- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
You can tell because it’s round, not straight 🧐
- Comment on Happy Star Trek Day! What was your first contact? 5 months ago:
Started watching TOS in reruns in the late 70s and 80s.
I was a very lonely teenager in a blue collar, uneducated family when TNG premiered. I watched every episode of the first season alone in the dark on an old B&W tv as they were watching other stuff on the good TV. TNG opened my eyes to a world of possibility, the diversity and wonder of life, leadership, and aspiring to something bigger than my small world. There was plenty of criticism about the Wesley Crusher character in those early years, but as smart nerdy boy, I was grateful to see his character and how he was treated by the Geordi, Data and others. Gave me hope - Comment on The Official Teaser Trailer for Star Trek: Section 31 Is Here 7 months ago:
Rachel Garrett? Good
Young Rachel Garrett origin story? Great!
Rachel Garrett without red hair? Hmmmmm
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Fun fact: Macromedia didn’t create Flash. They bought out another company
- Comment on Iron 9 months ago:
- Comment on Eww, Copilot AI might auto-launch with Windows 11 soon 10 months ago:
I’m a knowledge worker in a large multinational and I’m using copilot daily if not hourly. I think it’ll help a lot of office workers simplify basic tasks
- Comment on Wyze says camera breach let 13,000 customers briefly see into other people’s homes 1 year ago:
I’ve got one on the sump pump and crawl space. China is welcome to monitor that and report anything interesting
- Comment on Swearing is hard 1 year ago:
“Well, a double dumb ass on you”
They like you very much. But they are not the hell your whales.
I …I suppose they told you that? Huh!
The hell they did.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Picard on one shoulder, Garak on the other shoulder
Riker on the bed with his pants off
- Comment on Action Barbie 1 year ago:
I once used ChatGPT to write a story where Dax slithered out into Quark’s bar to join the conversation
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I always love one-on-one scenes between characters who others don’t get much time together
For example, Data asking Worf for advice on picking out a present for a human wedding is gold!
- Comment on IBM selling The Weather Channel and the rest of its weather business 1 year ago:
You reminded me of this story from 2018 when the Trump team tried to put someone in charge of government weather data so that they could shutdown free public access, allowing private companies to use it and commercialize it
“ One particularly alarming thread explored in Lewis’s reporting follows the ongoing efforts of Barry Myers, the chief executive of AccuWeather and Trump’s pick to run the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, to privatize the agency’s practice of collecting and analyzing data that helps generate weather warnings meant to keep all of us, and not just those who can pay for it, safe.”