- Comment on Couscous is the glitter of foods. 4 months ago:
Quinoa and then each individual escaped piece sticks to everything like glue.
- Comment on Coming on Lemmy and complaining because there are too many Linux users is like going in to a brothel and complaining that there are too many hookers 4 months ago:
Not who you were talking to but most people who have a PC at home aren’t installing an OS on it. They’re using windows cause that’s what came out of the box. Most of us windows users wouldn’t go out of our way to install windows if Linux came preprogrammed. It’s more convenient to not install any damn thing.
- Comment on Laptop is depolymerizing -- how can I remedy this? 4 months ago:
We used goo gone in a facility I once worked in where we had to remove stickers from plastic totes. Nothing got rid of the adhesives as quickly or easily. Theres like half a dozen different solvents in goo gone, I definoverprnot just brand name acetone.
- Comment on Meanwhile, in Springfield Ohio 5 months ago:
That’s not even a swastika it’s a 45. It just really feels like it’s a swastika when you see the fanta fascist.
- Comment on What is going to happen when AI becomes extremely advanced? 6 months ago:
So similar stuff has happened throughout history with the coming of more advanced technology. There use to be entire rooms of secretaries in order to do clerical work that has been replaced by Microsoft Office Suite. Their replacement by technology did not cause a total collapse of society so I don’t see why this would?
It might make the world worse and drive down the standard of living for many but a total upheaval? If humans made it through the industrial age we’ll likely make it through the second technology age too. We won’t be unscathed but mankind survived the invention of the computer which was probably equally (or maybe more) disruptive.
- Comment on Elon Musk has another secret child with exec at his brain implant company 8 months ago:
You don’t get spousal support because someone was a sperms donor to you or had a short term affair with you. That’s not how spousal support works.
- Comment on Parfait au pork 9 months ago:
I’ve had one that used baked beans in place of the pork. It was delicious. From the examples I’ve seen the cup started from food trucks where it was more convenient to had out a cup than a plate. Now restaurants are picking up the cup thing cause it’s a “trend”.
- Comment on First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says 9 months ago:
Not the person you were responding too but I’d love to learn more about these toys/tech. Are there some key words that would help me search? I’m having some trouble sifting through the search results.
- Comment on Catholic 'media ministry' defrocks AWOL AI priest after it told faithful you can baptise babies in Gatorade and that, sure, it can totally perform your wedding 10 months ago:
I think you missed his point.
- Comment on can't stop won't stop 10 months ago:
Didnt Ben Franklin have a basement filled with bones because of a dissection school he ran? I don’t know that it would have helped his performance in bed but the man definitely had some anatomy lessons along the way.
- Comment on histories mysteries 10 months ago:
These devices are rather small and most amphora seem to be much larger. The shape of amphora helped with shipping, so they were typucally larger than a device that can fit in your hand.
- Comment on There it is 10 months ago:
It looks like he has chrome pinned to his task bar in the bottom left.
- Comment on RAW DATA 11 months ago:
Cellulose powder is wood pulp. It doesn’t really have nutritional value and is often used in the production of certain medicine types as well, but it is definitely wood.
- Comment on RAW DATA 11 months ago:
Cellulose Powder
I’m serious read the ingredients for kraft parmesan cheese
- Comment on Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent 11 months ago:
By Lemmy standards I’m perversely unconcerned with my privacy. But I just updated all my glassdoor info to wildly incorrect stuff (name, location, industry, job title, etc) then deleted it. Even for me this is a bridge too far.
- Comment on Pre-IPO Reddit lets ads be dressed up as promoted user posts 11 months ago:
What are the chances the upvotes are fake though?
- Comment on Ides of March 11 months ago:
What the hell does he consider them then? Bards? They’re politicians at least one of them had to be a rogue.
- Comment on thank you nurse meowsalot 11 months ago:
Cubic centimeter it’s a measurement used for medications
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
Many US based companies also do pre-employment background checks. So either OP works for a company that doesn’t or they work for a “second chance” company that is OK with violent backgrounds. Either way the company is fine with his background and is very unlikely to fire him for something they likely knew about at hire.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
You mean “at-will” states and that functionally means any state but Montana.
- Comment on CEOs say generative AI will result in job cuts in 2024 1 year ago:
Some of the autoststems are dead ends too that hang up on you. When i run into those I’ve started just telling them I have a billing issue or that I need to purchase some additional product from them. The phone system will push you to a person really fast if they believe you’re buying something. Then the sales person can transfer you to the department you want to talk to rather than trying to navigate the maze of dead ends in some systems.
- Comment on What is wage theft exactly? 1 year ago:
That’s the most common way I’ve heard it used in business settings. So it’s very audience dependant.
- Comment on Senior AWS dev claims Amazon is quietly trying to encourage employees to quit in a push to covertly cut numbers 1 year ago:
I knew a guy who worked in wallpaper, he insisted that sales would stay up after 2020 because this was the “new normal”…would not listen to anyone who asked him what would happen when the post-pandemic housing market slowed and the government stimulus checks dried up…he couldn’t even conceive of a market turn, this guy was teaching night classes to college students…
- Comment on Way to stop drinking 1 year ago:
Did you do this OP? Cause I’ve seen something similar as a joke Christmas gift. It doesn’t seem like a great way to stop someone drinking but it is might be a funny gift. Especially to someone who isn’t very handy and won’t be able to get through the casing.
- Comment on Go on, just one more crevice. 1 year ago:
Is this the sign from vortex springs? The cave that Ben McDaniels may or may not still be in?
- Comment on (Bad) dog owners be like 1 year ago:
I hate when people let their off leash dogs run up to my leashed dogs (we only walk in leash required areas). They always yell “they’re friendly” And I have to yell back “mine arent”. A suprising number of people still just mosey over slowly half-heartedly calling their dog while lm actively backing up and restraining my growling dog. One of my dogs is a rescue and she will fight anything if it charges her, a dog, a bike, a horse - she does not care.
Some people should not be allowed to have a dog.
- Comment on The fact that there's a lady out there named Stephanie who insisted the whole world call her Lady Gaga and we're all just like, "okay." 1 year ago:
Vin Diesels real name is Mark Sinclair and weve all accepted that too. Marilyn Manson’s name is Brian Warner and Alice Cooper was born Vincent Furnier. Stage names are pretty common with performers
- Comment on It males you wonder... 1 year ago:
So what should I do with my bodies then? I don’t want to just send more stuff to landfills
- Comment on Microsoft exec says OpenAI employees can join with same compensation 1 year ago:
I’m not arguing they are, but that they aren’t relevant at all in this case. They aren’t even designed to address this situation (binding or otherwise).
- Comment on Microsoft exec says OpenAI employees can join with same compensation 1 year ago:
Most non-poaching clauses in non-competes specify that the person signing it can’t recruit employees from their old work, usually for X number of years. Microsoft almost certainly didn’t sign any non-competes and unless Sam Altman is the one making this offer there aren’t any non-compete violations happening.