cats, sicko.
- Comment on I bet Rockstar is thinking twice about *checks notes* making a normal looking female character. 1 year ago:
You don’t have to modify a lawn mower to flip it upside down and throw cats in it my friend.
no you just have to be a psychopath to suggest it.
did they break twitter, inject code, falsify user records, hack anything? No.
They used the service as it’s intended - picked some people and brands to follow then refreshed their feed. Buddy, that’s as organic as manure - and even if it somehow was gamed, dozens of other instances of hate shit being positioned aside brands THAT RIGHTFULLY DON’T WANT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH HATE SHIT have been posted - it’s not just media matters.
it’s not just the ADL’s criticism.
GET IT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING MELON - Musk’s the problem. Your refusal to see the obvious is sad.
- Comment on I bet Rockstar is thinking twice about *checks notes* making a normal looking female character. 1 year ago:
how much does Musk compensate you for all this mate?
- Comment on I bet Rockstar is thinking twice about *checks notes* making a normal looking female character. 1 year ago:
It wasn’t an organic thing and it’ll be interesting to see if it goes to court.
it was completely organic. no outside-twitter resources were used to achieve the result - they literally used twitter’s tools and proved it could happen readily. That’s all advertisers need to see to bug the fuck out.
- Comment on I bet Rockstar is thinking twice about *checks notes* making a normal looking female character. 1 year ago:
right? they’ve illustrated it happens. Advertisers don’t want to be shown with nazi content, elon’s hosting nazi content, it’s really that simple.
- Comment on I bet Rockstar is thinking twice about *checks notes* making a normal looking female character. 1 year ago:
That’s ok, Muskoid is going to sue the ADL and Media Matters, and based on his extremely flawed ideas regarding Freedom Of Speech, he probably believes he can win lol.
he’s such a fucking clown
- Comment on Moscow Bans QR Codes in Billboards Over Navalny’s Anti-Putin Campaign 1 year ago:
you’re demented lol. seek help bud. wow.
- Comment on The Game Awards 2023: List of Winners 1 year ago:
It’s really not an indie game, so I was glad to see someone else take the trophy.
- Comment on Parking isn't as important for restaurants as the owners think it is 1 year ago:
Closed streets = street seating and walkable communities. Who’d expect those advantages to get people to stop for dinner when walking by.
- Comment on GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles 1 year ago:
suspect pc is last priority due to the higher rate of piracy and lower rate of in-app-purchases. oh and the mod scene - for some reason rock* doesn’t want people extending the lives of their products even for single player play. weeeeeak.