IT-Nerd, Systemadministrator und Rollenspiel-Fan. Teilzeit Retrogame-Streamer
I use Arch by the way 😂
Man findet mich auch auf Mastodon unter: @darkmetatron@rollenspiel.social
- Comment on [Ahoy] What genre is DOOM? 9 months ago:
“The term boomer shooter has a rather nebulous origin, and it likely started as a joke. Online pedants often point out that the original first-person shooters were developed by Gen-Xers like John Carmack (born 1970) and John Romero (born 1967), not Baby Boomers. However, “boomer shooter” uses the slang version of the term boomer, as a stand-in for any older person who is closed-minded and out of touch—so please, direct those complaints elsewhere.”
- Comment on [Ahoy] What genre is DOOM? 9 months ago:
I have not seen the video but I think the correct modern answer nowadays is: “boomer shooter”
- Comment on No one has predicted the end of the world in a while. 10 months ago:
Even a nuclear war is highly unlikely to eradicate the human species as a whole, the sheer numbers of human beings makes us, as a species, extremely resilient against extinction.
That should not be understood as me saying that we can do whatever we want, not at all. On the contrary, we should do a lot to restore the damage we have done to the earth as fast as possible, or at least reduce the amount of damage we still do to zero if possible.
- Comment on No one has predicted the end of the world in a while. 10 months ago:
The human species will not end, we are way to many people for that. Even if 99,9% of people die, the remaining 8 000 000 people are more then enough to allow for stable populations even if those 8 000 000 are spread all over the globe in smaller communities.
- Comment on Considering that Pokemon are stored as computer files, tools like PKHeX probably exist in the Pokemon world too 10 months ago:
Literally in the first Pokemon game on the good old Gameboy there is the system where the Pokemon are send to and stored on “someone’s pc”. There is no post box system but just a PC where you can send (and retrieve) your Pokemon from anywhere on the continent in a split second, a speed not possible with the postal system.
- Comment on Considering that Pokemon are stored as computer files, tools like PKHeX probably exist in the Pokemon world too 10 months ago:
Team Rocket could make lots of money as a ransomware group
- Comment on Linux Running on an NES? 1 year ago:
Well, the title is a question and the answer is: Not quite but near enough.
A title has to catch interest, and in this case I would not say that it is click bait because in the end he kind of put a “Linux” on the “NES”.
I tend to be forgiving when the content behind the click bait title is good, like it is here.
- Comment on Linux Running on an NES? 1 year ago:
Well, yes and he even explains all that in the beginning of the video.
- Comment on Windows Mixed Reality to be removed in Windows 11 24H2 1 year ago:
Yeah it is, like most stuff with the brain, a spectrum from low to high Aphantasia.
I can’t visualize anything in my mind, I can describe what I know or what I make up but that’s it a list of information or details, when it comes to world building highly imaginative details and information, but I have no clue how it really looks like. That’s why I love AI art generators, I can input all my imaginary details into the prompt and it then emulates my missing inner eye. Something I never could on my own, how should I draw something when I have only words to describe it? For me AI Art tools are a godsend, a pacemaker for my inner eye so to speak.
- Comment on Windows Mixed Reality to be removed in Windows 11 24H2 1 year ago:
Having Aphantasia doesn’t mean that a person has no imagination, he just has no inner eye, no way to see the imagination in his mind.
I know that because I have lots of imagination but have Aphantasia. World building for roleplay and stories is where I am really good, as long as I don’t have to do anything with a visual component like drawing
- Comment on There is no point in trying to escape the simulation; Odds are, we don't exist outside it! 1 year ago:
Welcome to the world and cosmology of The Elder Scrolls Games in general and Morrowind in special.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Lots of Palworld, it really is fun to grind XP, complete Towers and Dungeons or to create your perfect forced labor camps for your mindbroken pals.
- Comment on Steam Workshop Has added support for paid mods 1 year ago:
Well, Minecraft marketplace for example shows that paid mods can work and be accepted by customers.
I am not a fan of paid mods but there are examples for it working.
- Comment on Why Bethesda Responding to Starfield's Steam Reviews Is Part of a Rising Games Industry Trend 1 year ago:
For me it reads as typical boilerplate text, that can be seen in responses from so many companies.
Not really better then ChatGPT but at least there are humans involved in that mindless task.
- Comment on If forced to choose one retro console forever what would you choose and why? 1 year ago:
In german this differentiation is only valid for furniture (and sometimes clothing), everything else is always just Retro. 😮💨 People are unwilling to change their minds on that. I had that discussion often enough to give up and just accept it. Sometimes neo-retro is used for inspired new stuff, seems to be easier to create new words the to use the correct ones it seems. 😫
- Comment on The lack of "real world complaints" and "anger" in popular music genres helps keep the masses docile 1 year ago:
That is it for me. Music, like PC games and Movies/TV Shows, are my escape from reality and I don’t want to have that tainted and ruined by real world, politics or the like.
- Comment on Interesting how artists don't make enough money from their creations, so our solution is to make certain information illegal to share, rather than give them a universal basic income. 1 year ago:
Ok, negativ interest rate sounds interesting and maybe doable. It is something I have to read more about, I see a few issues but have not enough information yet.
- Comment on Interesting how artists don't make enough money from their creations, so our solution is to make certain information illegal to share, rather than give them a universal basic income. 1 year ago:
Adding money to a digital bank account is equal to printing money. You don’t have to physically print money to print money
- Comment on Interesting how artists don't make enough money from their creations, so our solution is to make certain information illegal to share, rather than give them a universal basic income. 1 year ago:
Yes, but I did in the text that you answered too. By the law of inference your answer was about printing money too, because my whole text was about that printing money out of thin air will create inflation.
- Comment on Interesting how artists don't make enough money from their creations, so our solution is to make certain information illegal to share, rather than give them a universal basic income. 1 year ago:
Taxes on pollution, carbon emissions etc. would raise the costs of living and would therefore mean that the UBI would need to be higher to accommodate for the higher costs. Which means that a huge part of these taxes would be payed in proxy by the government. Rendering it useless as a method to fund the UBI.
The costs for a UBI are just so enormous, and all on the shoulders of the working class, because those are the majority of tax payers.
If you have a million people, old, young, in between, and a working rate of 60% (because the other 40% are too old or too young or can’t/doesn’ t want to work) and pay everyone 1000$ as UBI. That would mean that a billion dollars has to be payed by 600.000 people, so every working citizen has to pay 1667$ to receive 1000$ in return. This means that working people don’t get a UBI because they have to pay more then they get.
And those 1667$ taxes would only be for the UBI, meaning that the taxes would be much higher to pay for all the other costs that the state has.
- Comment on Interesting how artists don't make enough money from their creations, so our solution is to make certain information illegal to share, rather than give them a universal basic income. 1 year ago:
Beeing deficit doesn’t have to mean that they print money, they can be deficit by taking higher and higher loans. Which comes with it’s own problems.
- Comment on Interesting how artists don't make enough money from their creations, so our solution is to make certain information illegal to share, rather than give them a universal basic income. 1 year ago:
Printing large amounts of money out of thin air is a great way to turn a valuable currency into worthless Monopoly® money via inflation. That is basic economics. There are lots of examples for that in history.
- Comment on Interesting how artists don't make enough money from their creations, so our solution is to make certain information illegal to share, rather than give them a universal basic income. 1 year ago:
Debt is not a reliable money source, in the long run it is a huge money sink with payments and interests. So yes, the only money source for governments are taxes.
- Comment on Interesting how artists don't make enough money from their creations, so our solution is to make certain information illegal to share, rather than give them a universal basic income. 1 year ago:
The biggest issue with UBI is that it will never work, the math just doesn’t add up.
- Where does the money come from? The government only really has one source of money and that is taxes, so to pay UBI it would either need to raise taxes or massive cut on other expanses.
- Should a solution be found for 1) and everyone (universal means that everyone will automatically qualify for it, no questions asked) will be paid UBI then the prices for housing, food and all the other basic things will skyrocket because a) of the higher demand and b) because of the higher amount of money in circulation creating inflation.
- The higher prices will mean that the amount of UBI money must be raised, which means we are back at 1)
- Comment on What's your favorite game through the ears of Original Soundtrack? 1 year ago:
Great Gianna Sisters on the C64
- Comment on Alright, where do I begin? 1 year ago:
There is a much better novel adaptation/interpretation of the last episode of Enterprise named “The Good That Men Do”. I can only recommend reading that instead of watching the episode.
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
Get I teleported into the game as the hero? Then I have to mine for a while, find a strange artefact, have a seizure and then fly off into space with a helpful robot… were I will most likely die due to space pirates a I have no idea how to pilot a spaceship for real.
- Comment on If Jesus is the son of God and Satan is the oposite of God, a literal antichrist would be Satan's father, which would God since God gave life to Satan 1 year ago:
In German he is written with a z, “Luzifer”, and my tired German brain just took that instead of the correct English writing. Sorry for that! 🫣
- Comment on If Jesus is the son of God and Satan is the oposite of God, a literal antichrist would be Satan's father, which would God since God gave life to Satan 1 year ago:
Satan/Luzifer is not the opposite of God but a opposing force to the creation and will of God. Luzifer is kind of the oldest teenager with a bad case of “I hate my creator” temper tantrum ever.
In that way Luzifer itself is already the antichrist, he is just missing a corporal manifestation on earth.
Well and Luzifer is, a lot like the named angels, Jesus and all the saints, a great loophole for monotheistic Christian religion around the first commandment.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023 1 year ago:
I recently played Phantasy Star on the Master System (the original from 1987) and I really loved the game in general, story was fun and the characters (as little as you see from them) were cool. But I have two issues with the game
- The huge, multi level first person dungeons without a map and without any landmarks to navigate by.
- Hardly any information on what to do next or where to go, just walking over the map until you find, by chance, the correct place or NPC to get further.
Both points made me drop the game about 2/3th in. I don’t have the time for that kind of gameplay, I am not 12 anymore.